HyperDic: reunir

Español > 17 sentidos de la palabra reunir:
VERBOcontactreunir, acoplar, juntar, unircause to become joined / joined or linked
contactreunir, acoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, unirmake contact or come together
socialreunir, amontonarse, armar, citar, coincidir, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, reunirsecollect in one place
possessionreunir, acumular, amasar, amontonar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilarget or gather together
contactreunir, colectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, ordenar, recoger, recolectar, recopilarassemble or get together
socialreunir, cohesionar, concertarse, unificaract in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief
socialreunir, encontrarse, reunirseget together socially or for a specific purpose
socialreunir, agruparse, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, recoger, reunirseget people together
contactreunirseek out and bring together
communicationreunir, formarcall to duty, military service, jury duty, etc.
possessionreunir, acumular, juntar, recoger, recopilarcall for and obtain payment of
socialreunir, componer, confeccionar, crear, hacerform by assembling individuals or constituents
socialreunir, reasociarse, reencontrarse, reincorporarse, reunirsejoin again
contactreunir, aglomerar, amontonar, apelotonarput together indiscriminately
contactreunir, cotejarto assemble in proper sequence
contactreunir, avenir, concentrar, conseguir, juntar, unirgather or bring together
socialreunirhave a reunion
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 1, contact
SentidoCause to become joined / joined or linked.
Sinónimosacoplar, juntar, unir
Causa deacoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, reunir, unirmake contact or come together
Implicado porconectar, enchufarPlug into an outlet
Específicoacoplar, casar, emparejar, relacionarBring two objects, ideas, or people together
anquilosarproduce ankylosis by surgery
armar, concentrar, congregar, construir, ensamblar, juntar, montarCreate by putting components or members together
casarGive or join in marriage
cerrar con pestillo, machihembrarjoin by a tenon and mortise
conectarjoin by means of communication equipment
conectarjoin for the purpose of communication
coserPut together with a seam
endentarjoin pieces of wood with cogs
machimbrarjoin with a rabbet joint
rematarjoin with a rebate
sovietizarBring under Soviet control, of a country
Generalacoplar, asociar, atar, comunicar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, unir, vincularConnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces
Catalánacoblar, reunir, unir
Nombresadjunción, agregación, anexiónAn act of joining or adjoining things
conexión, confianza, enlace, uniónThe act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 2, contact
Sentidomake contact or come together.
Sinónimosacoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, unir
Causado poracoplar, juntar, reunir, unirCause to become joined / joined or linked
Implicado porbordar, confeccionar, coserFasten by sewing
Específicoadherirse, enganchar, pegar, sujetarseBecome attached
ajuntarTo join or unite the pieces of
anastomizarse, anastomizar, anastomosarseCome together or open into each other
aparearse, aparear, copular, emparejarseEngage in sexual intercourse
coserstitch or sew together
empalmarjoin the ends of
empalmarjoin together so as to form new genetic combinations
entretejer, tejerTie or link together
injertarCause to grow together parts from different plants
soldarjoin together by heating
soldarjoin or fuse with solder
Generalacoplar, asociar, atar, comunicar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, unir, vincularConnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces
ContrariodesarticularBecome separated, disconnected or disjoint
Inglésjoin, conjoin
Catalánacoblar, ajuntar, empalmar, empiular, reunir, unir
AdjetivoconjuntivoServing or tending to connect
Nombresconexión, confianza, enlace, uniónThe act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 3, social
SentidoCollect in one place.
Sinónimosamontonarse, armar, citar, coincidir, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, reunirse
Causado poragruparse, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, recoger, reunirse, reunirget people together
convocarCall a meeting
Implicado poraplazar, retirarse, retirar, suspender una sesión, suspenderbreak from a meeting or gathering
Específicoaglomerar, agruparse, agrupar, apiñarseCome together as in a cluster or flock
agruparse, agruparform a group or group together
agruparse, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, reunirse, se congreganCome together, usually for a purpose
apiñar, llenar, meterTo gather together in large numbers
confluir, juntarseMove or draw together at a certain location
convenir, convocar, reunirsemeet formally
Generalinteraccionar, interactuar, relacionarseAct together or towards others or with others
Similarconocer, converger, encontrarse, encontrar, reunirseCome together
Inglésmeet, gather, assemble, forgather, foregather
Catalánagrupar-se, amuntegar-se, armar, citar, coincidir, concentrar, congregar-se, congregar, juntar-se, reunir-se, reunir
Nombresacto carnal, acto sexual, coito, coitus, concúbito, copulación, cópula, encuentro, relaciones sexuales, relación, relación sexual, reuniónThe social act of assembling for some common purpose
asamblea, reuniónThe social act of assembling
colectividadA group of persons together in one place
encuentro, reuniónA small informal social gathering
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 4, possession
SentidoGet or gather together.
Sinónimosacumular, amasar, amontonar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilar
EspecíficoacorralarCollect or gather
aglomerar, amontonar, apelotonar, reunirPut together indiscriminately
amontonar, contraer, incurrirpile up (debts or scores)
arañarGather (money or other resources) together over time
capturartake in and retain
coleccionar, meter, recopilarGet or bring together
embalarmake into a bale
Generalacumular, almacenar, atesorarKeep or lay aside for future use
Inglésroll up, collect, accumulate, pile up, amass, compile, hoard
Catalánacumular, ajuntar, amuntegar, apilar, aplegar, arreplegar, col·leccionar, compilar, recollir, recopilar, reunir
Adjetivoacumulable, acumulativo, cumulativoincreasing by successive addition
acumulativomarked by acquiring or amassing
Nombresacopio, acumulación, colección, montaje, recolecciónThe act of gathering something together
acumulaciónThe act of accumulating
acumulación, colección, conjunto, cúmulo, grupo, hatajo, hatoSeveral things grouped together or considered as a whole
compilación, recopilaciónThe act of compiling (as into a single book / book or file or list)
compilación, recopilaciónSomething that is compiled (as into a single book or file)
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 5, contact
SentidoAssemble or get together.
Sinónimoscolectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, ordenar, recoger, recolectar, recopilar
Implicado porcotejar, reunirTo assemble in proper sequence
Específicoacumular, amontonarArrange into piles or stacks
agavillar, gavillar, impresionarCollect or gather into shocks
arrancar, coger, desplumar, escoger, pelar, repuntarlook for and gather
avenir, concentrar, conseguir, juntar, reunir, unirGather or bring together
buscar caracolesGather snails
buscar nidos, reunir nidosGather nests
buscar nuecesGather nuts
buscar ostrasGather oysters, dig oysters
convocar, emplazar, mobilizar, movilizarmake ready for action or use
cosechar, espigar, segarGather, as of natural products
hurgar, rebuscarCollect discarded or refused material
rastrillarGather with a rake
reunirseek out and bring together
TambiénrecogerTake and lift upward
Contrariodesplegar, dispensar, distribuir, extenderDistribute or disperse widely
Inglésgather, garner, collect, pull together
Catalánajuntar, aplegar, arreplegar, collir, congregar, recol·lectar, recollir, recopilar, reunir
Nombresacopio, acumulación, colección, montaje, recolecciónThe act of gathering something together
cogidaThe act of gathering something
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 6, social
Sentidoact in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief.
Sinónimoscohesionar, concertarse, unificar
Específicoaliarse, asociarseUnite formally
aparearse, aparear, emparejarse, emparejarform a pair or pairs
asociarseBring or come into association or action
casarse, casar, contraer nupcias, desposar, enlazarse, llevar al altar, matrimoniarse, unirse en matrimonioTake in marriage
confederarseform a group or unite
federarse, federarUnite on a federal basis or band together as a league
ligarUnite to form a league / league
reunificarunify again, as of a country
Generalincorporarse, ingresar, unirseBecome part of
Contrariodesdoblar, desunir, dividir, escindir, fragmentar, partir, repartir, separarseparate into parts or portions
Inglésunite, unify
Catalánajuntar, cohesionar, reunir, unificar, unir
Nombresunificación, uniónThe act of making or becoming a single unit
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 7, social
Sentidoget together socially or for a specific purpose.
Sinónimosencontrarse, reunirse
Específicoagasajar, celebrar, festejarHave a celebration
cumplimentar, hacer venir, visitarpay a brief visit
darse cita, encontrarse, juntarse, punto de encuentromeet at a rendezvous
reunirHave a reunion
Inglésmeet, get together
Catalánreunir-se, reunir, trobar-se
Nombresacto carnal, acto sexual, coito, coitus, concúbito, copulación, cópula, encuentro, relaciones sexuales, relación, relación sexual, reuniónThe social act of assembling for some common purpose
asistenteA person who is present and participates in a meeting
competición deportivaA meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held
encuentro, reuniónA small informal social gathering
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 8, social
Sentidoget people together.
Sinónimosagruparse, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, recoger, reunirse
Causa deamontonarse, armar, citar, coincidir, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, reunirse, reunirCollect in one place
Específicocomponer, confeccionar, crear, hacer, reunirform by assembling individuals or constituents
Inglésassemble, gather, get together
Catalánagrupar-se, ajuntar-se, ajuntar, amuntegar-se, amuntegar, concentrar, congregar-se, congregar, juntar-se, reunir-se, reunir
Nombresasamblea, reuniónThe social act of assembling
colectividadA group of persons together in one place
encuentro, reuniónA small informal social gathering
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 9, contact
Sentidoseek out and bring together.
Generalcolectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, ordenar, recoger, recolectar, recopilar, reunirAssemble or get together
Inglésround up
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 10, communication
SentidoCall to duty, military service, jury duty, etc..
GeneralrequerirOrder, request, or command to come
Nombresconscripción, llamada a filas, mili, reclutamiento, revista, servicio militar, servicio militar obligatorio, servicio militar selectivocompulsory military service
revista militar, revistaA gathering of military personnel for duty
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 11, possession
Sentidocall for and obtain payment of.
Sinónimosacumular, juntar, recoger, recopilar
Específicocriar, recaudarCollect funds for a specific purpose
recoger, recolectarCollect fees or profits / profits
Generalapropiarse, copar, llevarse, quitar, tomarTake into one's possession
Ingléscollect, take in
Catalánacumular, juntar, recopilar, reunir
Adjetivoabonable, pagable, pagaderosubject to or requiring payment especially as specified
NombrescobradorA person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes)
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 12, social
Sentidoform by assembling individuals or constituents.
Sinónimoscomponer, confeccionar, crear, hacer
Generalagruparse, concentrar, congregarse, congregar, juntarse, juntar, recoger, reunirse, reunirget people together
Similarseradd up to
Cataláncompondre, confeccionar, crear, fer, preparar
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 13, social
Sentidojoin again.
Sinónimosreasociarse, reencontrarse, reincorporarse, reunirse
Generalincorporarse, ingresar, unirseBecome part of
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 14, contact
SentidoPut together indiscriminately.
Sinónimosaglomerar, amontonar, apelotonar
Generalacumular, amasar, amontonar, apilar, coleccionar, compilar, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunirGet or gather together
Ingléslump, chunk
Catalánamuntegar, apilotar
NombrespedazoA large piece of something without definite shape
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 15, contact
SentidoTo assemble in proper sequence.
Implicacolectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, ordenar, recoger, recolectar, recopilar, reunirAssemble or get together
GeneralordenarBring order to or into
NombrescompaginaciónAssembling in proper numerical or logical sequence
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 16, contact
SentidoGather or bring together.
Sinónimosavenir, concentrar, conseguir, juntar, unir
Generalcolectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, ordenar, recoger, recolectar, recopilar, reunirAssemble or get together
Inglésmuster, rally, summon, come up, muster up
NombresrecuperaciónThe feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort
Español > reunir: 17 sentidos > verbo 17, social
SentidoHave a reunion; unite again.
Generalencontrarse, reunirse, reunirget together socially or for a specific purpose
Nombresreunificación, reuniónThe act of coming together again

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