HyperDic: girar

Español > 33 sentidos de la palabra girar:
VERBOchangegirar, convertirse, rotar, transformarseundergo a transformation or a change of position or action
contactgirar, arrollar, enrollar, envolver, la guitaarrange or or coil around
motiongirar, revolver, rodar, rotar, voltearturn on or around an axis or a center
motiongirar, rotar, virar, voltearchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
contactgirar, curvar, doblar, rotar, torcercause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked / crooked or angular form
motiongirar, caminar, deambular, errar, rondar, vagabundear, vagarmove about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
motiongirar, narrar, rotarrevolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis
motiongirar, pivotarturn on a pivot
motiongirar, agitar, ondear, ondularmove in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion
motiongirar, enrollar, revolver, rodar, voltearmove by turning over or rotating
motiongirar, hacer girar, rotarcause to spin
motiongirar, dar vueltas, orbitar, rotarmove in an orbit
motiongirar, rotarcause to move around or rotate
motiongirar, circularmove in circles
motiongirar, rodar, rotarcause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis
motiongirar, arremolinarse, arremolinar, remolinearturn in a twisting or spinning motion
motiongirar, rotar, virar, volvercause to move around a center so as to show another side of
motiongirar, enrollarse, enrollarto wind or move in a spiral course
bodygirar, descoyuntarse, dislocarse, rotar, torcersetwist suddenly so as to sprain
motiongirar, arremolinarse, remolinearflow in a circular current, of liquids / liquids
motiongirarchange directions as if revolving on a pivot
motiongirar, rotar, virarcause to move along an axis or into a new direction
contactgirarlet (something) fall or spill from a container
perceptiongirar, rodaremit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound
motiongirar, atravesarrevolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction
changegirarshape by rolling
motiongirar, arremolinarse, dar vueltasfly around
motiongirarstream in jets, of liquids / liquids
motiongirar, revolverse, rotar, virar, voltear, volverse, volvermove around an axis or a center
bodygirar, rodarexecute a roll, in tumbling
possessiongirarwithdraw money by writing a check
changegirar, borbotear, bullir, hervirboil vigorously
motiongirar, doblarpass to the other side of
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 1, change
SentidoUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action.
Sinónimosconvertirse, rotar, transformarse
Específicoabrirse, abrirBecome open
acalorarse, caldear, calentargain heat or get hot
acaudalar, crecer, florecer, fly high, medrar, proliferar, prosperarMake steady progress
acidificarTurn acidic
acudir, asfixiarse, asfixiar, caducar, caer muerto, colgar los guayos, croar, dejar de existir, diñar, entregar el alma, espichar, estirar la pata, estrangular, exhalar el último suspiro, expirar, fallecer, fenecer, finar, irse al otro barrio, ir, morir, palmar, pasar a mejor vida, pasar, perder la vida, perecer, salir de este mundo, salir, sucumbir, vencerPass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life
adelantar, ganar, mejorar, progresarGet better
adelgazarse, adelgazar, bajar peso, enflaquecer, perder peso, rebajar, reducirTake off weight
adelgazarse, adelgazar, enflaquecerse, enflaquecerLose thickness
agravar, decaer, declinar, empeorarGrow worse
agravarse, empeorarse, empeorar, recaerdeteriorate in health
agrazarse, agriarse, amargar, asperear, avinagrarse, elaborar, fermentarGo sour / sour or spoil
alcalinizar, alcalizarTurn basic and less acidic
arder, consumirse, incendiar, quemarseUndergo combustion
ataviar, vestirProvide with clothes or put clothes on
bullir, hervirCome to the boiling point and change from a liquid to vapor
caerPass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind
calcificarse, calcificarTurn into lime
calcinarse, carbonizarse, carbonizarTurn into carbon, as by burning
calmarseBecome quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation
carbonizarseUnite with carbon
catalizarchange by catalysis or cause to catalyze
cerrar, clausurar, concluir, terminarBecome closed
coagularse, coagular, cuajarchange from a liquid / liquid to a thickened or solid state
concebirBecome pregnant
concentrarMake denser, stronger, or purer
congelarse, congelar, helarsechange to ice
constituir, devenir, iniciar, llegar a ser, ponerse, tornar, volverseEnter or assume a certain state or condition
copar, llenarBecome full
cuajarTurn into curds
densificarse, espesarseBecome thick or thicker
desadormecerse, despabilarse, despertarse, despertar, resucitarstop sleeping
desalojar, descargarse, descargar, desocupar, vaciarBecome empty or void of its content
desconectarBecome free
desfallecer, desmayarse, desvanecerseLose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example
despertar, reanimarse, reanimar, resucitar, revivir, volver en síReturn to consciousness
disolverBecome weaker
emanciparGive equal rights to
emulsionarform into or become an emulsion
encapotarse, nublarse, taparseBecome overcast
encenderse, encender, inflamarse, prenderstart to burn or burst into flames
enfriarse, enfriar, refrescarLoose heat
engordar, engrosar, engruesar, ganarincrease (one's body weight)
equilibrarBring to a chemical stasis or equilibrium
estallar, explotarBe unleashed
eterificarchange into an ether
fluctuar, oscilar, rondar, variarBe unstable / unstable
homogeneizarBreak up the fat globules of
implicarse, involucrarseGet involved in or with
integrarse, integrarBecome one
ionizarconvert into ions
mitigar, relajarBecome less tense, rest, or take one's ease
nacerCome into existence through birth
osificarBecome bony
ponerse tenso, tensarseBecome tense, nervous, or uneasy
precipitarseparate as a fine suspension of solid particles
reaccionarUndergo a chemical reaction
secularizarmake secular and draw away from a religious orientation
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Tambiénirritar, sacar de quicioCause to feel intense dislike or distaste
mejorarImprove significantly
Similarconvertir, hacerse, hacer, tornar, volverseUndergo a change or development
tornar, volversePass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute
Ingléschange state, turn
Catalánconvertir-se, girar, rotar, transformar-se
NombresgiroAn unforeseen development
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 2, contact
SentidoArrange or or coil around.
Sinónimosarrollar, enrollar, envolver, la guita
Específicoaovillar, ovillarform into a ball by winding or rolling
devanarwind onto or off a reel
devanarwind onto a spool or a reel
enrollar, enroscarwind around something in coils or loops
ovillarRoll into a ball
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiénenrollar, envolverform a cylinder by rolling
Ingléswind, wrap, roll, twine
Cataláncircumdar, embolicar, encerclar, enrotllar, envoltar, girar, voltar
Nombresbigudí, chicho, ruloA mechanical device consisting of a cylindrical tube around which the hair is wound to curl it
devanaderamechanical device around which something can be wound
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 3, motion
Sentidoturn on or around an axis or a center.
Sinónimosrevolver, rodar, rotar, voltear
Causado porhacer rotar, rodar, rotarCause to turn on an axis or center
Específicoarremolinarse, arremolinar, girar, remolinearTurn in a twisting or spinning motion
atornillarCause to penetrate, as with a circular motion
girar, narrar, rotarrevolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis
girarchange directions as if revolving on a pivot
Generalgirar, revolverse, rotar, virar, voltear, volverse, volverMove around an axis or a center
Tambiéncentrar, concentrar, enfocarCenter upon
Similarhacer rotar, rodar, rotarCause to turn on an axis or center
Inglésrevolve, go around, rotate
Catalángirar, regirar, rodar, rotar, voltar, voltejar
Nombresrevolución, rotación, vueltaA single complete turn (axial or orbital)
rotaciónThe act of rotating as if on an axis
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 4, motion
Sentidochange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense.
Sinónimosrotar, virar, voltear
Implicado porzigzagueartravel along a zigzag path
EspecíficoachaflanarseTurn outward
apartar la vista, apartar, desviarturn away or aside
arrojar, lanzar, tirarlightly throw to see which side comes up
dar vueltasmake a rolling motion or turn
desenroscarse, desenroscar, enroscarse, enroscar, girar en espiralMove in a spiral or zigzag course
desviarTurn aside
desviarseturn aside and away from an initial or intended course
doblarse, doblarchange direction
encararseturn so as to face
enrollar, girar, revolver, rodar, voltearMove by turning over or rotating
enrollarse, enrollar, girarTo wind or move in a spiral course
girar, pivotarturn on a pivot
girarseTurn abruptly and face the other way, either physically or metaphorically
hacer rotar, rodar, rotarCause to turn on an axis or center
invertir, revolver, volcarTurn from an upright or normal position
retorcer, torcerTurn in the opposite direction
torcerTurn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest
virarTurn sharply
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Tambiéndesandar, repasarretrace one's course
dirigirsespeak to
torcerTurn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest
Similargirar, rotarCause to move around or rotate
Catalángirar, rotar
NombresgiroThe act of changing or reversing the direction of the course
giro, vueltaThe act of turning away or in the opposite direction
giroA movement in a new direction
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 5, contact
SentidoCause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked / crooked or angular form.
Sinónimoscurvar, doblar, rotar, torcer
Implicado porcurvarform a curl, curve, or kink
Específicoabollar, mellarmake a depression into
rizarcurl, wind, or twist together
Generalcambiar de forma, deformarassume a different shape or form
ContrariodesencorvarFree from flexure
Inglésflex, bend, deform, twist, turn
Cataláncorbar, doblar, doblegar, encorbar, enroscar, girar, rotar, tòrçar, torçar, tòrcer, trenar
Adjetivoarticulable, flexiblecapable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking / breaking
flexibleable to flex
Nombresacodadora, curvadora, plegadoraA tool for bending
arruga, dobladura, doblez, plegado, pliegue, rayaAn angular or rounded shape made by folding
contorsión, deformaciónThe act of twisting or deforming the shape / shape of something (e.g., yourself)
deformaciónalteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 6, motion
SentidoMove about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment.
Sinónimoscaminar, deambular, errar, rondar, vagabundear, vagar
Específicocorretear las calles, ir de fiesta, vagarwander aimlessly in search of pleasure
deambularwander aimlessly
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
SimilardeambularGo via an indirect route or at no set pace
descarriarse, desencaminarse, desviarse, errarwander from a direct course or at random
Inglésroll, wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond
Cataláncaminar, deambular, girar, rondar, vagabundejar, vagarejar, vagar
Participioerrante, vagarosowandering freely
Nombresandanzas, merodeo, vagabundeotravelling about without any clear destination
callejeroAn animal that has strayed (especially a domestic animal)
caminante, excursionistaA foot traveler
divagaciónaimless wandering from place to place
rezagado, strayersomeone who strays or falls behind
trotamundos, vagabundosomeone who leads a wandering unsettled life
vagabundoA wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 7, motion
Sentidorevolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis.
Sinónimosnarrar, rotar
Específicorevolotearwhirl or spin like a whirligig
Generalgirar, revolver, rodar, rotar, voltearturn on or around an axis or a center
Inglésspin, spin around, whirl, reel, gyrate
Catalánarremolinar-se, arremolinar, fer girar, girar, narrar, rotar
Nombresconvolución, remolino, voluta, vórticeThe shape of something rotating rapidly
giroThe act of rotating rapidly
giro, remolino, vueltaThe act of rotating in a circle or spiral
revolución, rotación, vueltaA single complete turn (axial or orbital)
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 8, motion
Sentidoturn on a pivot.
EspecíficopiruetearDo a pirouette, usually as part of a dance
Generalgirar, rotar, virar, voltearchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
Ingléspivot, swivel
Nombreseslabón giratorio, pivoteA coupling (as in a chain) that has one end that turns on a headed pin
pivoteThe act of turning on (or as if on) a pivot
pivoteAxis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 9, motion
SentidoMove in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion.
Sinónimosagitar, ondear, ondular
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Inglésroll, undulate, flap, wave
Catalánagitar-se, agitar, girar, ondejar, ondular, onejar, oscil·lar, volar
Nombresagitación, aleteo, revoloteo, revueloThe motion made by flapping up and down
ola grande, ola largaA long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore
onda, ondulación(physics) a movement up and down or back and forth
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 10, motion
SentidoMove by turning over or rotating.
Sinónimosenrollar, revolver, rodar, voltear
Generalgirar, rotar, virar, voltearchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
Tambiéndar vueltasmake a rolling motion or turn
Similargirar, rodar, rotarCause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis
Inglésroll, turn over
Catalánenrotllar, girar, rodar, voltar, voltejar
NombresrodilloA cylinder that revolves
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 11, motion
SentidoCause to spin.
Sinónimoshacer girar, rotar
Generalhacer rotar, rodar, rotarCause to turn on an axis or center
Ingléswhirl, birl, spin, twirl
Catalánarremolinar-se, arremolinar, fer girar, girar, rotar
Nombresbastonero, batonista, rotadorsomeone who twirls a baton
convolución, remolino, voluta, vórticeThe shape of something rotating rapidly
giroThe act of rotating rapidly
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 12, motion
SentidoMove in an orbit.
Sinónimosdar vueltas, orbitar, rotar
EspecíficoretrogradarMove backward in an orbit, of celestial bodies
Generalcircular, girarMove in circles
Inglésorb, orbit, revolve
Catalángirar, orbitar, rotar
Nombresorbitador, satélite artificial, satelite, satéliteman-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon
revolución, rotación, vueltaA single complete turn (axial or orbital)
órbitaThe (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another
órbitaThe path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 13, motion
SentidoCause to move around or rotate.
EspecíficoreorientarCause to turn
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Similargirar, rotar, virar, voltearchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
girar, rotar, virarCause to move along an axis or into a new direction
Catalándonar la volta, fer girar, girar, rotar
Nombresgiro, vueltaturning or twisting around (in place)
giroA movement in a new direction
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 14, motion
SentidoMove in circles.
Específicodar vueltas, girar, orbitar, rotarMove in an orbit
dar vueltasMove in loops
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Nombresaro, círculo, redondela, ruedaAny circular or rotating mechanism
circuito, círculo, vueltamovement once around a course
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 15, motion
SentidoCause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis.
Sinónimosrodar, rotar
Específicoatravesar, girarrevolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Similarenrollar, girar, revolver, rodar, voltearMove by turning over or rotating
Inglésroll, revolve
Catalángirar, rotar
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 16, motion
SentidoTurn in a twisting or spinning motion.
Sinónimosarremolinarse, arremolinar, remolinear
Generalgirar, revolver, rodar, rotar, voltearturn on or around an axis or a center
Ingléstwirl, swirl, twiddle, whirl
Catalánarremolinar-se, arremolinar, arrombollar-se, arrombollar, fer girar, girar
Nombresconvolución, remolino, voluta, vórticeThe shape of something rotating rapidly
giroThe act of rotating rapidly
giro, remolino, vueltaThe act of rotating in a circle or spiral
lanzador, twirler(baseball) the person who does the pitching
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 17, motion
SentidoCause to move around a center so as to show another side of.
Sinónimosrotar, virar, volver
Específicohojearturn over pages
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Inglésturn, turn over
Catalángirar, rotar, tombar
Nombrespaletacooking utensil having a flat flexible part and a long handle
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 18, motion
SentidoTo wind or move in a spiral course.
Sinónimosenrollarse, enrollar
Generalgirar, rotar, virar, voltearchange orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense
Inglésgyrate, spiral, coil
Nombresaduja, espiral, hélice, roleo, rosca, volutaA structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops
espiralA plane curve traced by a point circling about the center but at increasing distances from the center
forma espiralA round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
giro, remolino, vueltaThe act of rotating in a circle or spiral
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 19, body
SentidoTwist suddenly so as to sprain.
Sinónimosdescoyuntarse, dislocarse, rotar, torcerse
Generalherir, lastimar, lesionarCause injuries or bodily harm to
Ingléstwist, sprain, wrench, turn, wrick, rick
Catalándesconjuntar-se, dislocar-se, girar, rotar, torçar-se, torçar, tòrcer
Nombresdislocación, esguince, torceduraA painful injury to a joint caused by a sudden wrenching of its ligaments
torceduraA sharp strain on muscles or ligaments
tortícolisA painful muscle spasm especially in the neck or back ('rick' and 'wrick' are British)
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 20, motion
SentidoFlow in a circular current, of liquids / liquids.
Sinónimosarremolinarse, remolinear
Generalalimentar, correr, crecer, fluir, manarMove along, of liquids / liquids
Ingléseddy, purl, whirlpool, swirl, whirl
Catalánarremolinar-se, arremolinar, arrombollar-se, arrombollar, girar
Nombrescontracorriente, remolino, revesaA miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself
convolución, remolino, voluta, vórticeThe shape of something rotating rapidly
remolino, torbellino, vorágine, vórticeA powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides)
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 21, motion
Sentidochange directions as if revolving on a pivot.
Generalgirar, revolver, rodar, rotar, voltearturn on or around an axis or a center
Ingléswheel, wheel around
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 22, motion
SentidoCause to move along an axis or into a new direction.
Sinónimosrotar, virar
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Similargirar, rotarCause to move around or rotate
Catalángirar, rotar
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 23, contact
SentidoLet (something) fall or spill from a container.
Generalcanalizar, conducir, encauzar, transferir, transmitir, transportarSend from one person or place to another
Inglésturn, release
NombresderrameThe act of allowing a fluid to escape
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 24, perception
Sentidoemit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound.
Generalhacer ruido, sonarmake a certain noise or sound
Nombresestruendo, retumboA deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 25, motion
Sentidorevolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction.
Generalgirar, rodar, rotarCause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis
NombresteodolitoA surveying instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles, consisting of a small telescope mounted on a tripod
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 26, change
Sentidoshape by rolling.
Generalconfigurar, conformar, constituir, dar forma, forjar, formarGive shape or form to
Nombresforma espiralA round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 27, motion
Sentidofly around.
Sinónimosarremolinarse, dar vueltas
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Ingléswhirl, tumble, whirl around
Catalánarremolinar-se, fer girar, fer voltar, girar
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 28, motion
Sentidostream in jets, of liquids / liquids.
EspecíficocentrifugarRotate at very high speed in order to separate the liquids / liquids from the solids
GeneralverterFlow freely and abundantly
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 29, motion
SentidoMove around an axis or a center.
Sinónimosrevolverse, rotar, virar, voltear, volverse, volver
Específicogirar, revolver, rodar, rotar, voltearturn on or around an axis or a center
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Catalánfer giravolts, girar-se, girar, rotar, tombar-se, tombar, virar, voltejar
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 30, body
Sentidoexecute a roll, in tumbling.
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 31, possession
SentidoWithdraw money by writing a check.
Generaldibujar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
Ingléscheque, check out
Nombrescheque, talónA written order directing a bank to pay money
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 32, change
SentidoBoil vigorously.
Sinónimosborbotear, bullir, hervir
Generalagitar, batir, removerBe agitated
Inglésseethe, roll
Catalánbullir, girar
Español > girar: 33 sentidos > verbo 33, motion
SentidoPass to the other side of.
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Inglésturn, move around
NombresgiroA movement in a new direction

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