HyperDic: establishment

English > 7 senses of the word establishment:
NOUNactestablishment, constitution, formation, organization, organisationthe act of forming or establishing something
groupestablishment, institutionan organization founded and united for a specific purpose
groupestablishment, administration, governance, governing body, brass, organization, organisationthe persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something
artifactestablishmenta public or private structure (business or governmental or educational) including buildings and equipment for business or residence
groupestablishmentany large organization
processestablishment, ecesis(ecology) the process by which a plant or animal becomes established in a new habitat
cognitionestablishment, validationthe cognitive process of establishing a valid proof
establishment > pronunciation
Soundsihstae'blihshmahnt; iystae'blihshmahnt
Rhymesabandonment ... wonderment: 671 rhymes with ahnt...
English > establishment: 7 senses > noun 1, act
MeaningThe act of forming or establishing something.
Example "it was the establishment of his reputation"
Synonymsconstitution, formation, organization, organisation
Narrowercollectivization, collectivisationThe organization of a nation or economy on the basis of collectivism
colonization, colonisation, settlementThe act of colonizing
communization, communisationThe organization of a nation of the basis of communism / communism
federationThe act of constituting a political unity out of a number of separate states or colonies or provinces so that each member retains the management of its internal affairs
unionization, unionisationAct of forming labor unions
Broaderbeginning, start, commencementThe act of starting something
Spanishconstitución, establecimiento, formación, fundación
Catalanconstitució, establiment, formació, fundació
Verbsestablishset up or lay the groundwork for
establishset up or found
English > establishment: 7 senses > noun 2, group
MeaningAn organization founded and united for a specific purpose.
Narroweracademy, honorary societyAn institution for the advancement of art or science or literature
charityAn institution set up to provide help to the needy
companyAn institution created to conduct business
educational institutionAn institution dedicated to education
financial institution, financial organization, financial organisationAn institution (public or private) that collects funds (from the public / public or other institutions) and invests them in financial assets
issuerAn institution that issues something (securities or publications or currency etc.)
medical institutionAn institution created for the practice of medicine
religion, faith, organized religionAn institution to express belief in a divine power
vicariate, vicarshipThe religious institution under the authority of a vicar / vicar / vicar
Broaderorganization, organisationA group of people who work together
Spanishinstitución, instituto
English > establishment: 7 senses > noun 3, group
MeaningThe persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something.
Example "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"
Synonymsadministration, governance, governing body, brass, organization, organisation
Membersadvisory board, planning boardA board appointed to advise the chief administrator / administrator
Part ofgovernment, authorities, regimeThe organization that is the governing authority of a political unit
Partshierarchy, power structure, pecking orderThe organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body
NarrowerCuria(Roman Catholic Church) the central administration governing the Roman Catholic Church
county councilThe elected governing body of a county
executivepersons who administer the law
government officials, officialdomPeople elected or appointed to administer a government
judiciary, benchpersons who administer justice
managementThose in charge of running a business
top brassThe most important persons in a governing body
BroaderbodyA group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity
Spanishadministración, administración pública, gerencia, gobernanza, organización
Catalanadministració, gerència, organització
English > establishment: 7 senses > noun 4, artifact
MeaningA public or private structure (business or governmental or educational) including buildings and equipment for business or residence.
Categorycommercial enterprise, business enterprise, businessThe activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects
NarroweracademyA learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge
institutionAn establishment consisting of a building or complex of buildings where an organization for the promotion of some cause is situated
perfumeryAn establishment where perfumes are made
phrontisteryAn establishment for study and learning (sometimes including modern universities)
place of business, business establishmentAn establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
poorhouseAn establishment maintained at public expense in order to provide housing for the poor and homeless
school systemestablishment including the plant and equipment for providing education from kindergarten through high school
universityestablishment where a seat of higher learning is housed, including administrative and living quarters as well as facilities for research and teaching
winery, wine makerdistillery where wine is made
Broaderstructure, constructionA thing constructed
English > establishment: 7 senses > noun 5, group
MeaningAny large organization.
Broaderorganization, organisationA group of people who work together
English > establishment: 7 senses > noun 6, process
Meaning(ecology) the process by which a plant or animal becomes established in a new habitat.
Categoryecology, bionomics, environmental scienceThe branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment / environment
Broadernatural process, natural action, action, activityA process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings)
English > establishment: 7 senses > noun 7, cognition
MeaningThe cognitive process of establishing a valid proof.
Broaderproof, cogent evidenceAny factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something
Verbsestablishestablish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment / experiment

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