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English 11 senses of the word mouth:
NOUNbodymouth, oral cavity, oral fissure, rima oristhe opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
bodymouththe externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
objectmouthan opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge)
objectmouththe point where a stream issues into a larger / larger body of water
person moutha person conceived as a consumer of food
person mouth, mouthpiecea spokesperson (as a lawyer)
communicationmouth, sass, sassing, backtalk, back talk, lipan impudent / impudent or insolent rejoinder
artifactmouththe opening of a jar or bottle
VERBcommunicationmouth, talk, speak, utter, verbalize, verbaliseexpress in speech
communicationmoutharticulate silently
contactmouthtouch with the mouth
mouth pronunciation
Rhymescottonmouth ... south / South: 4 rhymes with awth...
Englishmouth: 11 senses noun 1, body
MeaningThe opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge.
Example"he stuffed his mouth with candy"
Synonymsoral cavity, oral fissure, rima oris
Part ofmouthThe externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
Partsbuccal cavityThe cavity between the jaws / jaws and the cheeks
dentition, teethThe kind and number and arrangement of teeth (collectively) in a person or animal
gingiva, gumThe tissue (covered by mucous membrane) of the jaws that surrounds the bases of the teeth
palate, roof of the mouthThe upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities
salivary glandAny of three pairs of glands in the mouth and digestive system that secrete saliva for digestion
tongue, lingua, glossa, clapperA mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity
Narrowertrap, cakehole, hole, maw, yap, gobinformal terms for the mouth
BroaderrimaA narrow elongated opening or fissure between two symmetrical parts
Spanishboca, cavidad oral, desembocadura, rima oris
Catalanboca, cavitat oral, desembocadura, rima oris
Adjectivesoralof or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth
Verbsmouthexpress in speech
moutharticulate silently
mouthtouch with the mouth
Englishmouth: 11 senses noun 2, body
MeaningThe externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening.
Example"she wiped lipstick from her mouth"
Part offace, human faceThe front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear
Partslingual artery, arteria lingualisAn artery originating from the external carotid artery and supplying the under side of the tongue
lingual vein, vena lingualisA vein that receives blood from the tongue and the floor of the mouth and empties into the internal jugular or the facial vein
lipEither of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speaking
mouth, oral cavity, oral fissure, rima orisThe opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
Narrowerbeak, bill, neb, nib, peckerhorny projecting mouth of a bird
beakbeaklike mouth of animals other than birds (e.g., turtles)
cytostomemouth of a protozoan
Broaderorifice, opening, portaAn aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity
Spanishboca, nariz
Verbsmouthexpress in speech
moutharticulate silently
mouthtouch with the mouth
Englishmouth: 11 senses noun 3, object
MeaningAn opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge).
  • "he rode into the mouth of the canyon"
  • "they built a fire at the mouth of the cave"
Broaderopening, gapAn open or empty space in or between things
Englishmouth: 11 senses noun 4, object
MeaningThe point where a stream issues into a larger / larger body of water.
Example"New York is at the mouth of the Hudson"
Broadergeological formation, formation(geology) the geological features of the earth
Catalanboca, desembocadura, embocadura
Englishmouth: 11 senses noun 5, person
MeaningA person conceived as a consumer of food.
Example"he has four mouths to feed"
Broadereater, feedersomeone who consumes food for nourishment
Englishmouth: 11 senses noun 6, person
MeaningA spokesperson (as a lawyer).
Broaderspokesperson, interpreter, representative, voiceAn advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose
Usage ofcolloquialismA colloquial expression
Spanishportavoz, representante
Verbsmouthexpress in speech
Englishmouth: 11 senses noun 7, communication
MeaningAn impudent / impudent or insolent rejoinder.
Synonymssass, sassing, backtalk, back talk, lip
Broaderrejoinder, retort, return, riposte, replication, comeback, counterA quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one)
Spanishdescoco, impertinencia, insolencia
Catalanimpertinència, insolenència
Verbsmouthexpress in speech
moutharticulate silently
Englishmouth: 11 senses noun 8, artifact
MeaningThe opening of a jar or bottle.
Example"the jar had a wide mouth"
Part ofbottleA glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids
jarA vessel (usually cylindrical) with a wide mouth and without handles
BroaderopeningA vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made
Englishmouth: 11 senses verb 1, communication
MeaningExpress in speech.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
Synonymstalk, speak, utter, verbalize, verbalise
Entailed bydeclaim, reciterecite in elocution
pronounce, articulate, enounce, sound out, enunciate, sayspeak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
NarrowerbabbleUtter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way
barkspeak in an unfriendly tone
bayUtter in deep prolonged tones
beginBegin to speak or say
blubber, blubber outUtter while crying
blurt out, blurt, blunder out, blunder, ejaculateUtter impulsively
bumble, stutter, stammer, falterspeak haltingly
cackletalk / talk or utter in a cackling manner
chatter, piffle, palaver, prate, tittle-tattle, twaddle, clack, maunder, prattle, blab, gibber, tattle, blabber, gabblespeak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
chattermake noise as if chattering away
deliver, presentdeliver (a speech, oration, or idea)
drone, drone ontalk in a monotonous voice
enthuseUtter with enthusiasm
generalize, generalisespeak or write in generalities / generalities
gulpUtter or make a noise, as when swallowing too quickly
hiss, sizz, siss, sibilateExpress or utter with a hiss
lip off, shoot one's mouth offspeak spontaneously and without restraint
mumble, mutter, maunder, mussitatetalk indistinctly
murmurspeak softly or indistinctly
open uptalk / talk freely and without inhibition
peepspeak in a hesitant and high-pitched tone of voice
rant, mouth off, jabber, spout, rabbit on, ravetalk / talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
raspUtter in a grating voice
readlook at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed
shoututter in a loud voice
singproduce tones with the voice
slurUtter indistinctly
snap, snarlUtter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone
snivel, whinetalk / talk in a tearful manner
speak in tonguesspeak unintelligibly in or as if in religious ecstasy
speak upspeak louder
swallowUtter indistinctly
talk of, talk aboutdiscuss or mention
tone, chant, intoneUtter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically
tone, inflect, modulateVary the pitch of one's speech
trollspeak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice
verbalize, verbaliseBe verbose
vocalize, vocalise, phonateUtter speech sounds
whiffUtter with a puff of air
whisperspeak softly
yack, jaw, yack away, rattle on, yap awaytalk incessantly and tiresomely
Broadercommunicate, intercommunicatetransmit thoughts or feelings
See alsomouth offtalk / talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
Similar toverbalize, verbaliseBe verbose
Spanishconversar, decir, dialogar, hablar, proferir, pronunciar, verbalizar
Catalandialogar, dir, parlar, proferir, verbalitzar
Nounsmouththe externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
mouththe opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
mouthan impudent / impudent or insolent rejoinder
moutha spokesperson (as a lawyer)
Englishmouth: 11 senses verb 2, communication
Meaningarticulate silently; form words / words with the lips only.
PatternSomebody ----s
Example"She mouthed a swear word"
Narrowerlip-synch, lip-syncMove the lips in synchronization (with recorded speech or song)
Broaderfeign, sham, pretend, affect, dissemblemake believe with the intent to deceive / deceive
Nounsmouththe externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
mouththe opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
mouthan impudent / impudent or insolent rejoinder
Englishmouth: 11 senses verb 3, contact
Meaningtouch with the mouth.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
Broadertouchmake physical contact with, come in contact with
Spanishpasar la boca
Nounsmouththe externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
mouththe opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge

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