HyperDic: communicate

English > 7 senses of the word communicate:
VERBcommunicationcommunicate, pass on, pass, pass along, put acrosstransmit information
communicationcommunicate, intercommunicatetransmit thoughts or feelings
possessioncommunicate, convey, transmittransfer to another
contactcommunicatejoin or connect
communicationcommunicatebe in verbal / verbal contact
communicationcommunicateadminister Communion
communicationcommunicate, communereceive Communion, in the Catholic church
communicate > pronunciation
Rhymesabate ... welterweight: 559 rhymes with eyt...
English > communicate: 7 senses > verb 1, communication
Meaningtransmit information.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something to somebody
ModelThey communicate the information to them
Example"Please communicate this message to all employees"
Synonymspass on, pass, pass along, put across
Narroweracknowledge, receiptReport the receipt of
carryPass on a communication
get across, put overCommunicate successfully
messagesend as a message
messagesend a message to
plant, implantput firmly in the mind
relayPass along
render, deliver, returnPass down
request, ask for, bespeak, call for, questExpress the need or desire for
send a messageGive or constitute a signal, not necessarily verbally
telecommunicateCommunicate over long distances, as via the telephone or e-mail
Broaderconvey, transmit, communicatetransfer to another
Spanishcomunicar, informar, transmitir
Catalancomunicar, fer entendre
Adjectivescommunicative, communicatoryable or tending to communicate
communicativeof or relating to communication / communication
Nounscommunicationsomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
communication, communicatingthe activity of communicating
communicationa connection allowing access between persons or places
communicatora person who communicates with others
English > communicate: 7 senses > verb 2, communication
Meaningtransmit thoughts or feelings.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something to somebody
Example"He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"
Narroweraddress, turn tospeak to
aphorize, aphorisespeak or write in aphorisms
ask, inquire, enquireaddress a question to and expect an answer from
blogread, write, or edit a shared on-line journal
carry, convey, expressServe as a means for expressing something
come across, come overCommunicate the intended meaning / meaning or impression
communeCommunicate intimately with
fingerspell, finger-spellcommunicate by means of specific gestures, as an alternative to sign language
gesticulate, gesture, motionshow, express or direct through movement
getCommunicate with a place or person
give, throwconvey or communicate
give, payconvey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.
give, renderbestow
greetSend greetings to
grimace, make a face, pull a facecontort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state
inflict, bring down, visit, imposeimpose something unpleasant
informImpart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to
issuebring out an official document (such as a warrant / warrant)
joke, jesttell a joke
networkCommunicate with and within a group
nodlower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation
projectCommunicate vividly
radiotransmit messages via radio waves
reach, get through, get hold of, contactBe in or establish communication with
riddlespeak in riddles
semaphoreconvey by semaphore, of information
sign, signal, signalize, signaliseCommunicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs
signcommunicate in sign language
speak, talkUse language
talk, speak, utter, mouth, verbalize, verbaliseExpress in speech
talk, speakExchange thoughts
telepathize, telepathiseCommunicate nonverbally by telepathy
whistleUtter or express by whistling
writeCommunicate or express by writing
yak, gabTalk profusely
BroaderinteractAct together or towards others or with others
Spanishcomunicar, transmitir
Catalancomunicar-se, comunicar
Adjectivescommunicative, communicatoryable or tending to communicate
Nounscommunicationsomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
communication, communicatingthe activity of communicating
communicatora person who communicates with others
English > communicate: 7 senses > verb 3, possession
Meaningtransfer to another.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something to somebody
Example"communicate a disease"
Synonymsconvey, transmit
Narrowercommunicate, pass on, pass, pass along, put acrosstransmit information
BroadertransferMove from one place to another
Spanishcomunicar, contagiar, transmitir
Nounscommunicationsomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
English > communicate: 7 senses > verb 4, contact
Meaningjoin or connect.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"The rooms communicated"
BroaderintercommunicateBe interconnected, afford passage
Nounscommunicationa connection allowing access between persons or places
English > communicate: 7 senses > verb 5, communication
MeaningBe in verbal / verbal contact; interchange information or ideas.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
  • "He and his sons haven't communicated for years"
  • "Do you communicate well with your advisor?"
Narrowermessagesend a message
BroaderinteractAct together or towards others or with others
Adjectivescommunicative, communicatoryable or tending to communicate
Nounscommunicationsomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
communication, communicatingthe activity of communicating
communicatora person who communicates with others
English > communicate: 7 senses > verb 6, communication
MeaningAdminister Communion; in church.
PatternSomebody ----s
BroadercovenantEnter into a covenant or formal agreement
Oppositeexcommunicate, unchurch, curseexclude from a church or a religious community
Similar tocommune, communicateReceive Communion, in the Catholic church
Spanishadministrar la comunión, comulgar
Catalanadministrar la comunió, combregar
Nounscommunicationsomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
English > communicate: 7 senses > verb 7, communication
MeaningReceive Communion, in the Catholic church.
PatternSomebody ----s
BroadercovenantEnter into a covenant or formal agreement
Similar tocommunicateAdminister Communion
Spanishcomulgar, recibir la comunión
Catalancombregar, rebre la comunió
Nounscommunicationsomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups

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