HyperDic: reducir

Español > 19 sentidos de la palabra reducir:
VERBOconsumptionreducir, agotar, comer, consumir, disminuir, ingerir, mermaruse up (resources or materials)
changereducir, decrecer, disminuir, menguar, mermarmake smaller
changereducir, bajar, cortar, rebajar, recortarcut down on
changereducir, abreviar, acortar, compendiar, condensar, contraer, encoger, resumir, simplificarreduce in scope while retaining essential elements
changereducir, aclarar, cortar, desleír, diluirlessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
motionreducir, acuchillar, agitar, convelerse, dar vueltas, moverse agitadamente, sacudirse, sacudir, trillar, vapulearmove or stir about violently
changereducir, aflojar, amainar, disminuir, mitigarmake less active / active / active or intense
bodyreducir, adelgazarse, adelgazar, bajar peso, enflaquecer, perder peso, rebajartake off weight
changereducirbe cooked until very little liquid / liquid is left
emotionreducir, abatir, rebajarlower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation
possessionreducirsimplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another
changereducir, adelgazarse, adelgazar, enflaquecermake thin or thinner
cognitionreducir, clavar, especificar, identificar exactamentedefine clearly
changereducirmake a reduction, as in one's workforce
possessionreducir, descontar, rebajardeprive someone of benefits, as a penalty
changereducir, disminuirmake smaller
possessionreducirlessen and make more modest
changereducir, rebajar, tasajearcut drastically
changereducirbecome less intense
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 1, consumption
Sentidouse up (resources or materials).
Sinónimosagotar, comer, consumir, disminuir, ingerir, mermar
Implicado poracabar, agotar, esgrimir, usar, utilizaruse up, consume fully
derrochar, dilapidar, disipar, disparar, malgastar, prodigarspend frivolously and unwisely
Específicoacabar, agotar, cansar, gastar, minardeplete
agotar, debilitardeplete of resources
agotar, consumir, incendiar, quemaruse up (energy)
gastarspend completely
Generaldejar caer, expender, gastarpay out
Tambiénacabar, agotar, esgrimir, usar, utilizaruse up, consume fully
enjugar, formatear, limpiar, quitar, secarrub with a circular motion
Similarapoderar, copar, llevar, ocupar, tomarrequire (time or space)
Inglésconsume, eat up, use up, eat, deplete, exhaust, run through, wipe out
Catalánconsumir, disminuir, esgotar, exhaurir, ingerir, menjar, minvar, reduir
Adjetivocomestible, consumibleMay be used up
consuntivotending to consume or use often wastefully
NombresagotamientoThe act of exhausting something entirely
disminución, reducciónThe act of decreasing something markedly
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 2, change
Sentidomake smaller.
Sinónimosdecrecer, disminuir, menguar, mermar
Específicoabreviar, acortar, compendiar, condensar, contraer, encoger, reducir, resumir, simplificarReduce in scope while retaining essential elements
aflojar, amainar, disminuir, mitigar, reducirmake less active / active / active or intense
aflojar, moderar, remitir, soltarsemake less active or fast
bajar, cortar, rebajar, recortar, reducircut down on
bajarmake lower or quieter
circunscribir, limitarrestrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
contraer, encoger, mermarReduce in size
desescalarReduce the level or intensity or size or scope of
disminuir, menospreciar, quitar importancia, rebajarlessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of
minimizarmake small or insignificant
mondar, pelar, rebajardecrease gradually or bit by bit
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Contrarioacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Inglésdecrease, lessen, minify
Catalándecréixer, disminuir, reduir
Nombresaminoración, bajada, baja, caída, descenso, disminución, mengua, rebaja, reducciónA change downward
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 3, change
Sentidocut down on; make a reduction in.
Sinónimosbajar, cortar, rebajar, recortar
Específicoabaratarcut the price of
abreviar, acortar, encogermake shorter / shorter than originally / originally intended
adelgazarse, adelgazar, enflaquecer, reducirmake thin or thinner
diluir, dispersar, podarmake sparse
llevarse, quitartake away a part from
rebajar, reducir, tasajearcut drastically
reducirmake a reduction, as in one's workforce
Generaldecrecer, disminuir, menguar, mermar, reducirmake smaller
Tambiénescamondarweed out unwanted or unnecessary things
llevarBring into a different state
Inglésreduce, cut down, cut back, trim, trim down, trim back, cut, bring down
Catalánreduir, retallar, tallar-se, tallar
AdjetivoreductorCharacterized by or causing diminution or curtailment
Nombresdebilitamiento, disminución, merma, reducciónThe act of decreasing or reducing something
disminución, recorte, reducciónA reduction in quantity or rate
recortecutting down to the desired size or shape
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 4, change
SentidoReduce in scope while retaining essential elements.
Sinónimosabreviar, acortar, compendiar, condensar, contraer, encoger, resumir, simplificar
Específicocompendiar, comprimir, condensarmake more concise
expurgaredit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
Generaldecrecer, disminuir, menguar, mermar, reducirmake smaller
Contrarioampliar, dilatarse, expandir, explicar, exponer, extenderseadd details, as to an account or idea
Inglésabridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduce
Catalánabreujar, contraure, contreure, encongir, escurçar
Nombresabreviación, abreviatura, cápsula, compendio, condensación, reducción, resumenA shortened version of a written work
abreviador, abridger, compendiadorOne who shortens or abridges or condenses a written work
acortadorAny agent that shortens
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 5, change
Sentidolessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture.
Sinónimosaclarar, cortar, desleír, diluir
Específicoaguarmake less strong or intense
Generalablandar, atenuar, debilitar, flaquear, reblandecerlessen the strength of
Inglésdilute, thin, thin out, reduce, cut
Nombresatenuación, diluciónweakening (reducing the concentration) by the addition of water or a thinner
diluciónA diluted solution
diluente, diluyente, disolventeA diluting agent
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 6, motion
SentidoMove or stir about violently.
Sinónimosacuchillar, agitar, convelerse, dar vueltas, moverse agitadamente, sacudirse, sacudir, trillar, vapulear
Específicorestallarthrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash
Generalagitar, batir, sacudirse, sacudir, temblarMove or cause to move back and forth
Inglésconvulse, thresh, thresh about, thrash, thrash about, slash, toss, jactitate
Catalánconvulsar, crispar, remenar
NombrespataleoA swimming kick used while treading water
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 7, change
Sentidomake less active / active / active or intense.
Sinónimosaflojar, amainar, disminuir, mitigar
Generaldecrecer, disminuir, menguar, mermar, reducirmake smaller
Inglésslake, abate, slack
Catalánamainar, amansir, asserenar, debilitar, defallir, disminuir, mitigar, reduir
Nombresbajón, caídaA noticeable deterioration in performance or quality
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 8, body
SentidoTake off weight.
Sinónimosadelgazarse, adelgazar, bajar peso, enflaquecer, perder peso, rebajar
Específicoadelgazar sudandolose weight by sweating
Generalconvertirse, girar, rotar, transformarseUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
Contrarioengordar, engrosar, engruesar, ganarincrease (one's body weight)
Inglésreduce, melt off, slim, slenderize, thin, slim down
Catalánaflaquir-se, amagrir-se, aprimar-se
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 9, change
SentidoBe cooked until very little liquid / liquid is left.
Categoríacocción, cocinaThe act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat
Generalconsumirse, desmoronarse, disminuir, menguar, mermar, reducirsedecrease in size, extent, or range
Inglésboil down, reduce, decoct, concentrate
Nombresconcentraciónstrengthening the concentration (as of a solute in a mixture) by removing diluting material
concentraciónincrease / increase / increase in density / density
concentradoA concentrated form of a foodstuff
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 10, emotion
Sentidolower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation.
Sinónimosabatir, rebajar
Generaldegradarse, degradar, deshonrarse, deshonrar, envilecerReduce in worth or character, usually verbally
Catalánabaixar, rebaixar
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 11, possession
Sentidosimplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another.
Categoríaciencias exactas, matemática, matemáticas, matemático, matesA science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
Generalcanjear, intercambiar, reemplazar, substituir, suplir, sustituirput in the place of another
Adjetivoreducible, reductiblecapable of being reduced
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 12, change
Sentidomake thin or thinner.
Sinónimosadelgazarse, adelgazar, enflaquecer
Causa deadelgazarse, adelgazar, enflaquecerse, enflaquecerLose thickness
Generalbajar, cortar, rebajar, recortar, reducircut down on
Contrariocoagular, condensar, densificar, engrosar, engruesar, espesarmake thick or thicker
Catalánaflaquir-se, aflaquir, amagrir-se, aprimar-se, aprimar, fer prim, reduir
Nombresdiluente, diluyente, disolventeA diluting agent
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 13, cognition
Sentidodefine clearly.
Sinónimosclavar, especificar, identificar exactamente
Específicoconcretar, precisarmake something concrete
GeneraldeterminarFix in scope
Tambiénclavar, enclavarattach something somewhere by means of nails
estacarFasten or secure with a wooden pin
Ingléspin down, peg down, nail down, narrow down, narrow, specify
Nombresespecificadorsomeone who draws up specifications giving details (as for obtaining a patent / patent)
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 14, change
Sentidomake a reduction, as in one's workforce.
Generalbajar, cortar, rebajar, recortar, reducircut down on
Nombresahorro, racionalización de gastos, reducción, restricciónThe reduction of expenditures in order to become financially stable
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 15, possession
Sentidodeprive someone of benefits, as a penalty.
Sinónimosdescontar, rebajar
GeneralprivarKeep from having, keeping, or obtaining
Catalándisminuir, rebaixar
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 16, change
Sentidomake smaller.
Generalcontraer, encoger, mermarReduce in size
Contrarioagrandar, ampliar, aumentar, engrandecermake large
Inglésreduce, scale down
Adjetivoreducible, reductiblecapable of being reduced
Nombresdebilitamiento, disminución, merma, reducciónThe act of decreasing or reducing something
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 17, possession
Sentidolessen and make more modest.
Generalempobrecermake poor
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 18, change
Sentidocut drastically.
Sinónimosrebajar, tasajear
Generalbajar, cortar, rebajar, recortar, reducircut down on
Catalánrebaixar, retallar
Español > reducir: 19 sentidos > verbo 19, change
SentidoBecome less intense.
Generalconsumirse, desmoronarse, disminuir, menguar, mermar, reducirsedecrease in size, extent, or range
Tambiénaflojarse, aflojar, soltarseBecome looser or slack
Inglésease up, ease off, slacken off, flag

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