HyperDic: game

English > 14 senses of the word game:
NOUNactgamea contest with rules to determine a winner
actgamea single play of a sport or other contest
actgamean amusement or pastime
animalgameanimal hunted for food or sport
timegame(tennis) a division of play during which one player serves
quantitygame(games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win / win
foodgamethe flesh of wild animals that is used for food
cognitiongame, plot, secret plana secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal)
artifactgamethe game equipment needed in order to play a particular game / game / game
actgame, bizyour occupation or line of work
actgamefrivolous or trifling behavior
ADJECTIVEallgame, crippled, halt, halting, lame, gimpydisabled in the feet or legs
allgame, gamy, gamey, gritty, mettlesome, spirited, spunkywilling to face danger
VERBcompetitiongame, bet on, back, gage, stake, puntplace a bet on
game > pronunciation
Rhymesacclaim ... tame: 34 rhymes with eym...
English > game: 14 senses > adjective 1
Meaningdisabled in the feet or legs.
Example "a game leg"
Synonymscrippled, halt, halting, lame, gimpy
Broaderunfitnot in good physical or mental condition
Spanishcojo, lisiado, rengo
Catalancoix, esguerrat
Nounsgamenessdisability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet
English > game: 14 senses > adjective 2
Meaningwilling to face danger.
Synonymsgamy, gamey, gritty, mettlesome, spirited, spunky
Broaderbrave, courageouspossessing or displaying courage
Spanishenérgico, vigoroso
Catalanenèrgic, vigorós
Adverbsgamelyin a plucky manner
English > game: 14 senses > noun 1, act
MeaningA contest with rules to determine a winner.
Example"you need four people to play this game"
Category ofcoursehunt with hounds
defendingattempting to or designed to prevent an opponent from winning or scoring
gameA single play of a sport or other contest
gameThe game equipment needed in order to play a particular game / game / game
game(games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win / win
hornA noisemaker (as at parties or games / games) that makes a loud noise when you blow / blow through it
move(game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game
penalty(games) a handicap or disadvantage that is imposed on a competitor (or a team) for an infraction of the rules of the game / game
play outPlay to a finish
played(of games / games / games) engaged in
playing period, period of play, play(in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds
replay, rematchSomething (especially a game) that is played again
run offdecide (a contest or competition) by a runoff
sideOne of two or more contesting groups
turn, play(game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession / succession
Narrowerathletic gameA game / game involving athletic activity
bowlingA game / game in which balls are rolled at an object or group of objects with the aim of knocking them over or moving them
card game, cardsA game / game played with playing cards
child's gameA game / game enjoyed / enjoyed by children
curlingA game / game played on ice in which heavy stones with handles are slid toward a target
game of chance, gambling gameA game / game that involves gambling
pall-mallA 17th century game / game
parlor game, parlour gameA game / game suitable for playing in a parlor
table gameA game / game that is played on a table
zero-sum gameA game in which the total of all the gains and losses is zero
BroaderactivityAny specific behavior
English > game: 14 senses > noun 2, act
MeaningA single play of a sport or other contest.
Example"the game lasted two hours"
CategorygameA contest with rules to determine a winner
Narroweraway game, road gameA game / game played away from home
cup tieAn eliminating game between teams in a cup competition
exhibition game, practice gameA game / game whose outcome is not recorded in the season's standing
home gameA game / game played at home
nightcapThe final game / game / game of a double header
playoff gameOne game in the series of games constituting a playoff
twin bill, doubleheader, double featureTwo games instead of one (especially in baseball when the same two teams play two games on the same day)
Broadercontest, competitionAn occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants
English > game: 14 senses > noun 3, act
MeaningAn amusement or pastime.
  • "they played word games"
  • "he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time"
  • "his life was all fun and games"
NarrowercatchA cooperative game in which a ball / ball is passed back and forth
computer game, video gameA game / game played against a computer
ducks and drakesA game / game in which a flat stone is bounced along the surface of calm water
guessing gameA game / game in which participants compete to identify some obscurely indicated thing
mind gameAny game / game designed to exercise the intellect
paper chase, hare and houndsAn outdoor game
party gameA game / game to amuse guests at a party
pinball, pinball gameA game played on a sloping board
prisoner's baseA children's game
ring-around-the-rosy, ring-around-a-rosy, ring-a-rosyA children's game in which the players dance around in a circle and at a given signal all squat
treasure huntA game / game in which players try to find hidden / hidden articles by using a series of clues
Broaderdiversion, recreationAn activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates / stimulates
English > game: 14 senses > noun 4, animal
Meaninganimal hunted for food or sport.
Narrowerbig gamelarge animals that are hunted for sport
game birdAny bird (as grouse or pheasant) that is hunted for sport
Broaderanimal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, faunaA living organism characterized by voluntary movement
Spanishcaza, presa
English > game: 14 senses > noun 5, time
Meaning(tennis) a division of play during which one player serves.
Categorytennis, lawn tennisA game played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court
Part ofsetA unit of play in tennis or squash
Broaderpart, section, divisionOne of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole
English > game: 14 senses > noun 6, quantity
Meaning(games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win / win.
  • "the game is 6 all"
  • "he is serving for the game"
CategorygameA contest with rules to determine a winner
BroaderscoreA number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game / game or contest
English > game: 14 senses > noun 7, food
MeaningThe flesh of wild animals that is used for food.
Narrowerbuffalomeat from an American bison
rabbit, hareflesh of any of various rabbits or hares (wild or domesticated) eaten as food
venisonmeat from a deer used as food
BroadermeatThe flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food
Adjectivesgamey, gamy(used of the smell of meat) smelling spoiled or tainted
English > game: 14 senses > noun 8, cognition
MeaningA secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal).
Example "I saw through his little game from the start"
Synonymsplot, secret plan
Narrowerconspiracy, cabalA plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
counterplot, counterplanA plot intended to subvert another plot
intrigue, machinationA crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends
Broaderscheme, strategyAn elaborate and systematic plan of action
Spanishcomplot, conjuración
Catalancomplot, conjuració, conjura
English > game: 14 senses > noun 9, artifact
MeaningThe game equipment needed in order to play a particular game / game / game.
Example"the child received several games for his birthday"
CategorygameA contest with rules to determine a winner
NarrowerpuzzleA game that tests your ingenuity
Broadergame equipmentequipment or apparatus used in playing a game / game / game
English > game: 14 senses > noun 10, act
MeaningYour occupation or line of work.
Example"he's in the plumbing game"
Broaderoccupation, business, job, line of work, lineThe principal activity in your life that you do to earn money
Usage ofcolloquialismA colloquial expression
English > game: 14 senses > noun 11, act
Meaningfrivolous or trifling behavior.
  • "for actors, memorizing lines is no game"
  • "for him, life is all fun and games"
Broaderplay, frolic, romp, gambol, capergay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement
English > game: 14 senses > verb 1, competition
Meaningplace a bet on.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s on something
Synonymsbet on, back, gage, stake, punt
Narroweranteplace one's stake
parlay, double upstake winnings from one bet on a subsequent wager
Broaderbet, wager, playstake on the outcome of an issue
Spanisharriesgar, aventurar, invertir
Nounsgamingthe act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize)

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