HyperDic: aire

Español > 13 sentidos de la palabra aire:
NOMBREphenomenonaire, vientoair moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure
substanceairea mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing
locationaire, atmosfera, atmósferathe mass of air surrounding the Earth
communicationaire, cuerda, línea, melodía, tonada, tona succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence
locationairethe region above the ground
attributeaire, airosidad, garbo, gracia, graciosidad, saleroelegance and beauty of movement or expression
objectaire, atmosfera, atmósferathe envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body
attributeaire, airosidad, garbo, gracia, graciosidad, salerobeautiful carriage
attributeaire, auraa distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing
actaire, cuesco, flatulencia, gas, pedo, ventosidada reflex that expels intestinal gas through the anus
substanceaireonce thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
attributeaire, afinidad, parecidoinherent resemblance between persons or things
stateairenowhere to be found in a giant void
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 1, phenomenon
SentidoAir moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.
EspecíficoSanta AnaA strong hot dry wind that blows in winter from the deserts of southern California toward the Pacific Coast
aquilón, bóreas, cierzo, tramontana, viento del norteA wind that blows from the north
austro, viento del surA wind from the south
borrasca, chubasco, racha, ráfaga, turbión, turbonadasudden violent winds
brisa, céfiroA slight wind (usually refreshing)
calmawind moving at less than 1 knot
corriente de aire, corrienteA current of air (usually coming into a chimney or room or vehicle)
corriente de aireA relatively well-defined prevailing wind
corriente térmica, térmica, térmicoRising current of warm air
foehn, fohnA warm dry wind that blows down the northern slopes of the Alps
jamsinAn oppressively hot southerly wind from the Sahara that blows across Egypt in the spring
monzónA seasonal wind in southern Asia
monzónAny wind that changes direction with the seasons
racha, ráfaga, soplido, soploA strong current of air
simúnA violent hot sand-laden wind on the deserts of Arabia and North Africa
solano, viento del esteA wind from the east
sou'easter, viento del sudesteA strong wind from the southeast
temporal, vendaval, ventarrón, ventoleraA strong wind moving 45-90 knots
viento cruzado, viento lateralwind blowing across the path of a ship or aircraft
viento de proawind blowing opposite to the path of a ship or aircraft
viento del noroesteA wind from the northwest
viento del oeste, westerwind that blows from west to east
viento del suroesteA strong wind from the southwest
Generalclima, condición atmosférica, condiciones metereológicas, condiciones, estado del tiempo, tiempo atmosférico, tiempoThe atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation
SubstanciasaireA mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing
Ingléswind, air current, current of air
Catalánaire, vent
Adjetivoventosoabounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 2, substance
SentidoA mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of.
Específicoaire líquidoAir in a liquid state
aliento, respiraciónThe air that is inhaled and exhaled in respiration
GeneralgasA fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely
Substancia deaire, vientoAir moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure
SubstanciasNe, neon, neón, número atómico 10A colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube
argón, Ar, número atómico 18A colorless and odorless inert gas
criptón, kriptón, Kr, número atómico 36A colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses
nitrógeno, número atómico 7A common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas
número atómico 54, Xe, xenon, xenónA colorless odorless inert gaseous element occurring in the earth's atmosphere in trace amounts
número atómico 8, O, oxigeno, oxígenoA nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless nonflammable diatomic gas
Adjetivoaeríferoconveying air
neumática, neumáticoOf or relating to or using air (or a similar gas)
Verbosairear, divulgar, orear, ventilarexpose to fresh air
evaporar, gasificar, vaporizarTurn into gas
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 3, location
SentidoThe mass of air surrounding the Earth.
Sinónimosatmosfera, atmósfera
Part deglobo, globo terráqueo, globo terrestre, mundo, Tierra, tierraThe 3rd planet from the sun
Partesespacio aéreoThe space in the atmosphere immediately above the earth
ionosfera, IonósferaThe outer region of the Earth's atmosphere
Específicoespacio aéreoThe atmosphere above a nation that is deemed to be under its jurisdiction
Generalparte, regiónThe extended spatial location of something
Inglésatmosphere, air
Catalánaire, atmosfera
Adjetivoatmosféricorelating to or located in the atmosphere
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 4, communication
SentidoA succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence.
Sinónimoscuerda, línea, melodía, tonada, ton
Partesfrase musical, fraseA short musical passage
Específicofanfarria(music) a short / short lively tune played on brass instruments
glisando, glissandoA rapid series of ascending or descending notes on the musical scale
leitmotiv, motivoA melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas)
parte, vozThe melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music
sintoníaA melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program
tema melódico, tema musical, tema(music) melodic subject of a musical composition
GeneralmúsicaAn artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
Ingléstune, melody, air, strain, melodic line, line, melodic phrase
Catalánaire, melodia, tonada
AdjetivomelodiosoHaving a musical sound
melódico, melodiosoContaining or constituting / constituting or characterized by pleasing melody / melody
melódicoOf or relating to melody
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 5, location
SentidoThe region above the ground.
Generalparte, regiónThe extended spatial location of something
AdjetivoaéreoExisting or living or growing or operating in the air
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 6, attribute
Sentidoelegance and beauty of movement or expression.
Sinónimosairosidad, garbo, gracia, graciosidad, salero
Generalaire, airosidad, garbo, gracia, graciosidad, salerobeautiful carriage
Inglésgrace, gracility
Catalánaire, airositat, gràcia, graciositat, sal
Adjetivoesbelto, grácilSlender and graceful
graciosoCharacterized by charm, good taste, and generosity / generosity of spirit
Verbosadornar, aliñar, decorar, embellecer, ornamentar, ornarmake more attractive by adding ornament, colour / colour, etc.
adornar, decorar, ornamentar, ornarBe beautiful to look at
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 7, object
SentidoThe envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body.
Sinónimosatmosfera, atmósfera
Partesestratosfera, estratósferaThe atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere
exosferaThe outermost atmospheric layer
mesosferaThe atmospheric layer between the stratosphere and the thermosphere
termosfera, termósferaThe atmospheric layer between the mesosphere and the exosphere
troposfera, tropósferaThe lowest atmospheric layer
Específicocielo, éter, firmamentoThe atmosphere and outer space as viewed from the earth
GeneralgasA fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely
Adjetivoatmosféricorelating to or located in the atmosphere
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 8, attribute
Sentidobeautiful carriage.
Sinónimosairosidad, garbo, gracia, graciosidad, salero
Específicoagilidad, ligerezaThe gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
aire, airosidad, garbo, gracia, graciosidad, saleroelegance and beauty of movement or expression
flexibilidadThe gracefulness of a person or animal that is flexible and supple / supple
Generalportecharacteristic way of bearing one's body
Catalánaire, airositat, gràcia, graciositat, sal
AdjetivográcilCharacterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 9, attribute
SentidoA distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing.
EspecíficomisterioAn aura of heightened value or interest or meaning surrounding a person or thing
notaA characteristic emotional quality
onda, rollo, vibraciones, vibración, vibraA distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively
Generalcalidad, cualidadAn essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone
Inglésair, aura, atmosphere
Catalánaire, aura
Adjetivoauralrelating to or characterized by an aura
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 10, act
SentidoA reflex that expels intestinal gas through the anus.
Sinónimoscuesco, flatulencia, gas, pedo, ventosidad
Generalacción refleja, acto reflejo, reacción fisiológica, reflejo incondicionado, reflejo innato, reflejo instintivo, reflejo, respuesta reflejaAn automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus
Inglésfart, farting, flatus, wind, breaking wind
Catalánaire, gas, pet, ventositat
Verbospeer, tirarse un pedoExpel intestinal gases through the anus
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 11, substance
SentidoOnce thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles).
GeneralelementoOne of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe
Uso dearcaismo, arcaísmoThe use of an archaic expression
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 12, attribute
Sentidoinherent resemblance between persons or things.
Sinónimosafinidad, parecido
Generalparecido, semejanza, similaridad, similitudsimilarity in appearance or external or superficial details
Catalánaire, semblant
Español > aire: 13 sentidos > nombre 13, state
Sentidonowhere to be found in a giant void.
Generalnada, nulidadThe state of nonexistence
Inglésthin air

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