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Related WikiPedia: craft
English 6 senses of the word craft:
NOUNactcraft, tradethe skilled practice of a practical occupation
artifactcrafta vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space
groupcraft, tradepeople who perform a particular kind of skilled work
cognitioncraft, craftsmanship, workmanshipskill in an occupation or trade / trade
cognitioncraft, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, slyness, wilinessshrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception
VERBcreationcraftmake by hand and with much skill
craft pronunciation
Rhymesaft ... witchcraft: 29 rhymes with aeft...
Englishcraft: 6 senses noun 1, act
MeaningThe skilled practice of a practical occupation.
Narrowerairplane mechanicsThe craft of building and repairing airplanes
auto mechanicsThe craft of building and repairing automobiles
basketryThe craft of basket making
carpentry, woodworking, woodworkThe craft of a carpenter
drafting, mechanical drawingThe craft of drawing blueprints
dressmakingThe craft of making dresses
electrical workThe craft of an electrician
handicraftA craft that requires skillful hands
interior decoration, interior decoratingThe trade of planning the layout and furnishings of an architectural interior
lumberingThe trade of cutting or preparing or selling timber / timber / timber
masonryThe craft of a mason
mintageAct or process of minting coins
oculismThe craft of an oculist
painting, house paintingThe occupation of a house painter
papermakingThe craft of making paper
piloting, pilotageThe occupation of a pilot
plumbing, plumberyThe occupation of a plumber (installing and repairing pipes and fixtures for water or gas or sewage in a building)
potteryThe craft of making earthenware
pyrotechnics, pyrotechnyThe craft of making fireworks
roofingThe craft of a roofer
sheet-metal workThe craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems)
shinglingThe laying on of shingles
shoemaking, shoe repairing, cobblingThe shoemaker's trade / trade
tailoringThe occupation of a tailor
tanningmaking leather from rawhide
tool-and-die workThe craft of making special tools and dies
typographyThe craft of composing type and printing from it
undertakingThe trade / trade of a funeral director
upholsteryThe craft of upholstering
winemaking, wine makingThe craft and science of growing grapes and making wine
Broaderoccupation, business, job, line of work, lineThe principal activity in your life that you do to earn money
Spanishoficio, profesión
Catalanofici, professió
Verbscraftmake by hand and with much skill
Englishcraft: 6 senses noun 2, artifact
MeaningA vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space.
NarroweraircraftA vehicle that can fly
hovercraft, ground-effect machineA craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
landing craftnaval craft designed for putting ashore troops and equipment
spacecraft, ballistic capsule, space vehicleA craft capable of traveling in outer space
vessel, watercraftA craft designed for water transportation / transportation
BroadervehicleA conveyance that transports people or objects
Englishcraft: 6 senses noun 3, group
MeaningPeople who perform a particular kind of skilled work.
Example"he represented the craft of brewers"
Broaderclass, stratum, social class, socio-economic classPeople having the same social, economic, or educational status
Spanishgremio, oficio
Catalangremi, ofici
Verbscraftmake by hand and with much skill
Englishcraft: 6 senses noun 4, cognition
MeaningSkill in an occupation or trade / trade.
Synonymscraftsmanship, workmanship
NarrowerhousecraftSkill in domestic / domestic management
priestcraftThe skills involved in the work of a priest / priest
stagecraftSkill in writing or staging plays
tradecraftSkill acquired through experience in a trade / trade
watercraftSkill in the management of boats
woodcraftSkill in carving or fashioning objects from wood
Broaderskill, accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, attainmentAn ability that has been acquired by training
Spanishartesanía, calidad de artesano, destreza, habilidad, maña, pericia
Catalanartesania, destresa, habilitat, manya
Verbscraftmake by hand and with much skill
Englishcraft: 6 senses noun 5, cognition
Meaningshrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception.
Synonymscraftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, slyness, wiliness
Broadershrewdness, astuteness, perspicacity, perspicaciousnessintelligence manifested by being astute (as in business dealings)
Spanishastucia, ingeniosidad, inventiva, malicia, maña, picardía, socarronería, taima, taimería, zorrería
Catalanastúcia, picardia, sagacitat
Adjectivescraftymarked by skill in deception
Englishcraft: 6 senses verb 1, creation
Meaningmake by hand and with much skill.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"The artisan crafted a complicated tool"
Narrowerfiligreemake filigree, as with a precious metal
handcraftmake something by hand
Broaderfashion, forgemake out of components (often in an improvising manner)
Catalanfet a mà
Nounscraftthe skilled practice of a practical occupation
craftskill in an occupation or trade / trade
craftpeople who perform a particular kind of skilled work
craftera creator of great skill in the manual arts

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