HyperDic: comunicar

Español > 16 sentidos de la palabra comunicar:
VERBOcognitioncomunicar, asociar, conectar, entroncar, ligar, relacionar, unir, vincularmake a logical or causal connection
stativecomunicar, conectar, entroncar, unirbe or become joined or united or linked
possessioncomunicar, contagiar, transmitirtransfer to another
communicationcomunicar, advertir, anunciar, avisar, dar información, informarimpart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to
contactcomunicar, acoplar, asociar, atar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, unir, vincularconnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces
communicationcomunicar, transmitirtransmit thoughts or feelings
communicationcomunicar, articular, expresar, manifestar, proferir, verbalizararticulate
communicationcomunicar, expresar, transmitir, trasmitirmake known
communicationcomunicar, informar, transmitirtransmit information
communicationcomunicarbe in verbal / verbal contact
possessioncomunicar, dar, impartir, transmitir, trasmitirtransmit (knowledge or skills)
stativecomunicar, entroncarbe scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as in transportation
cognitioncomunicar, decir, informardiscern or comprehend
contactcomunicarjoin or connect
contactcomunicar, ponerconnect by telephone
communicationcomunicarcommunicate successfully
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 1, cognition
Sentidomake a logical or causal connection.
Sinónimosasociar, conectar, entroncar, ligar, relacionar, unir, vincular
EspecíficocorrelacionarBring into a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relation
identificarconceive of as united or associated
interrelacionarplace into a mutual relationship
pensarIntend to refer to
recordarExercise, or have the power of, memory
Generalcreer, discurrir, meditar, pensar, reflexionarUse or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
Contrariodesconectar, disociar, separarregard as unconnected
Inglésassociate, tie in, relate, link, colligate, link up, connect
Catalánassociar, comunicar, connectar, entroncar, relacionar, vincular
Adjetivoasociablecapable of being associated
asociativoCharacterized by or causing or resulting from the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination
conectorConnecting or tending to connect
Nombresasociación, conexiónThe process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination / imagination
asociaciónThe state of being connected together as in memory or imagination
co, conexión, interrelación, unión, vinculación, vínculoAn associative relation
conexión, vínculoThe state of being connected
conjunción, uniónThe state of being joined together
relación, vínculoAn abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 2, stative
SentidoBe or become joined or united or linked.
Sinónimosconectar, entroncar, unir
Específicoconectar, interconectarBe interwoven or interconnected
Inglésconnect, link, link up, join, unite
Cataláncomunicar, connectar, entroncar, unir
AdjetivoconectorConnecting or tending to connect
Nombresarticulación, juntura, uniónThe shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
conexión, confianza, enlace, uniónThe act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)
conexiónA mechanical system of rods or springs or pivots that transmits power or motion
conexión, vínculoThe state of being connected
unificación, uniónThe act of making or becoming a single unit
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 3, possession
Sentidotransfer to another.
Sinónimoscontagiar, transmitir
Específicocomunicar, informar, transmitirtransmit information
Generaltransbordar, transferir, transmitirMove from one place to another
Inglésconvey, transmit, communicate
Adjetivocomunicable, contagiosa, contagioso, trasmisible(of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection
familiar, genético, heredado, hereditario, inherente, transimisible, transmisibleOccurring among members of a family usually by heredity
NombrescomunicaciónSomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
contagio, infecciónAn incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted
vectorAny agent (person or animal or microorganism) that carries and transmits a disease
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 4, communication
SentidoImpart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to.
Sinónimosadvertir, anunciar, avisar, dar información, informar
Específicoactualizarbring up to date
acusar, delatar, denunciar, traicionargive away information about somebody
adiestrar, aleccionar, aprender, educar, enseñar, instruirImpart skills or knowledge to
advertir, alertar, avisar, notificar, prevenirnotify of danger / danger, potential harm, or risk
advertir, avisarnotify, usually in advance
advertir, anunciar, apercibir, avisar, informar, noticiar, notificar, participarInform (somebody) of something
anunciar, notificar, proclamarmake known
apuntar, demostrar, designar, enseñar, indicar, mostrar, presentar, probar, revelar, señalarIndicate a place, direction, person, or thing
apuntar, recordar, soplarassist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned
apuntar, demostrar, indicarTo state or express briefly
avisar, informar, instruirmake aware of
chivarinform or spy (for the police)
chivarse de, denunciar, informar, notificar, relatarmake known to the authorities
contar, explicar, narrar, recontar, relatarnarrate or give a detailed account of
cubrir, informarBe responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism
dar parte, denunciar, describir, informar, relatar, reportar, señalarTo give an account or representation of in words
decirLet something be known
declarar, demostrar, evidenciar, mostrar, presentar, prestar, probar, revelar, ser testigo, testificar, testimoniarProvide evidence for
desinformar, despistarGive false / false or misleading information to
explicarmake plain and comprehensible
familiarizarse, familiarizar, informarmake familiar or conversant with
informarCause someone to become aware of something
informar, introducir, presentarCause to come to know personally
informar, pasar informaciónact as an informer
informar, poner al corrienteinform
lamentar, sentirExpress with regret
minimizarrepresent as less significant or important
narrarProvide commentary for a film, for example
objetar, protestar, señalarPresent and urge reasons in opposition
ofrecertell voluntarily
Generalcomunicar, transmitirtransmit thoughts or feelings
Catalánavisar, comunicar, informar
Adjetivodivulgativo, informativoProviding or conveying information
informativo, instructivoServing to instruct or enlighten or inform
Nombresdata, dato, datosA collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
fuente, informador, informanteA person who supplies information
info, informaciónA message received and understood
informaciónknowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction
informaciónA speech act that conveys information
informante, testigosomeone who sees an event and reports what happened
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 5, contact
SentidoConnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces.
Sinónimosacoplar, asociar, atar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, unir, vincular
Específicoacoplar, juntar, reunir, unirCause to become joined / joined or linked
acoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, reunir, unirmake contact or come together
adjuntar, unirCause to be attached
comunicar, ponerConnect by telephone
conectarConnect or reduce the distance between
interconectarCause to be interconnected or interwoven
interdepender, mantenerse unidosBe connected
ligarUnite musical notes by a tie
solarConnect to a ground
Contrariodesconectar, desenchufarmake disconnected, disjoin or unfasten
Inglésconnect, link, tie, link up
Catalánacoblar, ajuntar, associar, comunicar, connectar, empatar, entroncar, lligar, reunir, unir
AdjetivoconectorConnecting or tending to connect
Nombresconector, conexión, plug-inAn instrumentality that connects
enlace, linkup, nexo, nudo, tie-in, vínculoA fastener that serves to join or connect
nexoThe means of connection between things linked in series
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
Sentidotransmit thoughts or feelings.
Específicoadvertir, anunciar, avisar, comunicar, dar información, informarImpart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to
asentir con la cabezalower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation
blogear, bloguearread, write, or edit a shared on-line journal
bromear, bufonearse, burlarsetell a joke
cargar, imponer, infligir, inflingirimpose something unpleasant
charlar, conversar, dialogar, hablarUse language
consultar, informarse, inquirir, interrogar, investigar, pedir, preguntar, solicitaraddress a question to and expect an answer from
contactarBe in or establish communication with
conversar, decir, dialogar, hablar, proferir, pronunciar, verbalizarExpress in speech
dar, prestarconvey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.
dar, donar, prestarbestow
dialogar, hablarExchange thoughts
dirigirsespeak to
echarconvey or communicate
escribir, redactarCommunicate or express by writing
expresar, transmitirServe as a means for expressing something
firmar, indicar, señalarCommunicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs
gesticularshow, express or direct through movement
llamar por radio, radiartransmit messages via radio waves
llegarCommunicate the intended meaning / meaning or impression
saludarSend greetings to
silbarUtter or express by whistling
Generalinteraccionar, interactuar, relacionarseAct together or towards others or with others
Ingléscommunicate, intercommunicate
Cataláncomunicar-se, comunicar
Adjetivocomunicativoable or tending to communicate
NombrescomunicaciónSomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
comunicaciónThe activity of communicating
comunicadora, comunicador, comunicanteA person who communicates with others
intercomunicaciónmutual communication
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 7, communication
Sentidoarticulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise.
Sinónimosarticular, expresar, manifestar, proferir, verbalizar
Específicoafirmar, contar, decir, declarar, manifestar, sentenciarExpress in words / words
aspirar, desearmake or express a wish / wish
blasfemar, imprecar, jurar, maldecir, renegarUtter obscenities or profanities
decir, declarar, sentenciarUtter aloud
exclamar, gritarUtter aloud
expresar, hacerse ecogive voice to
gritarUtter or proclaim insistently and noisily
maravillarse, sorprenderseExpress astonishment or surprise about something
representarServe as a means of expressing something
respirarUtter or tell
soltardeliver verbally
soltarUtter with seeming casualness
vociferarUtter in a very loud voice
Inglésexpress, verbalize, verbalise, utter, give tongue to
Catalándir verbalment, expressar, manifestar, proferir, verbalitzar
Adjetivodecible, declarable, descriptiblecapable of being uttered in words / words or sentences
expresablecapable of being expressed
expresiva, expresivoCharacterized by expression
Nombresdiscurso, emisión, enunciación, enunciado, expresión, vocalizaciónThe use of uttered sounds for auditory communication
expresiónThe communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 8, communication
Sentidomake known; pass on, of information.
Sinónimosexpresar, transmitir, trasmitir
Específicoagradecer, dar las gracias aExpress gratitude or show appreciation to
comportar, decir, querer decir, querer, significarmean or intend to express or convey
decirCommunicate or express nonverbally
evidenciar, expresar, manifestar, mostrar, presentar, revelarGive expression / expression to
evidenciarmanifest or evince
insinuar, sugerirDrop a hint
Generalcomunicar, dar, impartir, transmitir, trasmitirTransmit (knowledge or skills)
Cataláncomunicar, transmetre
NombresimparticiónThe transmission of information
portador, transportadorA person who conveys (carries / carries or transmits)
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 9, communication
Sentidotransmit information.
Sinónimosinformar, transmitir
Específicoacusar el recibo, acusar la recepciónReport the receipt of
comunicarCommunicate successfully
dictar, emitir, entregar, pronunciarPass down
difundir, divulgar, transmitir, trasmitirPass along
enviarsend as a message
enviar un mensajesend a message to
implantar, inculcar, plantarput firmly in the mind
llevarPass on a communication
pedir, rogar, solicitarExpress the need or desire for
telecomunicarCommunicate over long distances, as via the telephone or e-mail
Generalcomunicar, contagiar, transmitirtransfer to another
Tambiénacercar, alcanzar, ceder, dar, dispensar, entregar, pasar, propinar, traspasarplace into the hands or custody of
colocar, dejar, depositar, poner, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicarPut into a certain place or abstract location
Ingléscommunicate, pass on, pass, pass along, put across
Cataláncomunicar, fer entendre
Adjetivocomunicativoable or tending to communicate
comunicativoOf or relating to communication / communication
NombrescomunicaciónSomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
comunicaciónThe activity of communicating
comunicadora, comunicador, comunicanteA person who communicates with others
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 10, communication
SentidoBe in verbal / verbal contact; interchange information or ideas.
Específicoenviar un mensajesend a message
Generalinteraccionar, interactuar, relacionarseAct together or towards others or with others
Adjetivocomunicativoable or tending to communicate
NombrescomunicaciónSomething that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
comunicaciónThe activity of communicating
comunicadora, comunicador, comunicanteA person who communicates with others
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 11, possession
SentidoTransmit (knowledge or skills).
Sinónimosdar, impartir, transmitir, trasmitir
Específicocomunicar, expresar, transmitir, trasmitirmake known
GeneraldecirLet something be known
Tambiénacercar, alcanzar, ceder, dar, dispensar, entregar, pasar, propinar, traspasarplace into the hands or custody of
Similarabandonar, dar, dejar, entregar, heredar, legarLeave or give by will after one's death
darconvey or reveal information
Inglésimpart, leave, give, pass on
Cataláncomunicar, transmetre
NombresdivulgaciónThe imparting of news or promises etc.
imparticiónThe transmission of information
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 12, stative
SentidoBe scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as in transportation.
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Cataláncomunicar, entroncar
Nombresconexión, correspondencia, enlaceshifting from one form of transportation to another
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 13, cognition
Sentidodiscern or comprehend.
Sinónimosdecir, informar
Generaladivinar, atinar, conjeturar, inferir, suponerguess correctly
Cataláncomunicar, dir, informar
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 14, contact
Sentidojoin or connect.
Generalconectar, interconectarBe interconnected, afford passage
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 15, contact
SentidoConnect by telephone.
Generalacoplar, asociar, atar, comunicar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, unir, vincularConnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces
Tambiéncolocar, poner, situarCause to be in a certain state
Inglésput through
Español > comunicar: 16 sentidos > verbo 16, communication
SentidoCommunicate successfully.
Generalcomunicar, informar, transmitirtransmit information
Inglésget across, put over

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