HyperDic: partir

Català > 15 sentits de la paraula partir:
VERBsocialpartir, desdoblar, dividir, repartir, separarseparate into parts or portions
changepartir, partir-se, trencar-se, trencarbecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
contactpartir, escindir, esquinçar-se, esquinçar, estripar-se, estripar, trencar-seseparate or cause to separate abruptly
changepartir, rompre, trencardestroy the integrity of
motionpartir, anar, deixar, eixir, marxar, sortirgo away from a place
motionpartir, abandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, fugir, marxar, retirar-se, sortirmove out of or depart from
contactpartir, trencarremove by or as if by cutting
contactpartir, dividir-se, dividir, escindir, separar-se, separarcome apart
contactpartir, desdoblar, esquerdissar, esquinçar, fendir, fendre, tallarseparate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument
contactpartirbreak a piece from a whole
motionpartir, anar-se'n, estrenar, iniciar, marxar, originar, sortirleave
changepartir, fragmentar-se, fragmentar, partir-se, trencar-se, trencarbreak or cause to break into pieces
contactpartirdivide into parts, pieces, or sections
changepartir, esclafir, espetegar, petarbreak suddenly and abruptly, as under tension
changepartir, subdividirseparate or apportion into sections
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 1, social
Sentitseparate into parts or portions.
Sinònimsdesdoblar, dividir, repartir, separar
Específicasclar, esberlar-se, esberlar, estellardivide into slivers or splinters
balcanitzardivide a territory into small, hostile states
dividir en paràgrafsdivide into paragraphs, as of text
parcel·lardivide into parts
Generalcanviar físicamentchange in physical make-up
Contrariajuntar, cohesionar, reunir, unificar, uniract in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief
Anglèsdivide, split, split up, separate, dissever, carve up
Espanyoldesdoblar, desunir, dividir, escindir, fragmentar, partir, repartir, separar
Nomsdivisió, particióThe act or process of dividing
separadorA vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another)
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 2, change
SentitBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments.
Sinònimspartir-se, trencar-se, trencar
Específicdescosir-se, desdoblar, esberlar-se, esquerdar-se, explotar, rebentar-seCome open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure
esclafir, espetegar, partir, petarBreak suddenly and abruptly, as under tension
explotarbreak open or apart suddenly and forcefully
fragmentar-se, fragmentar, partir-se, partir, trencar-se, trencarbreak or cause to break into pieces
nolexCome unraveled or undone as if by snagging
Generalcanviar físicamentchange in physical make-up
TambécaurePass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind
descompondreseparate (substances) into constituent elements or parts
Similarpartir, rompre, trencarDestroy the integrity of
Anglèsbreak, separate, split up, fall apart, come apart
Espanyolpartirse, romperse
Adjectiustrencablecapable of being broken or damaged
Nomsfalla, fractura(geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other
fraccionament, ruptura, trencadura, trencament, trencThe act of breaking something
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 3, contact
Sentitseparate or cause to separate abruptly.
Sinònimsescindir, esquinçar-se, esquinçar, estripar-se, estripar, trencar-se
Específicesberlar, esqueixar, fendretear or be torn violently
estripar, tallar, triturartear into shreds
Generaldividir, separarForce, take, or pull apart
Tambéarrasar, desarticular, igualar, talartear down so as to make flat with the ground
estripar, tallar, triturartear into shreds
Anglèstear, rupture, snap, bust
Espanyolescindir, partir, quebrarse, rasgarse, rasgar
Nomsesquinç, estripThe act of tearing / tearing
esquinç, estripAn opening made forcibly as by pulling apart
rupturaThe act of making a sudden noisy break
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 4, change
SentitDestroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments.
Sinònimsrompre, trencar
EspecíficdestrossarCause to break into many pieces
forçarbreak so as to fall inward
fracturarbreak into pieces
rompre, trencarbreak into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
Generaldividir, separarmake a division or separation
Similarpartir-se, partir, trencar-se, trencarBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Espanyolfracturar, partir, quebrantar, quebrar, rajar, romper
Adjectiustrencablecapable of being broken or damaged
Nomsfraccionament, ruptura, trencadura, trencament, trencThe act of breaking something
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 5, motion
Sentitgo away from a place.
Sinònimsanar, deixar, eixir, marxar, sortir
Implicat perdeixar enreradepart / depart and not take along
emigrarLeave one's country of residence for a new one
Específicabandonar, desallotjar, evacuarleave behind empty
anar-se'n, estrenar, iniciar, marxar, originar, partir, sortirLeave
demorar-se, demorar, endarrerir-se, retardar, trigarLeave slowly and hesitantly
desertarLeave behind
escapar, escapolir-se, evadir, fugirflee
sortirLeave the house to go somewhere
Contrariarribar, venirreach a destination
Similarabandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, fugir, marxar, partir, retirar-se, sortirMove out of or depart from
abandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, marxar, retirar-seRemove oneself from an association with or participation in
Anglèsleave, go forth, go away
Espanyoldejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salir
Nomsadéu, comiatThe act of departing politely
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 6, motion
SentitMove out of or depart from.
Sinònimsabandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, fugir, marxar, retirar-se, sortir
Específicacudir, anarMove away from a place into another direction
enlairar-se, marxarLeave a vehicle, aircraft, etc.
expel·lir, expulsar, llançar, tirarLeave an aircraft rapidly, using an ejection seat or capsule
finalitzar una sessió, sortirExit a computer
Generalmoure's, moureMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
ContrarientrarTo come or go into
Similaranar, deixar, eixir, marxar, partir, sortirgo away from a place
Anglèsexit, go out, get out, leave
Espanyoldejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarse, salir
Nomsadéu, comiatThe act of departing politely
sortidaThe act of going out
sortidaAn opening that permits escape or release
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 7, contact
SentitRemove by or as if by cutting.
Implicat peratallar, desgastar, escurçar, fer drecera, truncarmake shorter / shorter as if by cutting off
Generalallunyar, apartar, desenganxar, deslligar, desunir, separarCome to be detached
Tambéestellar, picar, picolar, tallarcut with a hacking tool
Anglèscut off, chop off, lop off
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 8, contact
Sentitcome apart.
Sinònimsdividir-se, dividir, escindir, separar-se, separar
Causat perdividir, separarForce, take, or pull apart
Implicat perdesglossar, prorratejarGive out as one's portion or share
Específicallunyar, apartar, desenganxar, deslligar, desunir, separarCome to be detached
asclar, esquerdar, esquerdissar, estellar, picolarbreak off (a piece from a whole)
desmembrardivide into pieces
falsificar les eleccionsdivide unfairly and to one's advantage
partirdivide into parts, pieces, or sections
polaritzarBecome polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation
seccionar, segmentardivide into segments / segments
segregardivide from the main body or mass and collect
Generalalterar, canviar, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Anglèsseparate, divide, part
Espanyoldividirse, dividir, escindir, partir, separarse, separar
Nomsdespreniment, desunió, ruptura, separaciócoming apart
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 9, contact
Sentitseparate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument.
Sinònimsdesdoblar, esquerdissar, esquinçar, fendir, fendre, tallar
Anglèscleave, split, rive
Espanyoldesdoblar, hender, partir, rajar, rasgar, surcar
NomsclivellaA split or indentation in something (as the palate or chin)
esquinç, estripAn opening made forcibly as by pulling apart
esquinçada, estripadaThe act of rending or ripping or splitting something
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 10, contact
Sentitbreak a piece from a whole.
Generaldesenganxar, desvincular, separarCause to become detached or separated
Anglèsbreak, break off, snap off
Espanyolquebrar, romper
Adjectiustrencablecapable of being broken or damaged
Nomsfraccionament, ruptura, trencadura, trencament, trencThe act of breaking something
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 11, motion
Sinònimsanar-se'n, estrenar, iniciar, marxar, originar, sortir
Generalanar, deixar, eixir, marxar, partir, sortirgo away from a place
Tambéestar-se'n, prescindir deGive up what is not strictly needed
Anglèsdepart, part, start, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off
Espanyolestrenar, iniciar, irse, originar, partir, separar
Nomsadéu, comiatThe act of departing politely
decés, defunció, expiració, òbit, pas, trànsit, traspàseuphemistic expressions for death
enlairament, envolA departure
partença, partida, sortidaThe act of departing
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 12, change
Sentitbreak or cause to break into pieces.
Sinònimsfragmentar-se, fragmentar, partir-se, trencar-se, trencar
Específicaixafar, fer miques, triturarbreak into small pieces
asclar, esberlar-se, esberlar, estellarBreak up into splinters or slivers
atomitzarBreak up into small particles
capolar, moldre, molinar, picolar, triturarReduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading
esmicolarbreak into crumbs
esmicolar, trossejarbreak apart or in two, using violence
moldre, molinar, ratllarmake a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together
Generalpartir-se, partir, trencar-se, trencarBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Anglèsbreak up, fragment, fragmentize, fragmentise
Espanyolfragmentarse, fragmentar
Nomsatomització, fragmentacióseparating something into fine particles
fragmentA broken piece of a brittle / brittle artifact
fragmentA piece broken ... / broken off or cut ... / cut off of something else
fragmentació(computer science) the condition of a file that is broken up and stored in many different locations on a magnetic disk
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 13, contact
Sentitdivide into parts, pieces, or sections.
Generaldividir-se, dividir, escindir, partir, separar-se, separarcome apart
Anglèspartition, partition off
Espanyoldividir, particionar, partir
Nomsdivisió, fragmentació, partició, segmentació, subdivisióThe act of dividing or partitioning
separadorA vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another)
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 14, change
SentitBreak suddenly and abruptly, as under tension.
Sinònimsesclafir, espetegar, petar
Generalpartir-se, partir, trencar-se, trencarBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Anglèssnap, crack
Espanyolchasquear, estallar, partir
Català > partir: 15 sentits > verb 15, change
Sentitseparate or apportion into sections.
Específicdividirpartition by means of a divider, such as a screen
Generaldividir, separarmake a division or separation
Anglèspartition, zone
Nomsdivisió, fragmentació, partició, segmentació, subdivisióThe act of dividing or partitioning
separadorA vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another)
zonaAn area or region distinguished / distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic / characteristic

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