Sentido | (computer science) a language designed for programming computers. |
Categoría | computación, informática, Informática | The branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures |
Específico | Basic | A popular programming language that is relatively easy to learn |
Cobol | Common business-oriented language |
Lisp | A flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists |
Pascal | A programing language designed to teach programming through a top-down modular approach |
c, C | A general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system |
ensamblaje, lenguaje ensamblador | A low-level programing language |
lenguaje algorítmico | An artificial language designed to express algorithms |
lenguaje estratificado | A language that cannot be used as its own metalanguage |
lenguaje multidimensional | A programming language whose expressions are assembled in more than one dimension |
lenguaje máquina | A programming language designed for use on a specific class of computers |
lenguaje no estratificado | A programming language that (like natural language) can be used as its own metalanguage |
lenguaje objeto | A computer language into which something written in another computer language is to be translated |
lenguaje unidimensional | A programming language whose expressions are represented by strings of characters |
prolog, Prólog | A computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing |
General | lenguaje artificial | A language that is deliberately created for a specific purpose |
Inglés | programming language, programing language |
Catalán | llenguatge de programació |