HyperDic: aptitud

Español > 5 sentidos de la palabra aptitud:
NOMBREattributeaptitud, capacidad, habilidadthe quality of being able to perform
attributeaptitud, corrección, decoro, probidad, procedencia, propiedad, seriedadcorrect or appropriate behavior
cognitionaptitud, arte, destreza, habilidad, técnicaan ability that has been acquired by training
cognitionaptitud, capacidad, talentoinherent ability
attributeaptitud, capacidad, competenciathe quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually
Español > aptitud: 5 sentidos > nombre 1, attribute
SentidoThe quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment.
Sinónimoscapacidad, habilidad
Cualidadesapto, capaz, competente(usually followed by 'to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something
incapaz(usually followed by 'to') not having the necessary means or skill or know-how
Específicoadaptabilidad, flexibilidadThe ability to change (or be changed) to fit changed circumstances
aptitud, capacidad, competenciaThe quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually
capacidadThe quality of being capable -- physically or intellectually or legally
contractilidadThe capability or quality of shrinking or contracting, especially by muscle fibers and even some other forms of living matter
empatía, sensibilidadThe ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
habilidad físicaThe ability to perform some physical act
interoperabilidad(computer science) the ability to exchange and use information (usually in a large heterogeneous network made up of several local area networks)
penetraciónThe ability to make way into or through something
poderes mágicosAn ability to perform magic
totipotence, totipotenciaThe ability of a cell to give rise to unlike cells and so to develop a new organism or part
Generalcalidad, cualidadAn essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone
Contrarioincapacidadlacking the power to perform
Adjetivoapto, capaz, competente(usually followed by 'to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something
capazHave the skills and qualifications to do things well
capazHaving inherent physical or mental ... / mental ability or capacity
Español > aptitud: 5 sentidos > nombre 2, attribute
Sentidocorrect or appropriate behavior.
Sinónimoscorrección, decoro, probidad, procedencia, propiedad, seriedad
Cualidadesapropiadomarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
impropio, inapropiadonot suitable or right or appropriate
Específicodecencia, decoroThe quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality
decencia, decoro, gentilezaA sense of propriety and consideration for others
decoro, pundonorpropriety in manners and conduct
discreción, recatoformality and propriety of manner
gazmoñada, gazmoñería, mojigatería, pedantería, presunciónexaggerated and arrogant properness
procedenciaAppropriate conduct
Generalcomportamiento, conducta, maneras, modales, proceder(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
ContrarioimpropiedadAn improper demeanor
Ingléspropriety, properness, correctitude
Cataláncorrecció, procedència, propietat, serietat
Adjetivoacertado, adecuado, apropiado, apto, auténtico, capaz, conveniente, correcto, decente, idóneo, indicadoAppropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs
apropiadomarked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
Español > aptitud: 5 sentidos > nombre 3, cognition
SentidoAn ability that has been acquired by training.
Sinónimosarte, destreza, habilidad, técnica
Específicoalfabetismo, alfabetizaciónThe ability to read and write
arte de venderSkill in selling
artesanía, calidad de artesano, destreza, habilidad, maña, periciaSkill in an occupation or trade / trade
equitaciónSkill in handling and riding horses
esgrimaSkill in fencing
espectacularidad, teatralidadThe ability to present something (especially theatrical shows) in an attractive manner
marinería, náuticaSkill in sailing
punteríaSkill in shooting
Generalcapacidad, ingenio, poderpossession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done
Inglésskill, accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, attainment
Catalánart, destresa, habilitat, tècnica
Verbosadquirir, aprender, instruirsegain knowledge or skills
Español > aptitud: 5 sentidos > nombre 4, cognition
Sentidoinherent ability.
Sinónimoscapacidad, talento
EspecíficocapacidadAn aptitude that may be developed
habilidad naturalability that is inherited
instintoinborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli
Generalcapacidad, ingenio, poderpossession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done
ContrarioineptitudA lack of aptitude
AdjetivoaptitudinalOf or relating to aptitudes
Español > aptitud: 5 sentidos > nombre 5, attribute
SentidoThe quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually.
Sinónimoscapacidad, competencia
Específicocompetencia lingüística(linguistics) a speaker's implicit, internalized knowledge of the rules of their language (contrasted with linguistic performance)
habilidad, pericia, suficienciaThe quality of having great facility and competence
preparación físicaThe quality of being qualified
Generalaptitud, capacidad, habilidadThe quality of being able to perform
Contrarioincapacidad, incompetencia, inhabilidadlack of physical or intellectual ability or qualifications
Ingléscompetence, competency
Cataláncapacitat, competència, preparació
Adjetivoapropiado, competenteproperly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient

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