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English 22 senses of the word start:
VERBchangestart, get down, begin, get, start out, set about, set out, commencetake the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action
changestart, begin, lead off, commenceset in motion, cause to start
motionstart, depart, part, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take offleave
stativestart, beginhave a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense
creationstart, originate, initiatebring into being
creationstart, start up, embark on, commenceget off the ground
motionstart, startle, jumpmove or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm
motionstart, start upget going or set in motion
motionstart, go, get goingbegin or set in motion
socialstart, take upbegin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job
competitionstartplay in the starting lineup
stativestart, beginhave a beginning characterized in some specified way
socialstart, beginbegin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object
motionstart, protrude, pop, pop out, bulge, bulge out, bug out, come outbulge outward
NOUNeventstartthe beginning of anything
timestart, beginning, commencement, first, outset, get-go, kickoff, starting time, showtime, offsetthe time at which something is supposed to begin
actstart, startinga turn to be a starter (in a game / game / game at the beginning)
actstart, startle, jumpa sudden involuntary movement
actstart, beginning, commencementthe act of starting something
locationstart, starting line, scratch, scratch linea line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game / game / game
communicationstart, starting signala signal to begin (as in a race)
attributestart, head startthe advantage gained by beginning early (as in a race)
start pronunciation
Rhymesapart ... upstart: 37 rhymes with aart...
Englishstart: 22 senses noun 1, event
MeaningThe beginning of anything.
Example"it was off to a good start"
NarroweradrenarcheThe increase / increase / increase in activity of the adrenal glands just before puberty
alphaThe beginning of a series or sequence
dawn, morningThe earliest period
flying start, running startA quick and auspicious beginning
kickoff, send-off, start-offA start given to contestants
menarcheThe first occurrence of menstruation in a woman
onset, oncomingThe beginning or early stages / stages
openerThe first event in a series
opening, opening night, curtain raisingThe first performance (as of a theatrical production)
racing startThe start of a race
thelarcheThe start of breast development in a woman at the beginning of puberty
BroaderbeginningThe event consisting of the start of something
Spanishcomienzo, inicio
Catalancomençament, inici
Verbsstarttake the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action
startset in motion, cause to start
startbring into being
startget off the ground
startbegin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job
startbegin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object
starthave a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense
starthave a beginning characterized in some specified way
Englishstart: 22 senses noun 2, time
MeaningThe time at which something is supposed to begin.
Example"they got an early start"
Synonymsbeginning, commencement, first, outset, get-go, kickoff, starting time, showtime, offset
NarrowerbirthThe time when something begins (especially life)
incipiency, incipienceBeginning to exist or to be apparent
terminus a quo, starting pointEarliest limiting point
thresholdThe starting point for a new state or experience
Broaderpoint, point in timeAn instant of time
Oppositeend, endingThe point in time at which something ends
middleTime between the beginning and the end of a temporal period
Spanishcomienzo, inicio, principio, umbral
Catalancomençament, inici, primeria, primer, principi
Verbsstarttake the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action
startset in motion, cause to start
startbring into being
startget off the ground
startbegin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job
starthave a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense
Englishstart: 22 senses noun 3, act
MeaningA turn to be a starter (in a game / game / game at the beginning).
  • "he got his start because one of the regular pitchers was in the hospital"
  • "his starting meant that the coach thought he was one of their best linemen"
Broaderturn, play(game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession / succession
Catalancomençament, inici
Verbsstartplay in the starting lineup
Englishstart: 22 senses noun 4, act
MeaningA sudden involuntary movement.
Example"he awoke with a start"
Synonymsstartle, jump
Narrowerstartle reflex, Moro reflexA normal reflex of young infants
startle response, startle reactionA complicated involuntary reaction to a sudden unexpected stimulus (especially a loud noise)
wince, flinchA reflex response to sudden pain
Broaderreflex, reflex response, reflex action, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned reflex, physiological reactionAn automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus
Verbsstartmove or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm
Englishstart: 22 senses noun 5, act
MeaningThe act of starting something.
Synonymsbeginning, commencement
InstancesCreation(theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence
Narroweractivationmaking active and effective (as a bomb)
attack, tone-beginningA decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisationThe act of forming or establishing something
face-off(ice hockey) the method of starting play
first step, initiative, opening move, openingThe first of a series of actions
groundbreaking, groundbreaking ceremonyThe ceremonial breaking of the ground to formally begin a construction project
housing startThe act of starting to construct a house
icebreakerA beginning that relaxes a tense or formal atmosphere
inauguration, startupThe act of starting a new operation or practice
initiation, founding, foundation, institution, origination, creation, innovation, introduction, instaurationThe act of starting something for the first time
installation, installing, installment, instalmentThe act of installing something (as equipment)
introduction, debut, first appearance, launching, unveiling, entryThe act of beginning something new
jump ball(basketball) the way play begins or resumes when possession is disputed
kickoff(football) a kick from the center of the field to start a football game or to resume it after a score
resumption, recommencementBeginning again
scrum, scrummage(rugby) the method of beginning play in which the forwards of each team crouch side by side with locked arms
springboard, jumping-off point, point of departureA beginning from which an enterprise / enterprise is launched
startupThe act of setting in operation
Broaderchange of stateThe act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics / characteristics
Oppositefinish, finishingThe act of finishing
Spanishapertura, comienzo, incoación, iniciación, inicio, principio
Catalancomençament, iniciació, inici, primeria, principi
Verbsstarttake the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action
startset in motion, cause to start
startplay in the starting lineup
startbring into being
startget off the ground
startbegin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job
startbegin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object
starthave a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense
starthave a beginning characterized in some specified way
Englishstart: 22 senses noun 6, location
MeaningA line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game / game / game.
Synonymsstarting line, scratch, scratch line
BroaderlineIn games / games or sports
Spanishlínea de salida, salida
Catalanlínia de sortida, sortida
Englishstart: 22 senses noun 7, communication
MeaningA signal to begin (as in a race).
  • "the starting signal was a green light"
  • "the runners awaited the start"
Synonymstarting signal
Broadersignal, signaling, signAny nonverbal action or gesture that encodes a message
Catalantret de sortida
Englishstart: 22 senses noun 8, attribute
MeaningThe advantage gained by beginning early (as in a race).
Example"with an hour's start he will be hard to catch"
Synonymhead start
Broaderadvantage, vantageThe quality of having a superior or more favorable position
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 1, change
MeaningTake the first ... / first step or steps in carrying out an action.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE; Somebody ----s VERB-ing
ModelThey start moving; They start to move
Example "Who will start?"
Synonymsget down, begin, get, start out, set about, set out, commence
Narrowerattackset to work upon
auspicatecommence in a manner calculated to bring good luck
break instart in a certain activity, enterprise / enterprise, or role
come onOccur or become available
embark, enterSet out on (an enterprise or subject of study)
fallBegin vigorously
get cracking, bestir oneself, get going, get moving, get weaving, get started, get rollingstart to be active
get toarrive at the point of
jump offset off quickly, usually with success
plunge, launchBegin with vigor
recommenceBegin again
strike outSet out on a course of action
Oppositeend, terminateBring to an end or halt
Similar tobeginBegin to speak, understand, read, and write a language
Spanishcomenzar, empezar, estrenar, iniciar, originar, partir, principiar
Catalancomençar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar, originar, principiar
Nounsstartthe act of starting something
startthe beginning of anything
startthe time at which something is supposed to begin
starterany new participant in some activity
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 2, change
Meaningset in motion, cause to start.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"The U.S. started a war in the Middle East"
Synonymsbegin, lead off, commence
Cause tobegin, startHave a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense
Narrowerinaugurate, usher in, introduceBe a precursor of
jumpstart, jump-startstart or re-start vigorously
recommenceCause to start anew
set offset in motion or cause to begin
start, start up, embark on, commenceget off the ground
Oppositeend, terminateBring to an end or halt
Similar tobeginHave a beginning, of a temporal event
Spanisharrancar, comenzar, empezar, estrenar, iniciar, originar, partir, principiar
Catalancomençar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar, originar
Nounsstartthe act of starting something
startthe beginning of anything
startthe time at which something is supposed to begin
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 3, motion
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
ModelThese cars won't start
Synonymsdepart, part, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off
Narrowerblaze, blaze outMove rapidly and as if blazing
roar offLeave
sally forth, sally outSet out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner
take off, lift offdepart from the ground
Broaderleave, go forth, go awaygo away from a place
Spanishestrenar, iniciar, irse, originar, partir, separar
Catalananar-se'n, estrenar, iniciar, marxar, originar, partir, sortir
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 4, stative
MeaningHave a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense.
PatternSomething ----s; Something is ----ing PP; Something ----s something
Example "Prices for these homes start at $250,000"
Caused bybegin, lead off, start, commenceset in motion, cause to start
Narrowerbreak outBegin suddenly and sometimes violently
budstart to grow or develop
dawnAppear or develop
erupt, break outstart abruptly
originateBegin a trip at a certain point, as of a plane, train, bus, etc.
set in, kick inEnter a particular state
Oppositeend, stop, finish, terminate, ceaseHave an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense
Similar tobegin, startHave a beginning characterized in some specified way
beginHave a beginning, of a temporal event
Spanishcomenzar, empezar, estrenar, iniciar, partir, surgir
Catalancomençar, estrenar, iniciar
Nounsstartthe act of starting something
startthe beginning of anything
startthe time at which something is supposed to begin
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 5, creation
MeaningBring into being.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example "Start a foundation"
Synonymsoriginate, initiate
Narrowergo back, date back, date frombelong to an earlier time
lead up, initiateset in motion, start an event or prepare the way for
setapply or start
Broadermake, createmake or cause to be or to become
Spanishcomenzar, empezar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originar
Catalancomençar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originar
Nounsstartthe act of starting something
startthe beginning of anything
startthe time at which something is supposed to begin
starterany new participant in some activity
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 6, creation
Meaningget off the ground.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
  • "Who started this company?"
  • "I start my day with a good breakfast"
  • "The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack"
Synonymsstart up, embark on, commence
Narrowerinaugurate, kick offcommence officially
openBegin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals / recitals / recitals / recitals / recitals, etc.
Broaderbegin, lead off, start, commenceset in motion, cause to start
Spanishcomenzar, embarcarse en, empezar, iniciar
Catalancomençar, iniciar
Nounsstartthe act of starting something
startthe beginning of anything
startthe time at which something is supposed to begin
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 7, motion
MeaningMove or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s something
Example"She startled when I walked into the room"
Synonymsstartle, jump
Narrowerbogglestartle with amazement or fear
jackrabbitgo forward or start with a fast, sudden movement
rear backstart with anger or resentment or in protest
shystart suddenly, as from fright
BroadermoveMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Spanishbrincar, saltar, sobresaltar
Catalanbotar, fer un bot, saltar, sobresaltar, sobtar-se
Nounsstarta sudden involuntary movement
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 8, motion
Meaningget going or set in motion.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
  • "We simply could not start the engine"
  • "start up the computer"
Synonymstart up
Cause tostart, go, get goingBegin or set in motion
Narrowercrank, crank upstart by cranking
hot-wirestart (a car engine) without a key by bypassing the ignition interlock
jumpstart, jump-start, jumpstart (a car engine whose battery is dead) by connecting it to another car's battery
kick-startstart (a motorcycle) by means of a kick starter
restart, re-startstart an engine again, for example
OppositestopCause to stop
Spanisharrancar, comenzar, empezar, encender, estrenar, iniciar, originar, partir, poner en marcha
Catalanarrencar, engegar, estrenar, iniciar, originar, posar en marxa
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 9, motion
MeaningBegin or set in motion.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something
Example"I start at eight in the morning"
Synonymsgo, get going
Caused bystart, start upget going or set in motion
Narrowerget off the ground, take offget started or set in motion, used figuratively
go on, come up, come onstart running, functioning, or operating
Oppositestop, haltCome to a halt, stop moving
Spanishcomenzar, empezar, estrenar, iniciar, originar, partir
Catalancomençar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar-se, iniciar, originar
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 10, social
MeaningBegin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example "start a new job"
Synonymtake up
Narrowertake officeassume an office, duty, or title
Spanishcomenzar, empezar, estrenar, iniciarse, iniciar, originar, partir
Catalancomençar, donar començament, estrenar, iniciar-se, iniciar, originar
Nounsstartthe act of starting something
startthe beginning of anything
startthe time at which something is supposed to begin
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 11, competition
MeaningPlay in the starting lineup.
PatternSomebody ----s
Categorysport, athleticsAn active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
Broaderplayparticipate in games / games or sport
Nounsstartthe act of starting something
start, startinga turn to be a starter (in a game / game / game at the beginning)
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 12, stative
MeaningHave a beginning characterized in some specified way.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
Similar tobegin, startBegin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object
begin, startHave a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense
beginBe the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series
Nounsstartthe act of starting something
startthe beginning of anything
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 13, social
MeaningBegin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object.
PatternSomebody ----s something
  • "She started the soup while it was still hot"
  • "We started physics in 10th grade"
Broaderact, movePerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Similar tobegin, startHave a beginning characterized in some specified way
Spanishcomenzar, empezar, estrenar, iniciar, originar
Catalancomençar, estrenar, iniciar, originar
Nounsstartthe act of starting something
startthe beginning of anything
Englishstart: 22 senses verb 14, motion
Meaningbulge outward.
PatternSomething ----s
Synonymsprotrude, pop, pop out, bulge, bulge out, bug out, come out
Broaderchange shape, change form, deformassume a different shape or form
Spanishresaltar, salirse, saltar, sobresalir

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