HyperDic: prize

English > 7 senses of the word prize:
NOUNpossessionprize, awardsomething given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery
possessionprize, loot, booty, pillage, plunder, swag, dirty moneygoods or money obtained illegally
artifactprize, trophysomething given as a token of victory
VERBpossessionprize, value, treasure, appreciatehold dear
contactprize, pry, prise, lever, jimmyto move or force, especially in an effort to get something open
cognitionprize, respect, esteem, value, priseregard highly
ADJECTIVEallprize, choice, prime, quality, selectof superior grade
prize > pronunciation
Rhymesactualize ... womanize: 266 rhymes with ayz...
English > prize: 7 senses > adjective 1
MeaningOf superior grade.
Example "prize carnations"
Synonymschoice, prime, quality, select
BroadersuperiorOf high or superior quality or performance
Spanishdistinguido, excelente, florido, selecto, superior
Catalandistingit, excel·lent, selecte, superior
English > prize: 7 senses > noun 1, possession
MeaningSomething given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery.
Example"the prize was a free trip to Europe"
Narrowerdoor prizeTickets are passed out at the entrance to a dance or party or other social function and a prize is awarded to the holder of the winning ticket
fellowshipmoney granted (by a university or foundation or other agency) for advanced study or research
gratuityAn award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation
jackpotAny outstanding award
premiumA prize, bonus, or award given as an inducement to purchase products, enter competitions initiated by business interests, etc.
prize moneyAny money given as a prize
scholarshipFinancial aid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit
BroadergiftSomething acquired without compensation
Spanishgalardón, prémio, premio
Catalanguardó, premi
English > prize: 7 senses > noun 2, possession
MeaningGoods or money obtained illegally.
Synonymsloot, booty, pillage, plunder, swag, dirty money
PartscutA share of the profits / profits
Broaderstolen propertyProperty that has been stolen
Spanishbotín, presa, sacomano, saqueo
Catalanbotí, presa, roberia, saqueig
English > prize: 7 senses > noun 3, artifact
MeaningSomething given as a token of victory.
Narrowerapple of discord(classical mythology) a golden apple thrown into a banquet of the gods by Eris (goddess of discord--who had not been invited / invited)
booby prizeA prize given to one who finishes last in a contest
bronze medalA trophy made of bronze (or having the appearance of bronze) that is usually awarded for winning third place in a competition
cup, loving cupA large metal vessel with two handles that is awarded as a trophy to the winner of a competition
gold medalA trophy made of gold (or having the appearance of gold) that is usually awarded for winning first place in a competition
silver medal, silverA trophy made of silver (or having the appearance of silver) that is usually awarded for winning second place in a competition
Broaderaward, accolade, honor, honour, laurelsA tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
Spanishpremio, trofeo
Catalanpremi, trofeu
English > prize: 7 senses > verb 1, possession
Meaninghold dear.
PatternSomebody ----s something
ModelSam and Sue prize the movie
Example"I prize these old photographs"
Synonymsvalue, treasure, appreciate
Narrowerdo justiceshow due and full appreciation
recognize, recogniseshow approval or appreciation of
Broadersee, consider, reckon, view, regarddeem to be
Spanishapreciar, atesorar, estimar, valorar, valorizar
Catalanapreciar, atresorar, avaluar, estimar, tresorejar, valorar
English > prize: 7 senses > verb 2, contact
MeaningTo move or force, especially in an effort to get something open.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something PP
Synonymspry, prise, lever, jimmy
Entailsloosen, loosemake loose or looser
Broaderopen, open upCause to open or to become open
English > prize: 7 senses > verb 3, cognition
MeaningRegard highly; think much of.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
ModelThe chefs prize the vegetables
Example "We prize his creativity"
Synonymsrespect, esteem, value, prise
Narroweradmire, look up toFeel admiration for
reverence, fear, revere, venerateRegard with feelings of respect and reverence
think the world ofesteem very highly
Broadersee, consider, reckon, view, regarddeem to be
Oppositedisrespect, disesteemHave little or no respect for
Spanishapreciar, estimar, reputar, respetar, valorar
Catalanapreciar, estimar, respectar, valorar

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