HyperDic: sacudirse

Español > 7 sentidos de la palabra sacudirse:
VERBOmotionsacudirse, agitar, batir, sacudir, temblarmove or cause to move back and forth
motionsacudirse, acuchillar, agitar, convelerse, dar vueltas, moverse agitadamente, reducir, sacudir, trillar, vapulearmove or stir about violently
motionsacudirse, arrojarse, cambiar de dirección, dar una sacudidamove abruptly
motionsacudirse, agitar, convulsionar, sacudir, zarandearshake or vibrate rapidly and intensively
motionsacudirse, arrancar, arremeter, cargar, despedir, dispararmove quickly and violently
possessionsacudirse, deshacerse, destruir, zafarsethrow away
motionsacudirse, deshacerse, escaparse, escapar, tirarget rid of
Español > sacudirse: 7 sentidos > verbo 1, motion
SentidoMove or cause to move back and forth.
Sinónimosagitar, batir, sacudir, temblar
Específicoabanicar, ventilaragitate the air
acuchillar, agitar, convelerse, dar vueltas, moverse agitadamente, reducir, sacudirse, sacudir, trillar, vapulearMove or stir about violently
agitar, ahuecar, inflar, mullirmake fuller by shaking
contonear, marear, menearse, menear, sacudir, zangolotearMove to and fro
convulsionar, zarandearshake violently
convulsionarshake uncontrollably
estremecerse, temblar, trepidarMove or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways
golpetear, repiquetearshake and cause to make a rattling noise
temblarshake with seismic vibrations
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Inglésshake, agitate
Catalánagitar, remenar, sacsejar, tremolar
NombresagitadorA container in which something can be shaken
meneoCausing to move repeatedly from side to side
sacudidaThe act of causing something to move up and down (or back and forth) with quick movements
Español > sacudirse: 7 sentidos > verbo 2, motion
SentidoMove or stir about violently.
Sinónimosacuchillar, agitar, convelerse, dar vueltas, moverse agitadamente, reducir, sacudir, trillar, vapulear
Específicorestallarthrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash
Generalagitar, batir, sacudirse, sacudir, temblarMove or cause to move back and forth
Inglésconvulse, thresh, thresh about, thrash, thrash about, slash, toss, jactitate
Catalánconvulsar, crispar, remenar
NombrespataleoA swimming kick used while treading water
Español > sacudirse: 7 sentidos > verbo 3, motion
SentidoMove abruptly.
Sinónimosarrojarse, cambiar de dirección, dar una sacudida
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Ingléslurch, pitch, shift
Nombresarremetida, embestida, estocadaThe act of moving forward suddenly
lanzamiento, sacudida, tiraabrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance)
Español > sacudirse: 7 sentidos > verbo 4, motion
Sentidoshake or vibrate rapidly and intensively.
Sinónimosagitar, convulsionar, sacudir, zarandear
Región deGran Bretaña, Reino, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Reino Unido, United KingdomA monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles
Generalvibrarshake, quiver, or throb
Inglésjudder, shake
Catalánagitar, trémer, tremolar
Español > sacudirse: 7 sentidos > verbo 5, motion
SentidoMove quickly and violently.
Sinónimosarrancar, arremeter, cargar, despedir, disparar
EspecíficoarrasarMove precipitously or violently
Generalapresurarse, correr, darse prisa, lanzarse, precipitarse, precipitarMove fast
TambiénespigarRise dramatically
Similardisparar, echarseRun or move very quickly or hastily
Ingléstear, shoot, shoot down, charge, buck
Español > sacudirse: 7 sentidos > verbo 6, possession
Sentidothrow away.
Sinónimosdeshacerse, destruir, zafarse
Generalabandonarforsake, leave behind
Uso deargot, dialecto, jerga, jerigonza, lengua vernácula, lunfardo, patoisA characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)
Ingléschuck, ditch
Catalándesembarassar-se, desfer-se, espolsar-se
Español > sacudirse: 7 sentidos > verbo 7, motion
SentidoGet rid of.
Sinónimosdeshacerse, escaparse, escapar, tirar
Generaldesatarse, escaparse, escapar, evadirse, evadir, fugarse, huir, irse, librarserun away from confinement
Inglésshake, shake off, throw off, escape from

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