Sentido | Skill in an occupation or trade / trade. |
Sinónimos | calidad de artesano, destreza, habilidad, maña, pericia |
Específico | arte teatral, escenotecnia | Skill in writing or staging plays |
General | aptitud, arte, destreza, habilidad, técnica | An ability that has been acquired by training |
Inglés | craft, craftsmanship, workmanship |
Catalán | artesania, destresa, habilitat, manya |
Nombres | artesana, artesano, artífice, oficial | A skilled worker who practices some trade / trade or handicraft |
artesano | A creator of great skill in the manual arts |
contratada, contratado, currita, currito, obrera, obrero | An employee who performs manual or industrial labor |
Verbos | labrar | make by hand and with much skill |