Sentido | The quality of being infinite; without bound or limit. |
Sinónimos | infinito, infinitud |
General | calidad, cualidad | An essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone |
Contrario | finitud | The quality of being finite |
Inglés | infiniteness, infinitude, unboundedness, boundlessness, limitlessness |
Catalán | infinitat, infinitut |
Adjetivo | ilimitable, ilimitado, inmenso | Without limits in extent or size or quantity |
ilimitado | Having no limits in range or scope |
ilimitado, infinito | seemingly boundless in amount, number, degree, or especially extent |
incalculable, incontable, infinito, infinto, innombrable, innumerable, multitudinario | Too numerous to be counted |
infinito | Having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude |
infinito | Total and all-embracing |