HyperDic: asegurar

Español > 14 sentidos de la palabra asegurar:
VERBOcontactasegurar, concertar, fijar, reparar, sujetar, unircause to be firmly attached
communicationasegurar, asegurarse, avalar, garantizarmake certain of
communicationasegurar, garantizar, justificarshow to be reasonable / reasonable or provide adequate ground for
communicationasegurar, afirmar, aseverar, atestar, certificar, corroborar, garantizar, jurar, testimoniar, verificarto declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
cognitionasegurar, asegurarse, comprobar, controlar, verbe careful or certain to do something
communicationasegurar, prometermake a promise or commitment
communicationasegurar, cubrir, respaldar financieramenteprotect by insurance
communicationasegurar, prometerpromise to undertake or give
communicationasegurar, avalar, garantizarstand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of
contactasegurar, atar con correatie with a strap
possessionasegurartake out insurance for
communicationasegurar, contar, decirinform positively and with certainty and confidence
contactasegurar, asegurar con tablas, atrancar, entablillar, listonarfurnish with battens
changeasegurar, apuntalan lamake secure underneath
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 1, contact
SentidoCause to be firmly attached.
Sinónimosconcertar, fijar, reparar, sujetar, unir
Causa deamarrar, atar, fijarBecome fixed or fastened
Implicado poratarSecure with or as if with ropes
lacrar, precintar, sellarClose with or as if with a seal
Específicoabotonar, abrocharFasten with buttons
abrocharFasten with or as if with a brooch
adherir, calzar, depositar, encajar, enganchar, pegarPut, fix, force, or implant
alambrarFasten with wire
amarrar, atar, empatar, ligarFasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord
amarrar, anclar, atracarSecure in or as if in a berth or dock
amarrarFasten a boat to a bitt, pin, or cleat
amarrarSecure with cables or ropes
anclarSecure a vessel with an anchor
anclarFix firmly and stably
apretarse, ceñirfasten with a belt
atrancarSecure with, or as if with, bars
bordar, confeccionar, coserFasten by sewing
calzarSecure with chocks
candar, cerrarFasten with a lock
cementar, pegarBind or join with or as if with cement
cerrarSecure by locking
cincharTie a cinch around
clavarSecure with spikes
colgarCause to be hanging or suspended
encadenarFasten or secure with chains
encordarstring together
engancharFasten with a hook
engarzar, engazarFasten with a bight
enhebillarFasten with a buckle or buckles
enlecharBind with grout
estacarFasten with a picket
graparSecure with a cramp
graparSecure or fasten with a staple or staples
prenderattach or fasten with pins or as if with pins
remacharFasten with a rivet or rivets
remacharflatten the ends (of nails and rivets)
vendarwrap / wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose
Generaladjuntar, unirCause to be attached
Contrariodesabrochar, desatar, desprenderCause to become undone
Inglésfasten, fix, secure
Catalánassegurar, concertar, fixar, reparar
Nombrescierre, ligadura, sujeciónrestraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
continuidad, fijeza, persistencia, pervivenciaThe quality of being fixed in place as by some firm attachment
fijación, sujeciónThe act of fastening things together
instalación fija, mueble fijoAn object firmly fixed in place (especially in a household)
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 2, communication
Sentidomake certain of.
Sinónimosasegurarse, avalar, garantizar
Específicodar el éxitoassure the success of
Similaratestiguar, avalar, garantizar, testimoniarGive surety or assume responsibility
Inglésguarantee, ensure, insure, assure, secure
Catalánassegurar, avalar, garantir
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 3, communication
Sentidoshow to be reasonable / reasonable or provide adequate ground for.
Sinónimosgarantizar, justificar
Generaljustificarshow to be right by providing justification or proof
Catalánafermançar, assegurar, garantir, justificar
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 4, communication
SentidoTo declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true.
Sinónimosafirmar, aseverar, atestar, certificar, corroborar, garantizar, jurar, testimoniar, verificar
Específicoafirmar, sostenerlay claim to
asegurar, contar, decirinform positively and with certainty and confidence
atestiguar, autentificar, avalar, garantizar, jurar, testificarauthenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity
declarar, manifestarstate firmly
protestaraffirm or avow formally or solemnly
Generaldeclarar, manifestar, revelarstate emphatically and authoritatively
Inglésaffirm, verify, assert, avow, aver, swan, swear
Catalánafirmar, asseverar, corroborar, jurar, verificar
Nombresafirmación, aserción, aseveraciónA declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)
afirmación, aserción, aserto, aseveraciónThe act of affirming / affirming or asserting or stating something
afirmación, confesiónA statement asserting the existence or the truth of something
asseveratorsomeone who claims to speak the truth
juramento, votoA commitment to tell the truth (especially in a court of law)
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 5, cognition
SentidoBe careful or certain to do something; make certain of something.
Sinónimosasegurarse, comprobar, controlar, ver
Específicocontrolarverify by using a duplicate register / register for comparison
controlar por muestreopick out random samples for examination in order to ensure high quality
corregir, revisarread for errors
fajarmake sure of
Generalcomprobar, verificarconfirm the truth of
Similaraprender, averiguar, decidir, determinar, establecer, mirar, verFind out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
comprobar, revisarput a check mark on or near or next to
comprobarverify by consulting a source or authority
comprobar, controlar, verificarCheck or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard
Ingléssee, check, insure, see to it, ensure, control, ascertain, assure
Nombreschequeo, confirmación, constatación, sustanciación, verificaciónAdditional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
Sentidomake a promise or commitment.
Implicado pordesdecirse, incumplir, renegarfail to fulfill a promise or obligation
Específicoacometer, avalar, comprometerse, emprender, garantizarpromise to do or accomplish
contractar, contratarEnter into a contractual arrangement
dar la palabra, jurar, prometerpromise solemnly and formally
jurar renunciar apromise to abstain from
Generaldeclarar, manifestar, revelarstate emphatically and authoritatively
Ingléspromise, assure
Catalánassegurar, prometre
Nombresafirmación, declaración, garantía, promesaA binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something
promesaA verbal / verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do (or not to do) something in the future
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 7, communication
Sentidoprotect by insurance.
Sinónimoscubrir, respaldar financieramente
EspecíficoindemnizarSecure against future loss, damage / damage, or liability
reasegurarinsure again by assuming all or a part of the liability of an insurance company already covering a risk
Generalasegurar, avalar, garantizarStand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of
Ingléscover, insure, underwrite
Nombresagente de segurosAn agent who sells insurance
aseguradora, asegurador, compañía aseguradora, compañía de segurosA financial institution that sells insurance
aseguramiento, contrato de seguro, seguropromise of reimbursement in the case of loss
coberturaThe total amount and type of insurance carried
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 8, communication
Sentidopromise to undertake or give.
Generaldeclarar, manifestar, revelarstate emphatically and authoritatively
Nombresesperanza, promesagrounds for feeling hopeful about the future
promesaA verbal / verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do (or not to do) something in the future
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 9, communication
SentidoStand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of.
Sinónimosavalar, garantizar
Específicoaprobar, certificar, confirmar, ratificarguarantee as meeting a certain standard
asegurar, cubrir, respaldar financieramenteprotect by insurance
Generalapoyar, aprobar, respaldar, secundarBe behind
Inglésguarantee, warrant
Catalánafermançar, assegurar, avalar, garantir
Nombresaval, garantíaA written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications
aval, fiador, garante, garantizadorOne who provides a warrant or guarantee to another
beneficiario de una garantía, beneficiario de un aval, beneficiarioA customer to whom a warrant or guarantee is given
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 10, contact
SentidoTie with a strap.
Sinónimoatar con correa
Generalamarrar, atar, empatar, ligarFasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord
ContrariosoltarRemove the strap or straps from
Catalánassegurar, lligar amb corretja
NombrescorreaAn elongated leather strip (or a strip of similar material) for binding things together or holding something in position
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 11, possession
Sentidotake out insurance for.
Específicocoasegurartake out coinsurance
reasegurarinsure again by transferring to another insurance company all or a part of a liability assumed
reasegurarProvide additional insurance for
Generalamparar, defender, guarecer, preservar, proteger, resguardarshield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage / damage
Nombresseguro, segurosprotection against future loss
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 12, communication
Sentidoinform positively and with certainty and confidence.
Sinónimoscontar, decir
Generalafirmar, asegurar, aseverar, atestar, certificar, corroborar, garantizar, jurar, testimoniar, verificarTo declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
Inglésassure, tell
Catalánassegurar, dir
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 13, contact
SentidoFurnish with battens.
Sinónimosasegurar con tablas, atrancar, entablillar, listonar
Generalconsolidar, fortalecer, reforzarmake strong or stronger
Inglésbatten, batten down, secure
Nombresalfarjía, listón, varalA strip fixed to something to hold it firm
Español > asegurar: 14 sentidos > verbo 14, change
Sentidomake secure underneath.
Sinónimoapuntalan la
Generalconsolidar, fortalecer, reforzarmake strong or stronger
Inglésundergird, brace up

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