Español > corregir: 14 sentidos > verbo 1, changeSentido | To make better. |
Sinónimos | ameliorar, arreglar, enriquecer, mejorar, perfeccionar |
Causa de | adelantar, ganar, mejorar, progresar | Get better |
Específico | acondicionar, condicionar | put into a better state |
adornar, decorar, embellecer, hermosear | make more beautiful |
afilar, afinar, perfeccionar, piedra de afilar | make perfect or complete |
afinar, perfeccionar, pulimentar, pulir, refinar | improve or perfect by pruning or polishing |
aliviar, apaciguar, mitigar, paliar, salvar, suavizar | Provide physical relief, as from pain |
alzar, animar, elevar, levantar | invigorate or heighten |
anticipar, avanzar | Develop further |
arreglar, atender, componer, recomponer, reparar, restaurar, restituir | restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn / torn or broken |
aumentar, destacar, realzar | make better or more attractive |
auxilio, ayudar, ayuda | improve the condition of |
ayudar, mejorar | improve |
corregir, enmendar | make improvements or corrections to |
dar frutos, fructificar | make productive or fruitful |
desarrollar | change the use of and make available or usable |
destilar, purificar, sublimar | Remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation |
educar | Give an education to |
enriquecer | make better or improve in quality |
mantener a raya, poner a raya | Settle or put right |
mejorar | To improve what was old or outdated |
reformar, remodelar | make changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices |
reformar | improve by alteration or correction of errors or defects and put into a better condition |
regenerarse, regenerar, revitalizar | restore strength |
General | alterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variar | Cause to change |
Contrario | agravar, empeorar, exacerbar, exasperar, recrudecer | make worse |
Similar | adelantar, ganar, mejorar, progresar | Get better |
Inglés | better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate |
Catalán | millorar |
Adjetivo | corregible, enmendable | capable of being corrected by additions |
Nombres | adición | A component that is added to something to improve it |
enmienda, mejoramiento, mejora | The act of improving something |
humanitario | someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms |
mejor | The superior one of two alternatives |
mejora, mejoría | The act of relieving ills and changing for the better |
mejora | A condition superior to an earlier condition |
Español > corregir: 14 sentidos > verbo 2, changeSentido | alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard. |
Sinónimos | ajustar, colocar |
Específico | acordar, afinar, poner a punto, reglar, templar | Adjust for (better) functioning |
adaptar, adecuar | Adjust or accustom to |
afinar, calibrar | make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring |
alinear, coordinar | Bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation |
aplomar | adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical |
armonizar, compatibilizar, congeniar, reconciliar | Bring into consonance or accord |
centrar, enfocar | put (an image) into focus |
cronometrar | Adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time |
descomprimir | decrease the pressure of |
emparejar, hacer juego | make correspond or harmonize |
entonar | Adjust the pitches of (musical instruments) |
justificar | Adjust the spaces between words |
metropolizar | accustom to urban ways / ways |
modular, regular | Fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of |
modular | Adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of |
proporcionar | Adjust in size relative to other things |
reajustar | Adjust again after an initial failure |
sincronizar | make synchronous and adjust in time or manner |
General | alterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variar | Cause to change |
Inglés | adjust, set, correct |
Catalán | ajustar, corregir, posar bé |
Adjetivo | ajustable, regulable | capable of being regulated |
correctivo | tending or intended to correct or counteract or restore to a normal condition |
Nombres | liquidador de reclamaciones, tasador | One who investigates insurance ... / insurance claims or claims for damages and recommends an effective settlement |
reajuste | The act of adjusting something to match a standard |
Español > corregir: 14 sentidos > verbo 5, socialSentido | make reparations or amends for. |
Sinónimos | compensar, desagraviar, enmendar |
Específico | compensar | make excessive corrections for fear of making an error |
enmendarse, enmendar, expiar, pagar | make amends for |
General | alterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variar | Cause to change |
También | compensar, contrapesar, corregir | Adjust for |
Inglés | right, compensate, redress, correct |
Catalán | compensar, corregir, redreçar |
Nombres | compensación, recompensa | The act of compensating for service or loss or injury |
compensación, indemnización | Something (such as money) given or received as payment or reparation (as for a service or loss or injury) |
compensación, daños, enmiendas, indemnidad, indemnificaciones, indemnización, reparación, resarcimiento, restitución | A sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury |
derecho | An abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature |
Español > corregir: 14 sentidos > verbo 7, communicationSentido | censure severely. |
Sinónimos | castigar, criticar, increpar, rectificar, reñir, reprender |
Específico | enfurecerse | criticize harshly, usually via an electronic medium |
General | amonestar, censurar, criticar, dar una paliza, discutir, echar una reprimenda, increpar, llamar la atención, poner verde, rechazar, reconvenir, regañar, reñir, reprender a gritos, reprender, reprimir, reprobar, reprochar, retar, tener unas palabras, vociferar | censure severely or angrily |
Inglés | chastise, castigate, objurgate, chasten, correct |
Catalán | castigar, increpar, punir |
Adjetivo | correctivo, disciplinal, disciplinario | designed to promote discipline |
Nombres | amonestación, reprimenda | verbal punishment |
andanada, bronca, golpiza, increpación, recriminación, regañina, regaño, repaso, reprobación, reproche, tirón de orejas | A severe scolding |
bronca, increpación, regañina, regaño, reprimenda, repulsa | rebuking a person harshly |
castigo, correctivo, escarmiento, sanción | A rebuke for making a mistake |