HyperDic: apropiat

Català > 12 sentits de la paraula apropiat:
ADJECTIUallapropiat, adequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatmeeting adequate standards for a purpose
allapropiatmarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
allapropiat, adientsuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
allapropiat, apte, pertinentbeing of striking appropriateness and pertinence
allapropiat, adequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, desitjable, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatworthy of being chosen especially as a spouse
allapropiat, oportúdone or happening at the appropriate or proper time
allapropiat, adequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, corresponent, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatmeant or adapted for an occasion or use
allapropiat, adequat, adient, apte, capaç, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatappropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs
allapropiat, adequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatbeing precisely fitting and right
allapropiat, adequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatfitting or appropriate and deserved
allapropiat, encertat, oportúwell expressed and to the point
allapropiat, adequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicathaving the requisite qualities for
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 1
Sentitmeeting adequate standards for a purpose.
Sinònimsadequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
EspecíficacceptableAdequate for the purpose
adequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, convenient, corresponent, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatmeant or adapted for an occasion or use
Tambéadient, apropiatSuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
Espanyolacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicado
NomsidoneïtatThe quality of being suitable
AdverbisapropiadamentIn an appropriate manner
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 2
Sentitmarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness.
Qualitat decorrecció, procedència, propietat, serietatcorrect or appropriate behavior
Específicbo, correctesocially right or correct
correcteIn accord / accord with accepted standards of usage / usage or procedure
decentaccording with custom or propriety
decentIn harmony with the spirit of particular persons or occasion
Tambéadient, apropiatSuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
correcte, encertatFree from error
decentconforming to conventions of sexual behavior
Contrariinapropiatnot suitable or right or appropriate
Nomscorrecció, procedència, propietat, serietatcorrect or appropriate behavior
AdverbisapropiadamentIn an appropriate manner
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 3
SentitSuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc.
Qualitat deadequacióThe quality of being specially suitable
Específicadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatAppropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs
convenient, idoni, oportúexactly suited to the occasion
digne, propiAppropriate to
Tambéadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatmeeting adequate standards for a purpose
apropiatmarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
congruentcorresponding / corresponding in character or kind
oportúOf an appropriate or pertinent nature
Contrariinapropiat, inconvenient, inoportúnot suitable for a particular occasion etc
NomsadequacióThe quality of being specially suitable
AdverbisapropiadamentIn an appropriate manner
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 4
SentitOf striking appropriateness and pertinence.
Sinònimsapte, pertinent
GeneraloportúOf an appropriate or pertinent nature
Anglèsapposite, apt, pertinent
Espanyolapropiado, apto, pertinente
Nomsaplicabilitatrelevance by virtue of being applicable to the matter at hand
encertappropriateness for the occasion
Verbsconcernir, incumbir, palpar, pertocar, referir-se, referir, relatar, tocar, tractar-seBe relevant to
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 5
Sentitworthy of being chosen especially as a spouse.
Sinònimsadequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, desitjable, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
GeneralelegibleQualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen
Anglèsdesirable, suitable, worthy
Espanyolacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, deseable, idóneo, indicado
Nomsadaptació, conveniència, idoneïtat, propietatThe quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose
sex-appealAttractiveness to the opposite sex
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 6
SentitDone or happening at the appropriate or proper time.
GeneraloportúSuitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose
Anglèstimely, seasonable, well-timed, well timed
Espanyolapropiado, oportuno
Nomsoportunitattimely convenience
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 7
Sentitmeant or adapted for an occasion or use.
Sinònimsadequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, corresponent, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Generaladequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatmeeting adequate standards for a purpose
Anglèssuitable, suited
Espanyolacertado, adecuado, apropiada, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, correspondiente, idóneo, indicado
Nomsadaptació, conveniència, idoneïtat, propietatThe quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose
AdverbisapropiadamentIn an appropriate manner
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 8
SentitAppropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs.
Sinònimsadequat, adient, apte, capaç, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Generaladient, apropiatSuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
Anglèsproper, right
Espanyolacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, auténtico, capaz, conveniente, correcto, decente, idóneo, indicado
Nomscorrecció, procedència, propietat, serietatcorrect or appropriate behavior
AdverbisapropiadamentIn an appropriate manner
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 9
Sentitprecisely fitting and right.
Sinònimsadequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Generalhonrat, just, recteUsed especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting
Anglèsfitting, meet
Espanyolacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicado
NomsidoneïtatThe quality of being suitable
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 10
Sentitfitting or appropriate and deserved; used especially of punishment.
Sinònimsadequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Espanyolacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 11
SentitWell expressed and to the point.
Sinònimsencertat, oportú
Anglèshappy, well-chosen
Espanyolacertado, apropiado, oportuno
Català > apropiat: 12 sentits > adjectiu 12
SentitHaving the requisite qualities for.
Sinònimsadequat, adient, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Generaladequat, adient, apte, capaç, covenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicatHaving the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
Anglèsadequate to, capable, equal to, up to
Espanyolacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicado

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