Español > escindir: 3 sentidos > verbo 1, socialSentido | separate into parts or portions. |
Sinónimos | desdoblar, desunir, dividir, fragmentar, partir, repartir, separar |
Específico | astillarse, astillar | divide into slivers or splinters |
dividir, parcelar, seccionar | divide into parts |
dividir en párrafos | divide into paragraphs, as of text |
regionalizar, seccionalizar | divide into sections, especially into geographic sections |
subdividir | divide into smaller and smaller pieces |
General | cambiar físicamente, cambiar integralmente | change in physical make-up |
También | cortar, trinchar | cut to pieces |
Contrario | cohesionar, concertarse, reunir, unificar | act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief |
Inglés | divide, split, split up, separate, dissever, carve up |
Catalán | desdoblar, dividir, partir, repartir, separar |
Adjetivo | divisible | capable of being or liable to be divided or separated |
Nombres | división, partición | The act or process of dividing |
divisor, partición, separador | A vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another) |
Español > escindir: 3 sentidos > verbo 2, contactSentido | separate or cause to separate abruptly. |
Sinónimos | partir, quebrarse, rasgarse, rasgar |
Específico | desgarrar | cut or tear irregularly |
desmenuzar, hacer trizas, trocear | tear into shreds |
rajar, rasgar | tear or be torn violently |
General | dividir, separar | Force, take, or pull apart |
También | arrasar, desarticular, desmantelar, igualar | tear down so as to make flat with the ground |
desmenuzar, hacer trizas, trocear | tear into shreds |
Inglés | tear, rupture, snap, bust |
Catalán | escindir, esquinçar-se, esquinçar, estripar-se, estripar, partir, trencar-se |
Nombres | desgarrón, rasgón | The act of tearing / tearing |
desgarrón, rasgadura, rasgón | An opening made forcibly as by pulling apart |
rotura, ruptura | The act of making a sudden noisy break |
rotura | state of being torn or burst open |
trizadura | A sudden breaking / breaking |
Español > escindir: 3 sentidos > verbo 3, contactSentido | come apart. |
Sinónimos | dividirse, dividir, partir, separarse, separar |
Causado por | dividir, separar | Force, take, or pull apart |
Implicado por | desglosar, prorratear | Give out as one's portion or share |
Específico | apartar, desatar, desfijar, desligar, despegar, desunir, separar | Come to be detached |
astillarse, astillar, picar, resquebrajar | break off (a piece from a whole) |
desarticular | Become separated, disconnected or disjoint |
desgajar, seccionar, segmentar | divide into segments / segments |
desmembrar | divide into pieces |
dividir, particionar, partir | divide into parts, pieces, or sections |
falsificar elecciones | divide unfairly and to one's advantage |
liberar hielo, romperse el hielo, romperse | Release ice |
polarizar | Become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation |
reducir por meiosis | Undergo meiosis |
segmentarse, segmentar | divide or split up |
segregar | divide from the main body or mass and collect |
General | alterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variar | Undergo a change |
Inglés | separate, divide, part |
Catalán | dividir-se, dividir, escindir, partir, separar-se, separar |
Adjetivo | divisible | capable of being or liable to be divided or separated |
partitivo | Indicating or characterized by or serving to create partition or division into parts |
separativo | Serving to separate or divide into parts |
Nombres | alejamiento, desapego, desprendimiento, desunión, separación | coming apart |