HyperDic: apropiado

Español > 16 sentidos de la palabra apropiado:
ADJETIVOallapropiado, acertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicadomeeting adequate standards for a purpose
allapropiado, competenteproperly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient
allapropiadomarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
allapropiadosuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
allapropiado, correctoin conformance with justice or law or morality
allapropiado, apto, pertinentebeing of striking appropriateness and pertinence
allapropiado, acertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, deseable, idóneo, indicadoworthy of being chosen especially as a spouse
allapropiado, oportunodone or happening at the appropriate or proper time
allapropiado, acertado, adecuada, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, igual, indicadohaving the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
allapropiado, acertado, adecuado, apropiada, apto, capaz, conveniente, correspondiente, idóneo, indicadomeant or adapted for an occasion or use
allapropiado, acertado, adecuado, apto, auténtico, capaz, conveniente, correcto, decente, idóneo, indicadoappropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs
allapropiado, acertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicadobeing precisely fitting and right
allapropiado, armoniososuitable and fitting
allapropiado, acertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneofitting or appropriate and deserved
allapropiado, acertado, oportunowell expressed and to the point
allapropiado, acertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicadohaving the requisite qualities for
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidomeeting adequate standards for a purpose.
Sinónimosacertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicado
EspecíficoaceptableAdequate for the purpose
acertado, adecuado, apropiada, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, correspondiente, idóneo, indicadomeant or adapted for an occasion or use
admirable, honorable, respetableHaving qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way
TambiénapropiadoSuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
Contrarioinadecuado, inconveniente, ineptoBelow the required standards for a purpose
Catalánadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
NombresidoneidadThe quality of being suitable
Adverbiosapropiadamente, convenientemente, propiamenteIn an appropriate manner
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentidoproperly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient.
Específicobien hecho, competenteworthy of a good workman
capazHave the skills and qualifications to do things well
eficaz, eficienteable to accomplish a purpose
Tambiéncalificado, cualificadomeeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task
capaz(usually followed by 'of') having capacity or ability
competente, eficaz, eficienteeffective without wasting time or effort or expense
cualificado, especializado, hábilHaving or showing or requiring special skill
Contrarioincompetentenot qualified or suited for a purpose
Nombresaptitud, capacidad, competenciaThe quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually
Adverbiosacertadamente, capaz, competentemente, habilmente, hábilmenteWith competence
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidomarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness.
Cualidad deaptitud, corrección, decoro, probidad, procedencia, propiedad, seriedadcorrect or appropriate behavior
Específicobueno, correctosocially right or correct
correctoIn accord / accord with accepted standards of usage / usage or procedure
decente, decorosoaccording with custom or propriety
decente, decorosoIn harmony with the spirit of particular persons or occasion
gazmoño, mojigato, pudibundo, puritano, remilgadoexaggeratedly proper
halalProper or legitimate / legitimate
Tambiénacertado, correcto, justoFree from error
apropiadoSuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
apropiado, correctoIn conformance with justice or law or morality
decenteconforming to conventions of sexual behavior
decorosoCharacterized by propriety and dignity and good taste in manners and conduct
Contrarioimpropio, inapropiadonot suitable or right or appropriate
Nombresaptitud, corrección, decoro, probidad, procedencia, propiedad, seriedadcorrect or appropriate behavior
Adverbiosapropiadamente, convenientemente, propiamenteIn an appropriate manner
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 4
SentidoSuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc.
Cualidad deadecuación, idoneidadThe quality of being specially suitable
Específicoacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, auténtico, capaz, conveniente, correcto, decente, idóneo, indicadoAppropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs
digno, propioAppropriate to
oportunoexactly suited to the occasion
Tambiénacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicadomeeting adequate standards for a purpose
apropiadomarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
congruentecorresponding / corresponding in character or kind
oportuno, pertinenteOf an appropriate or pertinent nature
Contrarioinapropiado, inconveniente, inoportunonot suitable for a particular occasion etc
Catalánadient, apropiat
Nombresadecuación, idoneidadThe quality of being specially suitable
Adverbiosapropiadamente, convenientemente, propiamenteIn an appropriate manner
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 5
SentidoIn conformance with justice or law or morality.
Cualidad dehonestidad, honradez, probidadaccording with conscience or morality
Específicohonorable, honrado, justo, rectoadhering to ethical and moral ... / moral principles
Tambiénapropiadomarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
buenomorally admirable
honrado, justo, rectoUsed especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting
éticoconforming to accepted standards / standards of social or professional behavior
Contrarioinjustocontrary to conscience or morality or law
Nombreshonestidad, honradez, probidadaccording with conscience or morality
Adverbioscorrectamente, justamente, justificadamenteWith honesty
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 6
SentidoOf striking appropriateness and pertinence.
Sinónimosapto, pertinente
Generaloportuno, pertinenteOf an appropriate or pertinent nature
Inglésapposite, apt, pertinent
Catalánapropiat, apte, pertinent
Nombresaciertoappropriateness for the occasion
aplicabilidad, pertinenciarelevance by virtue of being applicable to the matter at hand
AdverbiospertinentementeIn a pertinent way
Verbosatañer, concernir, incumbir, palpar, referirse, referir, relatar, respectar, tocar, tratarseBe relevant to
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 7
Sentidoworthy of being chosen especially as a spouse.
Sinónimosacertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, deseable, idóneo, indicado
GeneralelegibleQualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen
Inglésdesirable, suitable, worthy
Catalánadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, convenient, desitjable, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Nombresadecuación, conveniencia, propiedadThe quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose
atracción sexual, salero, sex-appealAttractiveness to the opposite sex
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 8
SentidoDone or happening at the appropriate or proper time.
GeneraloportunoSuitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose
Ingléstimely, seasonable, well-timed, well timed
Catalánapropiat, oportú
NombreshoraA suitable moment
ocasión, oportunidad, pertinenciatimely convenience
AdverbiostempestivamenteAt an opportune time
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 9
SentidoHaving the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task.
Sinónimosacertado, adecuada, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, igual, indicado
Cualidad deadecuaciónThe quality of being able to meet a need satisfactorily
Específicoacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicadoHaving the requisite qualities for
TambiénsatisfactorioGiving satisfaction
Contrariodesigual, inadecuado, inigualLacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
Inglésadequate, equal
Catalánadequat, adient, apte, capaç, covenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
NombresadecuaciónThe quality of being able to meet a need satisfactorily
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 10
Sentidomeant or adapted for an occasion or use.
Sinónimosacertado, adecuado, apropiada, apto, capaz, conveniente, correspondiente, idóneo, indicado
Generalacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicadomeeting adequate standards for a purpose
Ingléssuitable, suited
Catalánadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, convenient, corresponent, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Nombresadecuación, conveniencia, propiedadThe quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose
Adverbiosapropiadamente, convenientemente, propiamenteIn an appropriate manner
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 11
SentidoAppropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs.
Sinónimosacertado, adecuado, apto, auténtico, capaz, conveniente, correcto, decente, idóneo, indicado
GeneralapropiadoSuitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
Inglésproper, right
Catalánadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Nombresaptitud, corrección, decoro, probidad, procedencia, propiedad, seriedadcorrect or appropriate behavior
Adverbiosapropiadamente, convenientemente, propiamenteIn an appropriate manner
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 12
Sentidoprecisely fitting and right.
Sinónimosacertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicado
Generalhonrado, justo, rectoUsed especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting
Inglésfitting, meet
Catalánadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
NombresidoneidadThe quality of being suitable
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 13
SentidoSuitable and fitting.
Generalcongruentecorresponding / corresponding in character or kind
Nombresarmonía, harmoníacompatibility in opinion and action / action
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 14
Sentidofitting or appropriate and deserved; used especially of punishment.
Sinónimosacertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo
Generaldigno, merecidoproperly deserved
Catalánadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 15
SentidoWell expressed and to the point.
Sinónimosacertado, oportuno
GeneraloportunoExhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style
Ingléshappy, well-chosen
Catalánapropiat, encertat, oportú
Español > apropiado: 16 sentidos > adjetivo 16
SentidoHaving the requisite qualities for.
Sinónimosacertado, adecuado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, indicado
Generalacertado, adecuada, adecuado, apropiado, apto, capaz, conveniente, idóneo, igual, indicadoHaving the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
Inglésadequate to, capable, equal to, up to
Catalánadequat, adient, apropiat, apte, capaç, convenient, encertat, escaient, idoni, indicat

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