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Español 6 sentidos de la palabra batir:
VERBOcontactbatir, dar, golpear, pegar, tustardeal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument
motionbatir, agitar, sacudirse, sacudir, temblarmove or cause to move back and forth
motionbatir, agitar, aletear, sacudirmove with a thrashing motion
contactbatir, revolverstir vigorously
contactbatir, golpearwhip with or as if with a wire whisk
motionbatir, agitar, removerbe agitated
Españolbatir: 6 sentidos verbo 1, contact
SentidoDeal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument.
Sinónimosdar, golpear, pegar, tustar
Implicado porabollar, mellarmake a depression into
apalear, dar una paliza, derrotar, golpear, pegarGive a beating to
Específicoabofetear, agarrar a puñetazos, apuñear, apuñetear, dar puñetazosstrike, usually with the fist
abofetearstrike, beat repeatedly
aplastar, chafarhit hard
aplastarhit swiftly with a violent blow
aporrear, golpear, librar, martillear, moler a paloshit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument
aporrear, golpeardeliver a hard blow to
aporrear, dar bastonazosstrike with a club or a bludgeon
aporrearhit with a cosh, usually on the head
aporrear, dar garrotazos, fustigarstrike with a cudgel
atraparhit with a hook
aturdir, pasmarhit something or somebody as if with a sandbag
batearstrike with, or as if with a baseball bat
cascar, zurrarhit hard
cerrar ruidosamente, golpear, golpear violentamentestrike violently
correar, zurrardeliver a blow to
crujirhit forcefully
currar, liarse a puñetazosstrike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat
darreach with a blow or hit in a particular spot
dar un golpecitohit or strike
dar un piño, pegar un piñohit, especially on the head
dar un puñetazodeliver a quick blow to
dar un puñetazohit with the fist
palmear, palmotearstrike with the flat of the hand
partir la carahit on the head
patearstrike with the foot
zurrarhit hard
Generalcontactar, palpar, tocarmake physical contact with, come in contact with
Catalánbatre, colpejar, copejar, pegar-se, pegar, tustar
Nombresapaleamiento, golpeoThe act of contacting one thing with another
Españolbatir: 6 sentidos verbo 2, motion
SentidoMove or cause to move back and forth.
Sinónimosagitar, sacudirse, sacudir, temblar
Específicoabanicar, ventilaragitate the air
acuchillar, agitar, convelerse, dar vueltas, moverse agitadamente, reducir, sacudirse, sacudir, trillar, vapulearMove or stir about violently
agitar, ahuecar, inflar, mullirmake fuller by shaking
contonear, marear, menearse, menear, sacudir, zangolotearMove to and fro
convulsionar, zarandearshake violently
convulsionarshake uncontrollably
estremecerse, temblar, trepidarMove or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways
golpetear, repiquetearshake and cause to make a rattling noise
temblarshake with seismic vibrations
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Inglésshake, agitate
Catalánagitar, remenar, sacsejar, tremolar
NombresagitadorA container in which something can be shaken
meneoCausing to move repeatedly from side to side
sacudidaThe act of causing something to move up and down (or back and forth) with quick movements
Españolbatir: 6 sentidos verbo 3, motion
SentidoMove with a thrashing motion.
Sinónimosagitar, aletear, sacudir
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Similaragitar, aletear, golpetearMove with a flapping motion
Inglésbeat, flap
Catalánagitar, aletejar, batre, espolsar
Nombresagitación, aleteo, revoloteo, revueloThe motion made by flapping up and down
cadenciaA regular rate of repetition
Españolbatir: 6 sentidos verbo 4, contact
SentidoStir vigorously.
Categoríacocción, cocinaThe act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat
Específicobatir, golpearWhip with or as if with a wire whisk
montarmake creamy by beating
Generalagitar, excitar, molestar, removerchange the arrangement or position of
Inglésbeat, scramble
Catalánbatre, remenar
NombresbatidorAn implement for beating
Españolbatir: 6 sentidos verbo 5, contact
SentidoWhip with or as if with a wire whisk.
Categoríacocción, cocinaThe act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat
Generalbatir, revolverStir vigorously
Tambiénapañar, improvisarPrepare or cook quickly or hastily
Ingléswhisk, whip
Españolbatir: 6 sentidos verbo 6, motion
SentidoBe agitated.
Sinónimosagitar, remover
Específicoborbotear, bullir, girar, hervirBoil vigorously
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Ingléschurn, boil, moil, roil
Catalánagitar, batre

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