HyperDic: derecho

Español > 13 sentidos de la palabra derecho:
ADJETIVOallderechobeing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north
allderecho, rectofree from curves or angles
allderecho(of persons) on the feet
allderechobeing the animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle
allderecho, erguido, verticalin a vertical position
allderecho, diestrointended for the right hand
allderecho, enderezado, erguido, recto, rígido, tiesoerect in posture
NOMBREattributederecho, reivindicación, titularidadan established or recognized right
attributederechoan abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature
cognitionderecho, ciencias del derecho, jurisprudenciathe branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do
actderechothe learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system
ADVERBIOallderecho, directamente, directowithout deviation
allderecho, rectoin a straight line
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoBeing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north.
Cualidad delugar, posición, puesto, sitioThe particular portion of space occupied by something
EspecíficoderechoThe animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle
Tambiéndiestra, diestroUsing or intended for the right hand
Contrarioizquierda, izquierdoBeing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 2
SentidoFree from curves or angles.
Contrariocurvado, curvoHaving or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend
NombresrectaA straight segment of a roadway or racecourse
rectitudfreedom from crooks or curves or bends or angles
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentido(of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs.
Contrariosentado(of persons) having the torso erect and legs bent with the body supported on the buttocks
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 4
SentidoThe animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle.
GeneralderechoBeing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 5
SentidoIn a vertical position; not sloping.
Sinónimoserguido, vertical
GeneralverticalAt right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line
Inglésupright, unsloped
NombresverticalidadPosition at right angles to the horizon
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 6
SentidoIntended for the right hand.
Generaldiestra, diestroUsing or intended for the right hand
Inglésright, right-hand
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 7
SentidoErect in posture.
Sinónimosenderezado, erguido, recto, rígido, tieso
Generalerecto, verticalupright in position or posture
Inglésstraight, unbent, unbowed
Catalándreçat, dret, erecte, recte, rígid, tes
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > nombre 1, attribute
SentidoAn established or recognized right.
Sinónimosreivindicación, titularidad
Generalderecho legalA right based in law
Ingléstitle, claim
AdjetivotitularOf or relating to a legal title to something
Verbosautorizar, facultar, titularGive a title / title to
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > nombre 2, attribute
SentidoAn abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature.
Específicoadmisión, entradaThe right to enter
adquisición preferenteThe right to purchase something in advance of others
cabotajeThe exclusive right of a country to control the air traffic within its borders
derecho al silencio, privilegio(law) the right to refuse / refuse to divulge information obtained in a confidential relationship
derecho de acciónThe legal right to sue
derecho de votoThe right to vote
derecho exclusivo, prerrogativa, privilegio, regalíaA right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
derecho humano, derechos humanos(law) any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights ... / rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law)
derecho legalA right based in law
preferencia de paso, preferencia, prioridadThe right of one vehicle or vessel to take precedence over another
representaciónThe right of being represented by delegates who have a voice in some legislative body
GeneralabstracciónA concept or idea not associated with any specific instance
Verboscompensar, corregir, desagraviar, enmendarmake reparations or amends for
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > nombre 3, cognition
SentidoThe branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do.
Sinónimosciencias del derecho, jurisprudencia
Específicoderecho contractualThat branch of jurisprudence that studies the rights and obligations of parties entering into contracts
derecho empresarialThat branch of jurisprudence that studies the laws governing corporations
derecho matrimonialThat branch of jurisprudence that studies the laws governing matrimony
GeneralfilosofíaThe rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics
Inglésjurisprudence, law, legal philosophy
Adjetivojurisprudencialrelating to the science or philosophy of law or a system of laws
jurídicoOf or relating to the law or jurisprudence
Nombresexperto legal, jurisconsulto, jurisperito, juristaA legal scholar versed in civil law or the law of nations
árbitro, jueza, juez, magistrado, togadoA public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > nombre 4, act
SentidoThe learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system.
Categoría dedenegardeny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit
Categoríajurisprudencia, leyThe collection of rules imposed by authority
Ingléslaw, practice of law
Adjetivojurídico, legalrelating to or characteristic of the profession of law
Nombresabogada, abogado, defensor, jurista, letrada, letrado, notario, picapleitosA professional person authorized to practice law
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > adverbio 1
SentidoWithout deviation.
Sinónimosdirectamente, directo
Inglésdirectly, straight, direct
Adjetivodirectodirect in spatial dimensions
rectoHaving no deviations
Español > derecho: 13 sentidos > adverbio 2
SentidoIn a straight line; in a direct course.

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