Sentido | The branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures. |
Sinónimo | computación |
Categoría de | ASCII | (computer science) a code for information exchange between computers made by different companies |
CPU, procesador, UCP, unidad central de procesamiento, unidad central de proceso | (computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing |
EPROM | (computer science) a read-only memory chip that can be erased by ultraviolet light and programmed again with new data |
acceder | Obtain or retrieve from a storage device |
almacenamiento | (computer science) the process of storing information in a computer memory or on a magnetic ... / magnetic tape or disk |
analogía, simulación, simulación por ordenador | (computer science) the technique of representing the real world by a computer program |
archivo binario | (computer science) a computer file containing machine-readable information that must be read by an application |
archivo de disco | (computer science) a computer file stored on a magnetic disk and identified by a unique label |
archivo de entrada, fichero de entrada | (computer science) a computer file that contains data that serve as input to a device or program |
archivo de salida, fichero de salida | (computer science) a computer file that contains data that are the output of a device or program |
archivo de seguridad | (computer science) a computer file dedicated to storing and updating computer backups |
archivo de texto, documento de texto, documento, fichero de texto | (computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using seven-bit ASCII characters |
archivo de transacciones | (computer science) a computer file containing relatively transient data about a particular data processing task |
archivo informático | (computer science) a file maintained in computer-readable form |
archivo maestro | (computer science) a computer file that is used as the authority in a given job and that is relatively permanent |
argumento, parámetro | (computer science) a reference or value that is passed to a function, procedure, subroutine, command, or program |
arquitectura de ordenadores | (computer science) the structure and organization of a computer's ... / computer's hardware or system software |
autoedición | (computer science) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials |
backup, copia de seguridad, respaldo | (computer science) a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device |
base de datos electrónica | (computer science) a database that can be accessed by computers |
baudio, baud | (computer science) a data transmission rate (bits/second) for modems |
bbs, BBS | A computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest |
bps | (computer science) the rate at which data is transferred (as by a modem) |
búfer, buffer, memoria intermedia | (computer science) a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device |
caché, memoria caché | (computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated |
calculadora, calculador, computadora, computador, ordenador, procesador de datos, procesador | A machine for performing calculations automatically |
campo | (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information |
carpeta, directorio | (computer science) a listing of the files stored in memory (usually on a hard disk) |
circuito de ordenador | A circuit that is part of a computer |
cliente | (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network |
codificador, informático, ingeniero informático, programadora, programador | A person who designs and writes and tests computer programs |
comando, directiva, directriz, instrucción, orden | (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program |
compilador | (computer science) a program that decodes instructions written in a higher order language and produces an assembly language program |
computarizar, computerizar, informatizar | Control a function, process, or creation by a computer |
concatenar | Combine two strings to form a single one |
control | (computer science) the key on a computer keyboard that is used (in combination with some other key) to type control characters |
controlador | (computer science) a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device |
correo electrónico, correo-e, correo, e-mail, email, emilio | (computer science) a system of world-wide / world-wide electronic communication in which a computer user can compose a message at one terminal that can be regenerated at the recipient's terminal when the recipient logs in |
correo electrónico, enviar, un | Communicate electronically on the computer |
cortafuego, cortafuegos, firewall | (computing) a security system consisting of a combination of hardware and software that limits the exposure of a computer or computer network to attack from crackers |
crash | (computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative |
cuadro de diálogo | (computer science) a small temporary window in a graphical user interface that appears in order to request information from the user |
cursor, puntero | (computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display |
código informático, código | (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions |
desambiguador | (computer science) a natural language processing application that tries to determine the intended meaning / meaning of a word or phrase by examining the linguistic context in which it is used |
descriptor | A piece of stored information that is used to identify an item in an information storage and retrieval system |
direccionador, encaminador, enrutador, router, ruteador | (computer science) a device that forwards data packets between computer networks |
disco duro, disquetera, unidad de disco | computer hardware that holds and spins a magnetic or optical disk and reads and writes information on it |
disco magnético, disco | (computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored |
dispositivo periférico, periférico | (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer |
dongle, mochila | (computer science) an electronic device that must be attached to a computer in order for it to use protected software |
editor | (computer science) a program designed to perform such editorial functions as rearrangement or modification or deletion of data |
editor de textos | (computer science) an application that can be used to create and view and edit text files |
ejecución | (computer science) the process of carrying out an instruction by a computer |
emulación | (computer science) technique of one machine obtaining the same results as another |
emular | imitate the function of (another system) , as by modifying the hardware or the software |
error algorítmico | error resulting from the choice of the wrong algorithm or method for achieving the intended result |
error de disco | error resulting from malfunction of a magnetic disk |
error de hardware | error resulting from a malfunction of some physical component of the computer |
error de programación, error de software | error resulting from bad code in some program involved in producing the erroneous result |
error informático | (computer science) the occurrence of an incorrect result produced by a computer |
error sintáctico | An error of language resulting from code that does not conform to the syntax of the programming language |
escritorio, fondo de escritorio, fondo de pantalla | (computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear |
espacio de disco | (computer science) the space available on a magnetic disk |
firmware, microcódigo, microprograma | (computer science) coded instructions that are stored permanently in read-only memory |
fragmentación | (computer science) the condition of a file that is broken up and stored in many different locations on a magnetic disk |
googlear | Search the internet (for information) using the Google search engine |
hardware | (computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system |
head crash | (computer science) a crash of a read/write head in a hard disk drive (usually caused by contact of the head with the surface of the magnetic disk) |
icono, ícono | (computer science) a graphic symbol (usually a simple picture) that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface |
impresora | (computer science) an output device that prints the results of data processing |
inicialización | (computer science) the format of sectors on the surface of a hard disk drive so that the operating system can access them and setting a starting position |
interfaz de usuario, interfaz | (computer science) a program that controls a display for the user (usually on a computer monitor) and that allows the user to interact with the system |
interficie | (computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals) |
interoperabilidad | (computer science) the ability to exchange and use information (usually in a large heterogeneous network made up of several local area networks) |
interpretador, intérprete, programa intérprete | (computer science) a program that translates and executes source language statements / statements one line at a time |
introducir | Enter (data or a program) into a computer |
iteración | (computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated |
iteración | (computer science) executing the same set of instructions a given number of times or until a specified result is obtained |
iterar | Run or be performed again |
lenguaje de programación | (computer science) a language designed for programming computers |
lápiz óptico | (computer science) a pointer that when pointed at a computer display senses whether or not the spot is illuminated |
memoria de núcleos magnéticos, memoria de toros | (computer science) a computer memory consisting of an array of magnetic cores |
memoria de solo lectura, ROM | (computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed |
memoria virtual | (computer science) memory created by using the hard disk to simulate additional random-access memory |
menú del ordenador, menú | (computer science) a list of options available to a computer user |
nombre del archivo | (computer science) the name given to a computer file in order to distinguish it from other files |
núcleo magnético | (computer science) a tiny ferrite toroid formerly used in a random access memory to store one bit of data |
off-line, offline | not connected to a computer network |
on-line | Connected to a computer network or accessible by computer |
ontología | (computer science) a rigorous and exhaustive organization of some knowledge domain that is usually hierarchical and contains all the relevant entities and their relations |
operación | (computer science) data processing in which the result is completely specified by a rule (especially the processing that results from a single instruction) |
ordenador principal, servidor | (computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers / printers as shared resources to a computer network |
paquete, programa, software | (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory |
paquete | (computer science) a message or message fragment |
paralelo, simultáneo | Of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations |
partición de disco, partición | (computer science) the part of a hard disk that is dedicated to a particular operating system or application and accessed as a single unit |
pel, pixel, píxel | (computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot) |
pista | (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data |
posicionador | (computer science) the actuator that moves a read/write head to the proper data track |
primer plano | (computer science) a window for an active application |
procesamiento de datos | (computer science) a series of operations on data by a computer in order to retrieve or transform or classify information |
programa de servicio, utilidad | (computer science) a program designed for general support of the processes of a computer |
programa informático, programa | (computer science) a sequence / sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute |
programar | Write a computer program |
protocolo de comunicación, protocolo | (computer science) rules determining the format and transmission of data |
rasterizar | convert (an image) into pixels |
recuperación | (computer science) the operation of accessing information from the computer's memory |
red informática, red | (computer science) a network of computers |
registro | (computer science) memory device that is the part of computer memory that has a specific address and that is used to hold information of a specific kind |
servidor de archivos | (computer science) a digital computer that provides workstations on a network with controlled access to shared resources |
sistema de seguridad | (computing) a system that enforces boundaries between computer networks |
sistema operativo, SO | (computer science) software that controls the execution of computer programs and may provide various services |
sobrescribir | Write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data |
standard generalized markup language | (computer science) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents |
subdirectorio | (computer science) a directory that is listed in another directory |
tarea | (computer science) a program application that may consist of several steps but is a single logical unit |
teoría de la información | (computer science) a statistical theory dealing with the limits and efficiency of information processing |
tiempo de acceso | (computer science) the interval between the time data is requested by the system and the time the data is provided by the drive |
tiempo de ejecución | (computer science) the length of time it takes to execute a software program |
unidad | (computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium |
vaciado de memoria | (computer science) a copy of the contents of a computer storage device |
ventana | (computer science) a rectangular part of a computer screen that contains a display different from the rest of the screen |
vídeo | (computer science) the appearance of text and graphics on a video display |
Categoría | calculadora, calculador, computadora, computador, ordenador, procesador de datos, procesador | A machine for performing calculations automatically |
Part de | computación, informática, IP | The sciences concerned with gathering, manipulating, storing, retrieving, and classifying recorded information |
Específico | IA, inteligencia artificial | The branch of computer science that deal with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively |
General | ciencia aplicada, ciencias aplicadas, ingeniería, tecnología | The discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems |
Inglés | computer science, computing |
Catalán | informàtica |