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Español 12 sentidos de la palabra enviar:
VERBOmotionenviar, despachar, embarcar, expedir, mandar, transportartransport commercially
communicationenviar, echar, expedir, mandar, remitircause to be directed or transmitted to another place
motionenviar, despachar, echar, expedir, mandar, transmitircause to go somewhere
contactenviar, cursar, despachar, expedir, mandar, remitir, transmitirto cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place
contactenviarsend via the postal service
motionenviar, despachar, enviar fuera, remitirsend away towards a designated goal
possessionenviar, ingresar, institucionalizar, internarcause to be admitted
communicationenviar, correo electrónico, uncommunicate electronically on the computer
possessionenviar, remitirsend (money) in payment
communicationenviarsend as a message
contactenviarmail in
communicationenviar, despachar, expedir, llevarse, mandar, remitirtransfer
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 1, motion
Sentidotransport commercially.
Sinónimosdespachar, embarcar, expedir, mandar, transportar
Específicodespachar, enviar fuera, enviar, remitirSend away towards a designated goal
navegar, transportar en barcazatransport by barge on a body of water
reenviarSend or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiéndespachar, enviar fuera, enviar, remitirSend away towards a designated goal
reenviarSend or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit
Ingléstransport, send, ship
Catalánembarcar, enviar, expedir, trametre, transportar
Nombrescarga de pago, cargamento, carga, carguío, envío, flete, partida, remesaGoods carried by a large vehicle
despacho, envio, envío, expediciónThe act of sending off something
embarque, transporteThe commercial enterprise of moving goods and materials
exportador, fletadorsomeone who ships goods
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 2, communication
SentidoCause to be directed or transmitted to another place.
Sinónimosechar, expedir, mandar, remitir
Implicado porcorreo electrónico, enviar, unCommunicate electronically on the computer
EspecíficocertificarSend by registered mail
Generaltransbordar, transferir, transmitirMove from one place to another
Inglésmail, post, send
Catalánenviar, expedir, llançar, remetre, tirar, trametre
Nombrescorreo, furgón de correos, mailA conveyance that transports / transports the letters and packages that are conveyed by the postal system
correo, correo postal, servicio postalThe system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office
envíoThe act of causing something to go (especially messages)
estampilla, franqueo, porte, sello de correos, sello, timbreA small adhesive token stuck on a letter or package to indicate that that postal fees have been paid
remitente, transmisorsomeone who transmits a message
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 3, motion
SentidoCause to go somewhere.
Sinónimosdespachar, echar, expedir, mandar, transmitir
EspecíficoencaminarSend via a specific route
proyectarput or send forth
redireccionar, redirigirchannel into a new direction
referir, remitirSend or direct for treatment, information, or a decision
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiéndar aviso, dejar cesante, despachar, despedir, destituir, echar, exonerar, finiquitar, poderTerminate the employment of
echar, largarstop associating with
Ingléssend, direct
Catalándespatxar, enviar, expedir, llançar, remetre, trametre
NombresenvíoThe act of causing something to go (especially messages)
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 4, contact
SentidoTo cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place.
Sinónimoscursar, despachar, expedir, mandar, remitir, transmitir
EspecíficoenviarSend via the postal service
enviarmail in
enviar por correo, enviar por correspondenciatransmit by mail
Generalcanalizar, conducir, encauzar, transferir, transmitir, transportarSend from one person or place to another
Tambiénremitirrefer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision
Ingléssend, send out
Catalándespatxar, enviar, expedir, llançar, remetre, tirar, trametre
NombresenvíoThe act of causing something to go (especially messages)
remitente, transmisorsomeone who transmits a message
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 5, contact
SentidoSend via the postal service.
Generalcursar, despachar, enviar, expedir, mandar, remitir, transmitirTo cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place
Inglésmail, get off
Catalánenviar per correu electrònic, enviar
Nombrescorreo, furgón de correos, mailA conveyance that transports / transports the letters and packages that are conveyed by the postal system
correoThe bags of letters and packages that are transported / transported by the postal service
correo, correo postal, servicio postalThe system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 6, motion
SentidoSend away towards a designated goal.
Sinónimosdespachar, enviar fuera, remitir
Específicodespacharsend off unceremoniously
Generaldespachar, embarcar, enviar, expedir, mandar, transportartransport commercially
Tambiéndespachar, embarcar, enviar, expedir, mandar, transportartransport commercially
Inglésdispatch, despatch, send off
Catalándespatxar, enviar, remetre, trametre
Nombrescomunicado, despachoAn official report (usually sent in haste)
despachadoremployee of a transportation company who controls the departures of vehicles according to weather conditions and in the interest of efficient service
despacho, envio, envío, expediciónThe act of sending off something
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 7, possession
SentidoCause to be admitted; of persons to an institution.
Sinónimosingresar, institucionalizar, internar
EspecíficohospitalizarAdmit into a hospital / hospital
Generaltransbordar, transferir, transmitirMove from one place to another
Ingléscommit, institutionalize, institutionalise, send, charge
Catalánenviar, ingressar, institucionalitzar, internar
Nombrescreación, fundación, iniciación, inicio, instauración, institución, introducciónThe act of starting something for the first time
hospital psiquiátrico, manicomio, psiquiátrico, siquiátricoA hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person
reclusiónThe official act of consigning a person to confinement (as in a prison or mental hospital)
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 8, communication
SentidoCommunicate electronically on the computer.
Sinónimoscorreo electrónico, un
Categoríacomputación, informática, InformáticaThe branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures
Implicaechar, enviar, expedir, mandar, remitirCause to be directed or transmitted to another place
GeneraltelecomunicarCommunicate over long distances, as via the telephone or e-mail
Inglése-mail, email, netmail
Nombrescorreo electrónico, correo-e, correo, e-mail, email, emilio(computer science) a system of world-wide / world-wide electronic communication in which a computer user can compose a message at one terminal that can be regenerated at the recipient's terminal when the recipient logs in
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 9, possession
SentidoSend (money) in payment.
ImplicatransferirCause to change ownership
Generalabonar, cancelar, pagar, retribuirGive money, usually in exchange for goods or services
Catalánenviar, remetre, trametre
Nombresenvío, giro, remesa, remisiónA payment of money sent to a person in another place
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 10, communication
Sentidosend as a message.
Generalcomunicar, informar, transmitirtransmit information
Similarenviar un mensajesend a message to
enviar un mensajesend a message
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 11, contact
Sentidomail in; cause to be delivered.
Generalcursar, despachar, enviar, expedir, mandar, remitir, transmitirTo cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place
Ingléssend in
Españolenviar: 12 sentidos verbo 12, communication
Sinónimosdespachar, expedir, llevarse, mandar, remitir
Generaltransbordar, transferir, transmitirMove from one place to another
Ingléssend, get off, send off
Catalándespatxar, enviar, expedir, remetre, trametre
Nombresbon voyage, buen viajeAn organized expression of goodwill at the start of a trip or new venture
envíoThe act of causing something to go (especially messages)

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