HyperDicSpanishUNIR ... unir


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Español 16 sentidos de la palabra unir:
VERBOcognitionunir, asociar, comunicar, conectar, entroncar, ligar, relacionar, vincularmake a logical or causal connection
contactunir, acoplar, juntar, reunircause to become joined / joined or linked
stativeunir, comunicar, conectar, entroncarbe or become joined or united or linked
contactunir, asegurar, concertar, fijar, reparar, sujetarcause to be firmly attached
contactunir, adjuntarcause to be attached
contactunir, acoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, reunirmake contact or come together
contactunir, acoplar, asociar, atar, comunicar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, vincularconnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces
changeunir, combinar, componer, fusionarput or add together
changeunir, adherirse, asociarse, cohesionar, fusionarse, juntarse, unificarse, unificar, unirsebecome one
stativeunir, combinarhave or possess in combination
changeunir, cohesionar, fusionar, mezclar, unificarjoin or combine
changeunir, endentar, engranar, entrelazar, trabarcoordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively
possessionunir, agrupar, combinar, fusionaradd together from different sources
contactunir, avenir, concentrar, conseguir, juntar, reunirgather or bring together
changeunir, soldar con autógenaunite closely or intimately
socialunirbring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 1, cognition
Sentidomake a logical or causal connection.
Sinónimosasociar, comunicar, conectar, entroncar, ligar, relacionar, vincular
EspecíficocorrelacionarBring into a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relation
identificarconceive of as united or associated
interrelacionarplace into a mutual relationship
pensarIntend to refer to
recordarExercise, or have the power of, memory
Generalcreer, discurrir, meditar, pensar, reflexionarUse or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
Contrariodesconectar, disociar, separarregard as unconnected
Inglésassociate, tie in, relate, link, colligate, link up, connect
Catalánassociar, comunicar, connectar, entroncar, relacionar, vincular
Adjetivoasociablecapable of being associated
asociativoCharacterized by or causing or resulting from the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination
conectorConnecting or tending to connect
Nombresasociación, conexiónThe process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination / imagination
asociaciónThe state of being connected together as in memory or imagination
co, conexión, interrelación, unión, vinculación, vínculoAn associative relation
conexión, vínculoThe state of being connected
conjunción, uniónThe state of being joined together
relación, vínculoAn abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 2, contact
SentidoCause to become joined / joined or linked.
Sinónimosacoplar, juntar, reunir
Causa deacoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, reunir, unirmake contact or come together
Implicado porconectar, enchufarPlug into an outlet
Específicoacoplar, casar, emparejar, relacionarBring two objects, ideas, or people together
anquilosarproduce ankylosis by surgery
armar, concentrar, congregar, construir, ensamblar, juntar, montarCreate by putting components or members together
casarGive or join in marriage
cerrar con pestillo, machihembrarjoin by a tenon and mortise
conectarjoin by means of communication equipment
conectarjoin for the purpose of communication
coserPut together with a seam
endentarjoin pieces of wood with cogs
machimbrarjoin with a rabbet joint
rematarjoin with a rebate
sovietizarBring under Soviet control, of a country
Generalacoplar, asociar, atar, comunicar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, unir, vincularConnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces
Catalánacoblar, reunir, unir
Nombresadjunción, agregación, anexiónAn act of joining or adjoining things
conexión, confianza, enlace, uniónThe act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 3, stative
SentidoBe or become joined or united or linked.
Sinónimoscomunicar, conectar, entroncar
Específicoconectar, interconectarBe interwoven or interconnected
Inglésconnect, link, link up, join, unite
Cataláncomunicar, connectar, entroncar, unir
AdjetivoconectorConnecting or tending to connect
Nombresarticulación, juntura, uniónThe shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
conexión, confianza, enlace, uniónThe act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)
conexiónA mechanical system of rods or springs or pivots that transmits power or motion
conexión, vínculoThe state of being connected
unificación, uniónThe act of making or becoming a single unit
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 4, contact
SentidoCause to be firmly attached.
Sinónimosasegurar, concertar, fijar, reparar, sujetar
Causa deamarrar, atar, fijarBecome fixed or fastened
Implicado poratarSecure with or as if with ropes
lacrar, precintar, sellarClose with or as if with a seal
Específicoabotonar, abrocharFasten with buttons
abrocharFasten with or as if with a brooch
adherir, calzar, depositar, encajar, enganchar, pegarPut, fix, force, or implant
alambrarFasten with wire
amarrar, atar, empatar, ligarFasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord
amarrar, anclar, atracarSecure in or as if in a berth or dock
amarrarFasten a boat to a bitt, pin, or cleat
amarrarSecure with cables or ropes
anclarSecure a vessel with an anchor
anclarFix firmly and stably
apretarse, ceñirfasten with a belt
atrancarSecure with, or as if with, bars
bordar, confeccionar, coserFasten by sewing
calzarSecure with chocks
candar, cerrarFasten with a lock
cementar, pegarBind or join with or as if with cement
cerrarSecure by locking
cincharTie a cinch around
clavarSecure with spikes
colgarCause to be hanging or suspended
encadenarFasten or secure with chains
encordarstring together
engancharFasten with a hook
engarzar, engazarFasten with a bight
enhebillarFasten with a buckle or buckles
enlecharBind with grout
estacarFasten with a picket
graparSecure with a cramp
graparSecure or fasten with a staple or staples
prenderattach or fasten with pins or as if with pins
remacharFasten with a rivet or rivets
remacharflatten the ends (of nails and rivets)
vendarwrap / wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose
Generaladjuntar, unirCause to be attached
Contrariodesabrochar, desatar, desprenderCause to become undone
Inglésfasten, fix, secure
Catalánassegurar, concertar, fixar, reparar
Nombrescierre, ligadura, sujeciónrestraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
continuidad, fijeza, persistencia, pervivenciaThe quality of being fixed in place as by some firm attachment
fijación, sujeciónThe act of fastening things together
instalación fija, mueble fijoAn object firmly fixed in place (especially in a household)
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 5, contact
SentidoCause to be attached.
Causa deadherirse, enganchar, pegar, sujetarseBecome attached
Específicoacoplarlink together
adjuntar, añadir, anexar, anexionar, complementaradd to the very end
adjuntar, agregar, añadirFix to
afijarseattach or become attached to a stem word
amarrar, atar, sujetarmake fast
amarrar, engancharse, enganchar, liarseTo hook or entangle
anillarattach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify
asegurar, concertar, fijar, reparar, sujetar, unirCause to be firmly attached
asignar, colgar, pegar, ponerattach to
atarTie with a tether
clavar, enclavarattach something somewhere by means of nails
encolar, pegarjoin or attach with or as if with glue
engastar, instalar, montarattach to a support
engoznarattach with a hinge
enjaezar, poner los arreosput a harness
ensillarput a saddle on
enyugar, enyuntar, ligar, unirselink with or as with a yoke
estacarFasten or secure with a wooden pin
etiquetar, marcar, rotularattach a tag or label to
fijarmake fixed, stable or stationary
insertar, introducirput or introduce into something
pegarattach to
prenderattach with or as if with a pin
uncirput a yoke on or join with a yoke
Generalacoplar, asociar, atar, comunicar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, unir, vincularConnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces
Contrariodesacoplar, despegar, desvincular, separarCause to become detached or separated
Catalánadjuntar, fermar, subjectar
Adjetivoadosable, embargable, sujetablecapable of being fastened or added to something else
NombresadjuntoThe act of attaching or affixing something
fijación, sujeciónThe act of fastening things together
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 6, contact
Sentidomake contact or come together.
Sinónimosacoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, reunir
Causado poracoplar, juntar, reunir, unirCause to become joined / joined or linked
Implicado porbordar, confeccionar, coserFasten by sewing
Específicoadherirse, enganchar, pegar, sujetarseBecome attached
ajuntarTo join or unite the pieces of
anastomizarse, anastomizar, anastomosarseCome together or open into each other
aparearse, aparear, copular, emparejarseEngage in sexual intercourse
coserstitch or sew together
empalmarjoin the ends of
empalmarjoin together so as to form new genetic combinations
entretejer, tejerTie or link together
injertarCause to grow together parts from different plants
soldarjoin together by heating
soldarjoin or fuse with solder
Generalacoplar, asociar, atar, comunicar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, unir, vincularConnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces
ContrariodesarticularBecome separated, disconnected or disjoint
Inglésjoin, conjoin
Catalánacoblar, ajuntar, empalmar, empiular, reunir, unir
AdjetivoconjuntivoServing or tending to connect
Nombresconexión, confianza, enlace, uniónThe act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 7, contact
SentidoConnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces.
Sinónimosacoplar, asociar, atar, comunicar, conectar, empatar, entroncar, juntar, ligar, vincular
Específicoacoplar, juntar, reunir, unirCause to become joined / joined or linked
acoplar, empalmar, ensamblar, juntar, reunir, unirmake contact or come together
adjuntar, unirCause to be attached
comunicar, ponerConnect by telephone
conectarConnect or reduce the distance between
interconectarCause to be interconnected or interwoven
interdepender, mantenerse unidosBe connected
ligarUnite musical notes by a tie
solarConnect to a ground
Contrariodesconectar, desenchufarmake disconnected, disjoin or unfasten
Inglésconnect, link, tie, link up
Catalánacoblar, ajuntar, associar, comunicar, connectar, empatar, entroncar, lligar, reunir, unir
AdjetivoconectorConnecting or tending to connect
Nombresconector, conexión, plug-inAn instrumentality that connects
enlace, linkup, nexo, nudo, tie-in, vínculoA fastener that serves to join or connect
nexoThe means of connection between things linked in series
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 8, change
SentidoPut or add together.
Sinónimoscombinar, componer, fusionar
Específicomezclarcombine (electronic signals)
recombinarTo combine / combine / combine or put together again
sintetizarcombine so as to form a more complex, product
sumar, totalizarmake into a total
Generaladicionar, agregarse, agregar, añadir, juntar, sumarmake an addition (to)
Ingléscompound, combine
Cataláncombinar, fusionar, unir
Nombrescombinación, composiciónThe act of combining things to form a new whole / whole
combinaciónThe act of arranging elements into specified groups without regard to order
combinación, mezclaAn occurrence that results in things being united
combinaciónA collection of things that have been combined
compuestoA whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 9, change
SentidoBecome one.
Sinónimosadherirse, asociarse, cohesionar, fusionarse, juntarse, unificarse, unificar, unirse
Específicocombinar, fundirsefuse or cause to grow together
consolidarseUnite into one
convergirCome together so as to form a single product
Generalintegrarse, integrarBecome one
Inglésunify, unite, merge
Catalánadherir-se, ajuntar-se, ajuntar, associar-se, fusionar, reunir, unificar, unir
Nombresamalgamación, fusión empresarial, fusiónThe combination of two or more commercial companies
conjunto, unidad completa, unidadAn assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity
fusión, uniónThe act of joining together as one
fusión, unificaciónAn occurrence that involves the production of a union
unidadA single undivided whole
unificación, uniónThe act of making or becoming a single unit
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 10, stative
SentidoHave or possess in combination.
Generaldisfrutar, presentar, quedar, tenerHave as a feature
Inglésunite, combine
Catalánajuntar-se, ajuntar, associar-se, associar, combinar, congregar, reunir, unir-se, unir
Nombrescombinación, mezclaAn occurrence that results in things being united
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 11, change
Sentidojoin or combine.
Sinónimoscohesionar, fusionar, mezclar, unificar
Específicoconsolidarbring together into a single whole or system
soldar con autógena, unirUnite closely or intimately
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Inglésunite, unify, merge
Catalánajuntar-se, ajuntar, associar-se, associar, cohesionar, combinar, congregar, fusionar, reunir, unificar-se, unificar, unir-se, unir
Nombresamalgamación, fusión empresarial, fusiónThe combination of two or more commercial companies
fusión, unificaciónAn occurrence that involves the production of a union
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 12, change
SentidoCoordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively.
Sinónimosendentar, engranar, entrelazar, trabar
Generalcoordinar, organizarBring order and organization to
Inglésinterlock, mesh
Catalánencastar, engranar, entrellaçar-se, entrellaçar, travar, unir
Nombresengrane, enlace, trabazónThe act of interlocking or meshing
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 13, possession
Sentidoadd together from different sources.
Sinónimosagrupar, combinar, fusionar
Generalaportar, conceder, contribuir, donarcontribute to some cause
Catalánagrupar-se, agrupar, combinar, fusionar, unir
Nombrescombinación, composiciónThe act of combining things to form a new whole / whole
combinación, mezclaAn occurrence that results in things being united
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 14, contact
SentidoGather or bring together.
Sinónimosavenir, concentrar, conseguir, juntar, reunir
Generalcolectar, congregar, ensamblar, juntar, ordenar, recoger, recolectar, recopilar, reunirAssemble or get together
Inglésmuster, rally, summon, come up, muster up
NombresrecuperaciónThe feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 15, change
SentidoUnite closely or intimately.
Sinónimosoldar con autógena
Generalcohesionar, fusionar, mezclar, unificar, unirjoin or combine
Españolunir: 16 sentidos verbo 16, social
SentidoBring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation.
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Inglésunite, unify

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