Español > calidad: 2 sentidos > nombre 1, attributeSentido | An essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone. |
Sinónimo | cualidad |
Cualidades | bueno | Having desirable / desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified |
mal, malo | Having undesirable or negative qualities |
negativo | Characterized by or displaying negation or denial / denial or opposition or resistance |
positivo, útil | Characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty etc. |
Específico | aceptabilidad, admisibilidad, satisfacción, satisfactores | The quality of giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand or requirement |
activo, baza, bien, recurso, ventaja, virtud | A useful or valuable quality |
adecuación, conveniencia, propiedad | The quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose |
aire, aura | A distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing |
apariencia, aspecto, cara, presencia | outward or visible aspect of a person or thing |
aptitud, capacidad, habilidad | The quality of being able to perform |
arabilidad, cultivabilidad | The quality of land that is appropriate for cultivation |
aridez, esterilidad, infructuosidad | The quality of yielding nothing of value |
atracción, atractivo | The quality of arousing interest |
bien, bueno | That which is pleasing or valuable or useful / useful |
bondad, humanidad, humanitarismo | The quality of compassion or consideration for others (people or animals) |
braquiocefalia | The quality of being brachycephalic |
calaña, madera, naturaleza, natura | The essential qualities or characteristics / characteristics by which something is recognized |
candor, ingenuidad, sencillez | lack of sophistication or worldliness |
característica, característico | A distinguishing quality |
carácter agradable | The quality of giving pleasure |
carácter desagradable | The quality of giving displeasure |
certeza | Something that is certain |
claridad, nitidez | The quality of clear water |
claridad, comprensibilidad | The quality of comprehensible language or thought |
combustibilidad | The quality of being capable of igniting and burning |
complejidad | The quality of being intricate and compounded |
constructividad | The quality of serving to build or improve |
contrasentido, ilógico, inconsecuencia, insensatez, irracionalidad | invalid or incorrect reasoning |
corrección, correctitud, propiedad | conformity to fact or truth |
cotidianidad | The quality of being commonplace and ordinary |
credibilidad, fiabilidad | The quality of being believable or trustworthy |
cualidades, virtudes | artistic / artistic quality |
demérito, desmerecimiento, ineptitud | Having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful |
deslucimiento, inelegancia | The quality of lacking refinement and good taste |
desnaturalidad | The quality of being unnatural or not based on natural principles |
desprestigio, impopularidad | The quality of lacking general approval or acceptance |
destructividad | The quality of causing destruction |
diferencia | The quality of being unlike or dissimilar |
dificultad | The quality of being difficult |
divinidad | The quality of being divine |
divisibilidad | The quality of being divisible |
domesticidad | The quality of being domestic or domesticated |
efectividad, provecho, utilidad, útil | The quality of being of practical use |
elegancia | A refined quality of gracefulness and good taste |
etnicidad | An ethnic quality or affiliation resulting from racial or cultural / cultural ties |
exactitud, precisión, rigor, verdad | The quality of being near to the true value |
excelencia | The quality of excelling |
excepcionalidad | The quality of being extraordinary and not commonly encountered |
expresividad | The quality of being expressive |
extrañeza, rareza | The quality of being alien or not native |
facilidad, naturalidad, simpleza, simplicidad, soltura | freedom from difficulty / difficulty or hardship / hardship or effort |
fecundidad | The quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth |
fidelidad | The quality of being faithful |
finitud | The quality of being finite |
generalidad | The quality of being general or widespread or having general applicability |
humanidad | The quality of being human |
humor | The quality of being funny |
igualdad, semejanza, similitud | The quality of being alike |
impenetrabilidad | The quality of being impenetrable (by people or light or missiles etc.) |
impiedad | The quality of being unholy |
importancia | The quality that renders something desirable or valuable or useful |
impotencia | The quality of lacking strength or power |
inadecuación, inaptitud, inconveniencia, inepcia, ineptitud | The quality of having the wrong properties for a specific purpose |
inalterabilidad | The quality of being unchangeable |
incapacidad | lacking the power to perform |
incerteza, incertidumbre, precariedad | unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance |
incomprensibilidad | The quality of being incomprehensible |
incorrección | The quality of not conforming to fact or truth |
incredibilidad | The quality of being incredible |
inestabilidad, mutabilidad, variabilidad | The quality of being changeable |
inexactitud | The quality of being inaccurate and having errors |
infidelidad | The quality of being unfaithful |
infinidad, infinito, infinitud | The quality of being infinite |
inhumanidad | The quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others |
inmaterialidad, inmaterial | The quality of not being physical |
inmoralidad | The quality of not being in accord / accord with standards of right or good conduct |
inmovilidad | The quality of not moving |
inoperancia, inutilidad | The quality of having no practical use |
insatisfacción | The quality of being inadequate / inadequate or unsuitable |
irregularidad | not characterized by a fixed principle or rate |
legalidad | The quality of conforming to law |
lógica, racionalidad | correct and valid reasoning |
maldad | That which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency |
materialidad | The quality of being physical |
mesurabilidad | The quality of being measurable |
moralidad | concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong |
morbosidad | The quality of being unhealthful and generally bad for you |
movilidad | The quality of moving freely |
mundología, sofisticación | The quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated and worldly through cultivation or experience or disillusionment |
naturalidad | The quality of being natural or based on natural principles |
navegabilidad | The quality of being suitable for the passage of a ship or aircraft |
negatividad, negativismo | Characterized by habitual skepticism and a disagreeable tendency to deny or oppose or resist suggestions or commands |
objetividad | The quality of being actual or based on fact |
occidentalismo | The quality or customs or mannerisms characteristic of Western civilizations |
opacidad | The quality of being opaque to a degree |
originalidad | The quality of being new and original (not derived from something else) |
particularidad | The quality of being particular and pertaining to a specific case or instance |
patetismo | A quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow) |
penetrabilidad | The quality of being penetrable (by people or light or missiles etc.) |
poder, potencia | possession of controlling influence |
popularidad | The quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after |
positivismo | A quality or state characterized by certainty or acceptance or affirmation and dogmatic assertiveness |
probabilidad | The quality of being probable |
publicidad | The quality of being open to public view |
regularidad | The quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate |
romanticismo | An exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure) |
sanctitude, santidad | The quality of being holy |
sencillez, simpleza, simplicidad | The quality of being simple or uncompounded |
solubilidad | The quality of being soluble and easily dissolved in liquid / liquid |
suficiencia | The quality of being sufficient for the end in view |
General | atributo, característica, rasgo | An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity |
Inglés | quality |
Catalán | qualitat |
Verbos | calificar, caracterizar | describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of |