Español > onda: 6 sentidos > nombre 1, eventSentido | One of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid / liquid (especially across a large body of water). |
Sinónimo | ola |
Específico | agua de rechazo, estela | The wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward |
cachón, ola grande, oleaje, rompiente, rompientes | waves breaking on the shore |
crecida | A wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground |
marejada, oleaje, tumefacción | The undulating movement of the surface of the open sea |
maremoto | An unusual (and often destructive) rise of water along the seashore caused by a storm or a combination of wind and high tide |
maremoto, tsunami | A cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption |
maremoto | A wave resulting from the periodic flow of the tides that is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun |
ola, oleada | A large sea wave |
ola grande, ola larga | A long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore |
ondulación, perturbación, wavelet | A small wave on the surface of a liquid / liquid |
General | movimiento | A natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something |
Inglés | wave, moving ridge |
Catalán | ona |
Nombres | ondulación, perturbación, wavelet | A small wave on the surface of a liquid / liquid |
Español > onda: 6 sentidos > nombre 3, bodySentido | A strand or cluster of hair. |
Sinónimos | bucle, caracol, chicho, mecha, rizo, rulo, sortija, tirabuzón |
Part de | estilo de pelo, estilo, peinado, tocado | The arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair) |
General | cabello, pelo | A covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head) |
Inglés | lock, curl, ringlet, whorl |
Catalán | anella, bucle, cargol, floc, onda, rínxol, ris, rull, tirabuixó |
Adjetivo | chino, crespo, rizada, rizado | (of hair) having curls or waves |
Verbos | encrespar, ondular, rizar | Twist or roll into coils or ringlets |
Español > onda: 6 sentidos > nombre 4, eventSentido | (physics) a movement up and down or back and forth. |
Sinónimo | ondulación |
Categoría | filosofía natural, física | The science of matter and energy and their interactions |
Específico | agitación, aleteo, revoloteo, revuelo | The motion made by flapping up and down |
fluctuación | A wave motion |
onda acústica, onda sonora | (acoustics) a wave that transmits sound |
onda de choque, onda expansiva | A region of high pressure travelling through a gas at a high velocity |
onda estacionaria | A wave (as a sound wave in a chamber or an electromagnetic wave in a transmission line) in which the ratio of its instantaneous amplitude at one point to that at any other point does not vary with time |
onda sinoidal, onda sinusoidal | A wave whose waveform resembles a sine curve |
oscilación, vibración | (physics) a regular periodic variation in value about a mean |
pulsación, pulso | (electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients) |
seiche | A wave on the surface of a lake or landlocked bay |
General | movimiento | A natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something |
Inglés | wave, undulation |
Catalán | ona |
Verbos | agitar, girar, ondear, ondular | Move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion |