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English 15 senses of the word attack:
NOUNactattack, onslaught, onset, onrush(military) an offensive against an enemy / enemy (using weapons)
actattackan offensive move in a sport or game / game / game
communicationattack, fire, flak, flack, blastintense adverse criticism
actattack, approach, plan of attackideas / ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation
actattack, attemptthe act of attacking
actattack, tone-beginninga decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
stateattacka sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition
processattackthe onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent)
actattackstrong criticism
VERBcompetitionattack, assaillaunch an attack or assault on
communicationattack, round, assail, lash out, snipe, assaultattack in speech or writing
competitionattack, aggresstake the initiative and go on the offensive
competitionattack, assail, assault, set onattack someone physically or emotionally
changeattackset to work upon
bodyattackbegin to injure / injure
attack pronunciation
Rhymesaback ... zodiac: 126 rhymes with aek...
Englishattack: 15 senses noun 1, act
Meaning(military) an offensive against an enemy / enemy (using weapons).
Example"the attack began at dawn"
Synonymsonslaught, onset, onrush
Categorymilitary, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machineThe military forces of a nation
PartsassaultClose fighting during the culmination of a military attack
Narrowerbanzai attack, banzai chargeA mass attack of troops without concern for casualties
blitz, blitzkriegA swift and violent military offensive with intensive aerial bombardment
bombing, bombardmentAn attack by dropping bombs
chargeAn impetuous rush toward someone or something
counterattack, countermoveAn attack by a defending force against an attacking enemy force in order to regain lost ground or cut off enemy advance units etc.
diversion, diversionary attackAn attack calculated to draw enemy / enemy defense away from the point of the principal attack
fire, firingThe act of firing / firing / firing weapons or artillery at an enemy / enemy
ground attackAn attack by ground troops / troops
penetration, incursionAn attack that penetrates into enemy territory
strafeAn attack of machine-gun fire or cannon fire from a low flying airplane
strikeAn attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective
surprise attack, coup de mainAn attack without warning
Broaderoperation, military operationActivity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign)
Spanisharremetida, asalto, ataque
Catalanassalt, atac, envestida, escomesa
Verbsattacklaunch an attack or assault on
attacktake the initiative and go on the offensive
Englishattack: 15 senses noun 2, act
MeaningAn offensive move in a sport or game / game / game.
Example"they won the game with a 10-hit attack in the 9th inning"
Narrowercounterattack, counterplay(chess) an attack that is intended to counter the opponent's advantage in another part of the board
Broaderturn, play(game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession / succession
Englishattack: 15 senses noun 3, communication
MeaningIntense adverse criticism.
Example "the government has come under attack"
Synonymsfire, flak, flack, blast
Broadercriticism, unfavorable judgmentdisapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings
Spanishataque, explosión
Verbsattackattack in speech or writing
Englishattack: 15 senses noun 4, act
Meaningideas / ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation.
  • "an attack on inflation"
  • "his plan of attack was misguided"
Synonymsapproach, plan of attack
NarroweravenueA line of approach
Broaderconceptualization, conceptualisation, formulationinventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally
Spanishaproximación, ataque, planteamiento
Englishattack: 15 senses noun 5, act
MeaningThe act of attacking.
Example"attacks on women increased last year"
NarrowerassaultA threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped
Broadercrime, criminal offense, criminal offence, law-breaking(criminal law) an act punishable by law
Spanishasalto, ataque, atentado
Catalanassalt, atac, atemptat
Verbsattackattack someone physically or emotionally
Englishattack: 15 senses noun 6, act
MeaningA decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase.
Broaderbeginning, start, commencementThe act of starting something
Englishattack: 15 senses noun 7, state
MeaningA sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition.
Example"an attack of diarrhea"
Narroweranxiety attackA sudden acute episode of intense anxiety and feelings of panic
flareA sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms
heart attackA sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
hystericsAn attack of hysteria
occlusionclosure or blockage (as of a blood vessel)
paroxysm, fit, convulsionA sudden uncontrollable attack
seizure, ictus, raptusA sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease
stroke, apoplexy, cerebrovascular accident, CVAA sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain
touch, spotA slight attack of illness
BroaderafflictionA cause of great suffering and distress
Spanishacceso, ataque, crisis
Catalanaccés, atac, crisi
Englishattack: 15 senses noun 8, process
MeaningThe onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent).
  • "the film was sensitive to attack by acids"
  • "open to attack by the elements"
Broaderdegeneration, devolutionThe process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality
Verbsattackbegin to injure / injure
Englishattack: 15 senses noun 9, act
MeaningStrong criticism.
Example"he published an unexpected attack on my work"
Narroweraspersion, calumny, slander, defamation, denigrationAn abusive attack on a person's character or good name
Broadercriticism, unfavorable judgmentdisapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings
Englishattack: 15 senses verb 1, competition
Meaninglaunch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare / warfare with.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
Example"Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II"
Narrowerbesiege, beleaguer, surround, hem in, circumventSurround so as to force to give up
blitzattack suddenly and without warning
bombard, bombThrow bombs at or attack with bombs
cannonadeattack with cannons or artillery
counterattack, counterstrikemake a counterattack
gasattack with gas
invade, occupymarch aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation
pepper, peltattack and bombard with or as if with missiles
raid, bustSearch without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on
storm, surpriseattack by storm
strafeattack with machine guns or cannon fire from a low-flying plane
strike, hitmake a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target
submarineattack by submarine
torpedoattack or hit with torpedoes
Broadercontend, fight, struggleBe engaged in a fight
OppositedefendBe on the defensive
Similar toattack, aggressTake the initiative and go on the offensive
Spanishagredir, asaltar, atacar
Catalanagredir, assaltar, atacar
Nounsattack(military) an offensive against an enemy / enemy (using weapons)
attackersomeone who attacks
Englishattack: 15 senses verb 2, communication
Meaningattack in speech or writing.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Example"The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
Synonymsround, assail, lash out, snipe, assault
Narrowerabuse, clapperclaw, blackguard, shoutUse foul or abusive language towards
blister, scald, whipsubject to harsh criticism
bombard, barrageAddress with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage
clawattack as if with claws
ripcriticize or abuse strongly and violently
rubbishattack strongly
vitriolsubject to bitter verbal abuse
whangattack forcefully
Broaderknock, criticize, criticise, pick apartfind fault with
Spanishagredir, atacar
Catalanagredir, atacar
Nounsattackintense adverse criticism
attackersomeone who attacks
Englishattack: 15 senses verb 3, competition
MeaningTake the initiative and go on the offensive.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
  • "The Serbs attacked the village at night"
  • "The visiting team started to attack"
Narrowercheckplace into check
forkplace under attack with one's own pieces, of two enemy pieces
harassExhaust by attacking repeatedly
pinimmobilize a piece
tackleseize and throw down an opponent player, who usually carries the ball
Broaderact, movePerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Similar toattack, assaillaunch an attack or assault on
Spanishagreder, arremeter, atacar
Nounsattack(military) an offensive against an enemy / enemy (using weapons)
attackersomeone who attacks
Englishattack: 15 senses verb 4, competition
Meaningattack someone physically or emotionally.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
Synonymsassail, assault, set on
Entailed byhold up, stick uprob at gunpoint or by means of some other threat
Narrowerbaitattack with dogs or set dogs upon
beset, set uponassail or attack on all sides
blindsideattack or hit on or from the side where the attacked person's view is obstructed
bulldogattack viciously and ferociously
desecrate, profane, outrage, violateviolate the sacred character of a place or language
jumpmake a sudden physical attack on
molestharass or assault sexually
rape, ravish, violate, assault, dishonor, dishonour, outrageForce (someone) to have sex against their will
reassailassail again
rushattack suddenly
savageattack brutally and fiercely
sic, seturge to attack someone
Spanishagredir, asaltar, atacar, violar
Catalanagredir, assaltar, atacar, violar
Nounsattackthe act of attacking
attackersomeone who attacks
Englishattack: 15 senses verb 5, change
Meaningset to work upon; turn one's energies vigorously to a task.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed"
Broaderget down, begin, get, start out, start, set about, set out, commenceTake the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action
Catalanatacar, escometre
Nounsattackersomeone who attacks
Englishattack: 15 senses verb 6, body
MeaningBegin to injure / injure.
PatternSomething ----s something
  • "The cancer cells are attacking his liver"
  • "Rust is attacking the metal"
Broaderaffectact physically on
Nounsattackthe onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent)
attackersomeone who attacks

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