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English 37 senses of the word right:
NOUNattributerightan abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature
locationrightlocation near or direction toward the right side
artifactright, right field, rightfieldthe piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's / catcher's right
groupright, right wingthose who support political or social or economic conservatism
bodyright, right handthe hand that is on the right side of the body
actrighta turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east
attributeright, rightfulnessanything in accord / accord with principles of justice
possessionright(frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing
ADJECTIVEallrightbeing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north
allright, correctfree from error
allright, correctsocially right or correct
allrightin conformance with justice or law or morality
allright, correctcorrect in opinion or judgment
allright, properappropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs
allrightof or belonging to the political or intellectual right
allrightin or into a satisfactory condition
allright, right-handintended for the right hand
allright, correctin accord / accord with accepted standards of usage / usage or procedure
allrighthaving the axis perpendicular to the base
allright(of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward
allright, oneused informally as an intensifier
allright, good, ripemost suitable or right for a particular purpose
allright, veraciousprecisely accurate
ADVERBallrightprecisely, exactly
allright, flopexactly
allrighttoward or on the right
allright, properly, decently, decentin the right manner
allright, right onan interjection / interjection expressing agreement
allright, mighty, mightily, powerful(Southern regional intensive) very
allright, wholly, entirely, completely, totally, all, altogether, wholecompletely
allright, justlyin accordance with moral or social standards
allright, correctly, arightin an accurate manner
VERBsocialright, compensate, redress, correctmake reparations or amends for
motionrightput in or restore to an upright position
motionrightregain an upright or proper position
changeright, correct, rectifymake right or correct
right pronunciation
Rhymesacolyte ... write: 181 rhymes with ayt...
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 1
MeaningBeing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north.
  • "my right hand"
  • "right center field"
  • "a right-hand turn"
  • "the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream"
Attribute ofposition, placeThe particular portion of space occupied by something
NarrowerfarThe animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle
right-handLocated on or directed toward the right
rightmostfarthest to the right
starboardLocated on the right side of a ship or aircraft
See alsoright-handedUsing or intended for the right hand
OppositeleftBeing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 2
MeaningFree from error; especially conforming to fact or truth.
  • "the right answer"
  • "took the right road"
  • "the right decision"
Attribute ofcorrectness, rightnessconformity to fact or truth
Narroweraccurate, exact, precise(of ideas, images, representations / representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth
letter-perfect, word-perfectcorrect to the last detail
straightFollowing a correct or logical method
See alsoaccurateconforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy
propermarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
trueconsistent with fact or reality
Oppositeincorrect, wrongnot correct
Spanishacertado, correcto, justo
Catalancorrecte, encertat
Nounsrightnessconformity to fact or truth
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 3
Meaningsocially right or correct.
Example"it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye"
Broaderpropermarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
Spanishbueno, correcto
Catalanbo, correcte
Nounsrightnessappropriate conduct
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 4
MeaningIn conformance with justice or law or morality.
Example"do the right thing and confess"
Attribute ofrightnessaccording with conscience or morality
Narrowerethical, honorable, honourableadhering to ethical and moral ... / moral principles
See alsoethicalconforming to accepted standards / standards of social or professional behavior
goodmorally admirable
justUsed especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting
propermarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
Oppositewrongcontrary to conscience or morality or law
Spanishapropiado, correcto
Nounsrightnessaccording with conscience or morality
Adverbsrightlywith honesty
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 5
Meaningcorrect in opinion or judgment.
Example"time proved him right"
Narrowerright-mindeddisposed toward or having views based on what is right
OppositewrongBased on or acting or judging in error
Spanishacertado, correcto
Catalancorrecte, encertat
Nounsrightnessappropriate conduct
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 6
MeaningAppropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs.
Example "the right man for the job"
BroaderappropriateSuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
Spanishacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, auténtico, capaz, conveniente, correcto, decente, idóneo, indicado
Catalanadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 7
MeaningOf or belonging to the political or intellectual right.
NarrowerconservativeHaving social or political views favoring conservatism
oldline, old-lineAdhering to conservative or reactionary principles
reactionary, reactionist, far-rightExtremely conservative
rightishtending toward the political right
rightist, right-wingbelieving in or supporting tenets of the political right
See alsoconservativeresistant to change
OppositecenterOf or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectually
leftOf or belonging to the political or intellectual left
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 8
MeaningIn or into a satisfactory condition.
  • "things are right again now"
  • "put things right"
BroadersatisfactoryGiving satisfaction
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 9
MeaningIntended for the right hand.
Example"a right-hand glove"
Broaderright-handedUsing or intended for the right hand
Spanishderecho, diestro
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 10
MeaningIn accord / accord with accepted standards of usage / usage or procedure.
  • "what's the right word for this?"
  • "the right way to open oysters"
Broaderpropermarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 11
MeaningHaving the axis perpendicular to the base.
Example"a right angle"
CategorygeometryThe pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces
Broaderperpendicularintersecting at or forming right angles
Spanishperpendicular, recto
Catalanperpendicular, recte
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 12
Meaning(of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward.
  • "the right side of the cloth showed the pattern"
  • "be sure your shirt is right side out"
Broaderoutsiderelating to or being on or near the outer side or limit
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 13
MeaningUsed informally as an intensifier.
BroaderextraordinaryBeyond what is ordinary or usual / usual
Usage ofcolloquialismA colloquial expression
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 14
MeaningMost suitable or right for a particular purpose.
Example "the right time to act"
Synonymsgood, ripe
BroaderopportuneSuitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose
Spanishbuen, bueno, ideal, idóneo
Catalanbo, ideal, idoni
Englishright: 37 senses adjective 15
Meaningprecisely accurate.
Broaderaccurateconforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy
Adverbsrightin an accurate manner
Englishright: 37 senses noun 1, attribute
MeaningAn abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature.
  • "they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"
  • "Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people"- Eleanor Roosevelt
  • "a right is not something that somebody gives you
NarroweraccessThe right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership)
advowsonThe right in English law of presenting a nominee to a vacant ecclesiastical benefice
cabotageThe exclusive right of a country to control the air traffic within its borders
claim, titleAn informal right to something
dueThat which is deserved or owed
entree, access, accession, admission, admittanceThe right to enter
floorThe parliamentary right to address an assembly
grantA right or privilege that has been granted
human right(law) any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights ... / rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law)
legal rightA right based in law
preemption, pre-emptionThe right to purchase something in advance of others
prerogative, privilege, perquisite, exclusive rightA right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
privilege(law) the right to refuse / refuse to divulge information obtained in a confidential relationship
representationThe right of being represented by delegates who have a voice in some legislative body
right of actionThe legal right to sue
right of searchThe right of a belligerent to stop neutral ships on the high seas in wartime and search them
right of wayThe right of one vehicle or vessel to take precedence over another
states' rightsThe rights conceded to the states by the United States constitution
voting rightThe right to vote
water right, riparian rightRight of access to water
Broaderabstraction, abstractA concept or idea not associated with any specific instance
Verbsrightmake reparations or amends for
Englishright: 37 senses noun 2, location
Meaninglocation near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east.
Example"he stood on the right"
Narrowerstage right, right stageThe part of the stage on the actor's right as the actor faces the audience
Broaderposition, placeThe particular portion of space occupied by something
Oppositeleftlocation near or direction toward the left side
Englishright: 37 senses noun 3, artifact
MeaningThe piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's / catcher's right.
Synonymsright field, rightfield
Part ofoutfieldThe area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the bases
Broadertract, piece of land, piece of ground, parcel of land, parcelAn extended area of land
Englishright: 37 senses noun 4, group
MeaningThose who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged.
Synonymright wing
Narrowerhard rightThe extreme right wing
religious rightUnited States political faction that advocates social and political conservativism, school prayer, and federal aid for religious groups and schools
Broaderfaction, sectA dissenting clique
Catalanala dreta, dreta
Englishright: 37 senses noun 5, body
MeaningThe hand that is on the right side of the body.
  • "he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left"
  • "hit him with quick rights to the body"
Synonymright hand
Broaderhand, manus, mitt, pawThe (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb
Spanishderecha, mano derecha, mano diestra
Catalandreta, mà dreta
Englishright: 37 senses noun 6, act
MeaningA turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east.
Example"take a right at the corner"
Broaderturn, turningThe act of changing or reversing the direction of the course
Englishright: 37 senses noun 7, attribute
MeaningAnything in accord / accord with principles of justice.
  • "he feels he is in the right"
  • "the rightfulness of his claim"
Broaderjustice, justnessThe quality of being just or fair
Oppositewrong, wrongfulnessThat which is contrary to the principles of justice or law
Englishright: 37 senses noun 8, possession
Meaning(frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing.
  • "mineral rights"
  • "film rights"
Broaderinterest, stake(law) a right or legal share of something
Usage ofplural, plural formThe form of a word that is used to denote more than one
Verbsrightmake reparations or amends for
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 1
Meaningprecisely, exactly.
Example"stand right here!"
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 2
Example"she called right after dinner"
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 3
Usage ofcolloquialismA colloquial expression
Spanishcorrecto, de lleno, exactamente
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 4
MeaningToward or on the right; also used figuratively.
  • "he looked right and left"
  • "the party has moved right"
OppositeleftToward or on the left
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 5
MeaningIn the right manner.
Synonymsproperly, decently, decent
OppositeimproperlyIn an improper way
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 6
MeaningAn interjection / interjection expressing agreement.
Synonymright on
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 7
Meaning(Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree.
Example "they have a right nice place"
Synonymsmighty, mightily, powerful
Usage ofintensifier, intensiveA modifier that has little meaning / meaning except to intensify the meaning / meaning it modifies
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 8
  • "she felt right at home"
  • "he fell right into the trap"
Synonymswholly, entirely, completely, totally, all, altogether, whole
Oppositepartially, partly, part, in partIn part
Spanishcabalmente, completamente, enteramente, todo, totalmente
Catalancompletament, totalment, tot
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 9
MeaningIn accordance with moral or social standards.
  • "that serves him right"
  • "do right by him"
Spanishjustamente, merecidamente
Englishright: 37 senses adverb 10
MeaningIn an accurate manner.
Example "he guessed right"
Synonymscorrectly, aright
Oppositeincorrectly, wrongly, wrongIn an inaccurate manner
Adjectivesrightprecisely accurate
Englishright: 37 senses verb 1, social
Meaningmake reparations or amends for.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
Example"right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust"
Synonymscompensate, redress, correct
Narrowerexpiate, aby, abye, atonemake amends for
over-correct, overcompensatemake excessive corrections for fear of making an error
Broaderchange, alter, modifyCause to change
Oppositewrongtreat unjustly
Spanishcompensar, corregir, desagraviar, enmendar
Catalancompensar, corregir, redreçar
Nounsrightan abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature
right(frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing
Englishright: 37 senses verb 2, motion
Meaningput in or restore to an upright position.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"They righted the sailboat that had capsized"
Broaderchange, alter, modifyCause to change
Similar torightregain an upright or proper position
Englishright: 37 senses verb 3, motion
Meaningregain an upright or proper position.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
Example"The capsized boat righted again"
Broaderchange postureUndergo a change in bodily posture
Similar torightput in or restore to an upright position
Englishright: 37 senses verb 4, change
Meaningmake right or correct.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Synonymscorrect, rectify
NarrowerdebugLocate and correct errors in a computer program code
rectify, remediate, remedy, repair, amendSet straight or right
Broaderchange by reversal, turn, reversechange to the contrary
Oppositefalsifyfalsify / falsify / falsify / falsify knowingly
Spanishcorregir, rectificar

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