HyperDic: matemática

Español > 3 sentidos de la palabra matemática:
ADJETIVOallmatemática, matemáticostatistically possible though highly improbable
NOMBREcognitionmatemática, ciencias exactas, matemáticas, matemático, matesa science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
person matemática, matemáticoa person skilled in mathematics
Español > matemática: 3 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidostatistically possible though highly improbable.
Generalposiblecapable of happening / happening or existing
Español > matemática: 3 sentidos > nombre 1, cognition
SentidoA science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement.
Sinónimosciencias exactas, matemáticas, matemático, mates
Categoría deacotar, converger, convergirapproach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
afirmación matemática, declaración matemáticaA statement of a mathematical relation
afín(mathematics) of or pertaining to the geometry of affine transformations
analíticoUsing or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus
análisisA branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits
análisis numérico(mathematics) the branch of mathematics that studies algorithms for approximating solutions to problems in the infinitesimal calculus
aritméticaThe branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations
asimetría, desequilibrio(mathematics) a lack of symmetry / symmetry
averigüar, calcular, codificar, computar, deducirmake a mathematical calculation or computation
bicuadráticoOf or relating to the fourth power
bilineallinear with respect to each of two variables or positions
binomial, binómicoOf or relating to or consisting of two terms
binomio(mathematics) a quantity expressed as a sum or difference of two terms
campo, cuerpo(mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1
cantidadThe concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable
cardinalidad(mathematics) the number of elements in a set or group (considered as a property of that grouping)
conjunto(mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols
conmutativo, recabar(of a binary operation) independent of order
continuoOf a function or curve
correspondencia, correspondencia unívoca, función matemática, función(mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an element of another set (the range of the function)
cuadráticoOf or relating to or resembling a square
cálculo de variacionesThe calculus of maxima and minima of definite integrals
cálculo diferencialThe part of calculus that deals with the variation of a function with respect to changes in the independent variable (or variables) by means of the concepts of derivative and differential
cálculo infinitesimal, cálculoThe branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions
cálculo integralThe part of calculus that deals with integration and its application in the solution of differential equations and in determining areas or volumes etc.
demostrar, probarprove formally
desarrollarExpand in the form of a series
diagonal(mathematics) a set of entries in a square matrix running diagonally either from the upper left to lower right entry or running from the upper right to lower left entry
diagonalizablecapable of being transformed into a diagonal matrix
diferencialInvolving or containing one or more derivatives
diferenciarcalculate a derivative
discontinuoOf a function or curve
disjuntoHaving no elements in common
divergirHave no limits as a mathematical series
divisibleCan be divided usually without leaving a remainder
dominio(mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined
ecuaciónA mathematical statement that two expressions are equal
escalenoOf a triangle having three sides of different lengths
espacio topológico(mathematics) any set of points that satisfy a set of postulates of some kind
exacto, matemáticoCharacterized by the exactness or precision of mathematics
expresión, fórmulaA group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
extrapolación(mathematics) calculation of the value of a function outside the range of known values
extrapolar, interpolarEstimate the value of
factoraje, factorización(mathematics) the resolution of an entity into factors such that when multiplied together they give the original entity
fractal(mathematics) a geometric pattern that is repeated at every scale and so cannot be represented by classical geometry
fórmula(mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems
geodésica, geodésico(mathematics) the shortest line between two points on a mathematically defined surface (as a straight line on a plane or an arc of a great circle on a sphere)
geometríaThe pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces
geometría afínThe geometry of affine transformations
geometría analíticaThe use of algebra to study geometric properties
geometría descriptiva, geometría proyectivaThe geometry of properties that remain invariant under projection
geometría esférica(mathematics) the geometry of figures on the surface of a sphere
geometría espacialThe geometry of 3-dimensional space
geometría euclideana, geometría euclidiana(mathematics) geometry based on Euclid's axioms
geometría fractal(mathematics) the geometry of fractals
geometría no-euclideana(mathematics) geometry based on axioms different from Euclid's
geometría planaThe geometry of 2-dimensional figures
idempotenteunchanged in value following multiplication by itself
indeterminadonot capable of being determined
indivisibleCannot be divided without leaving a remainder
infinitesimal(mathematics) a variable that has zero as its limit
integrarcalculate the integral of
interpolación(mathematics) calculation of the value of a function between the values already known
invarianteunaffected by a designated operation or transformation
invarianteA feature (quantity or property or function) that remains unchanged when a particular transformation is applied to it
inversoOpposite in nature or effect or relation to another quantity
irracionalReal but not expressible as the quotient of two integers
isométricorelated by an isometry
iterarRun or be performed again
linealDesignating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree
matemática, matemáticoA person skilled in mathematics
matriz(mathematics) a rectangular array of quantities or expressions set out by rows and columns
metamatemáticaThe logical analysis of mathematical reasoning
monotóna, monótono, monotónoOf a sequence or function
multinomial, polinomioA mathematical function that is the sum of a number of terms
métricaA function of a topological space that gives, for any two points in the space, a value equal to the distance between them
no monótononot monotonic
no negativoEither positive or zero
número complejo, número imaginario(mathematics) a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1
operación matemática, operación, proceso matemático(mathematics) calculation by mathematical methods
operador(mathematics) a symbol or function representing a mathematical operation
plano(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape
positivoGreater than zero
primoOf or relating to or being an integer that cannot be factored into other integers
progresión aritmética(mathematics) a progression in which a constant is added to each term in order to obtain the next term
progresión armónica(mathematics) a progression of terms whose reciprocals form an arithmetic progression
progresión geométrica(mathematics) a progression in which each term is multiplied by a constant in order to obtain the next term
pruebaA formal series of statements showing that if one thing is true something else necessarily follows from it
racionalcapable of being expressed as a quotient of integers
racionalizarRemove irrational quantities from
rayo, semirrecta(mathematics) a straight line extending from a point
recurrencia, recursión(mathematics) an expression such that each term is generated by repeating a particular mathematical operation
redondeo(mathematics) a miscalculation that results from rounding off numbers / numbers to a convenient number of decimals
redondo(mathematics) expressed to the nearest integer, ten, hundred, or thousand
reducirsimplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another
relación matemáticaA relation between mathematical expressions (such as equality or inequality)
representableexpressible in symbolic form
rotación(mathematics) a transformation in which the coordinate axes are rotated by a fixed angle about the origin
serie(mathematics) the sum of a finite or infinite sequence of expressions
simetría(mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation
subgrupo(mathematics) a subset (that is not empty) of a mathematical group
sólidoHaving three dimensions
teoría de conjuntosThe branch of pure mathematics that deals with the nature and relations of sets
teoría de galoisgroup theory applied to the solution of algebraic equations
teoría de gruposThe branch of mathematics dealing with groups
topologíaThe branch of pure mathematics that deals only with the properties of a figure X that hold for every figure into which X can be transformed with a one-to-one correspondence that is continuous in both directions
transformación(mathematics) a function that changes the position or direction of the axes of a coordinate system
transformación afín(mathematics) a transformation that is a combination of single transformations such as translation or rotation or reflection on an axis
trigonometríaThe mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions
trigonometría esférica(mathematics) the trigonometry of spherical triangles
vector algebraThe part of algebra that deals with the theory of vectors and vector spaces
álgebraThe mathematics of generalized arithmetical operations
álgebra linealThe part of algebra that deals with the theory of linear equations and linear transformation
Categoríaciencia, ciencias, disciplina científicaA particular branch of scientific knowledge
Específicomatemática aplicadaThe branches of mathematics that are involved in the study of the physical or biological or sociological world
Generalciencia, ciencias, disciplina científicaA particular branch of scientific knowledge
Inglésmathematics, math, maths
Catalánciències exactes, matemàtica, matemàtiques
Adjetivoexacto, matemáticoCharacterized by the exactness or precision of mathematics
matemáticoOf or pertaining to or of the nature of mathematics
Nombresmatemática, matemáticoA person skilled in mathematics
Español > matemática: 3 sentidos > nombre 2, person
SentidoA person skilled in mathematics.
Categoríaciencias exactas, matemática, matemáticas, matemático, matesA science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
CasosAbel, Niels Abel, Niels Henrik AbelNorwegian mathematician (1802-1829)
Alan Mathison Turing, Alan Turing, TuringEnglish mathematician who conceived of the Turing machine and broke German codes during World War II (1912-1954)
Alfred North Whitehead, WhiteheadEnglish philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with Bertrand Russell (1861-1947)
Alhacen, Ibn al-HaythamAn Egyptian polymath (born in Iraq) whose research in geometry and optics was influential into the 17th century
Andre WeilUnited States mathematician (born in France) (1906-1998)
Andrei Markov, André Markoff, Markoff, MarkovRussian mathematician (1856-1922)
Arquimedes, ArquímedesGreek mathematician and physicist noted for his work in hydrostatics and mechanics and geometry (287-212 BC)
Bayes, Thomas BayesEnglish mathematician for whom Bayes' theorem is named (1702-1761)
Benjamin Peirce, PeirceUnited States mathematician and astronomer remembered for his studies / studies of Uranus and Saturn and Neptune (1809-1880)
Benoit MandelbrotFrench mathematician (born in Poland) noted for inventing fractals (born in 1924)
Bernhard Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, Riemannpioneer of non-Euclidean geometry (1826-1866)
Bernoulli, Jacques Bernoulli, Jakob Bernoulli, James BernoulliSwiss mathematician (1654-1705)
Bernoulli, Jean Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli, John BernoulliSwiss mathematician (1667-1748)
Blaise Pascal, PascalFrench mathematician and philosopher and Jansenist
Boole, George BooleEnglish mathematician
Carl Friedrich Gauss, Gauss, Karl Friedrich GaussGerman mathematician who developed the theory of numbers and who applied mathematics to electricity and magnetism and astronomy and geodesy (1777-1855)
David Hilbert, HilbertGerman mathematician (1862-1943)
Descartes, Rene DescartesFrench philosopher and mathematician
Emmy NoetherGerman mathematician (1882-1935)
Eratóstenes, EratosthenesGreek mathematician and astronomer who estimated the circumference of the earth and the distances to the Moon and sun (276-194 BC)
Euler, Leonhard EulerSwiss mathematician (1707-1783)
Evariste Galois, GaloisFrench mathematician who described the conditions for solving polynomial equations
Felix Klein, KleinGerman mathematician who created the Klein bottle (1849-1925)
Fermat, Pierre de FermatFrench mathematician who founded number theory
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph FourierFrench mathematician who developed Fourier analysis and studied the conduction of heat / heat (1768-1830)
Friedrich Wilhelm BesselGerman mathematician and astronomer who made accurate measurements of stellar distances and who predicted the existence on an 8th planet (1784-1846)
Godel, Kurt GodelUnited States mathematician (born in Austria) who is remembered principally for demonstrating the limitations of axiomatic systems (1906-1978)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Leibnitz, LeibnizGerman philosopher and mathematician who thought of the universe as consisting of independent monads and who devised a system of the calculus independent of Newton (1646-1716)
Hamilton, Sir William Rowan Hamilton, William Rowan Hamilton, Willilam Rowan HamiltonIrish mathematician (1806-1865)
Hermann Minkowski, MinkowskiGerman mathematician (born in Russia) who suggested the concept of four-dimensional space-time (1864-1909)
HiparcoGreek astronomer and mathematician who discovered the precession of the equinoxes and made the first known star chart and is said to have invented trigonometry (second century BC)
Isaac Newton, Newton, Sir Isaac NewtonEnglish mathematician and physicist
John NapierScottish mathematician who invented logarithms
Kronecker, Leopold KroneckerGerman mathematician (1823-1891)
LaplaceFrench mathematician and astronomer who formulated the nebular hypothesis concerning the origins of the solar system and who developed the theory of probability (1749-1827)
Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich LobachevskyRussian mathematician who independently discovered non-Euclidean geometry (1792-1856)
Norbert Wiener, WienerUnited States mathematician and founder of cybernetics (1894-1964)
Omar KhayyamPersian poet and mathematician and astronomer whose poetry was popularized by Edward Fitzgerald's translation (1050-1123)
Oswald Veblen, VeblenUnited States mathematician (1880-1960)
Pitagoras, PitágorasGreek philosopher and mathematician who proved the Pythagorean theorem
RegiomontanusGerman mathematician and astronomer (1436-1476)
EspecíficoalgebristaA mathematician whose specialty is algebra
aritméticosomeone who specializes in arithmetic
estadísticoA mathematician who specializes in statistics
geómetraA mathematician specializing in geometry
trigonometristaA mathematician specializing in trigonometry
Generalcientífica, científicoA person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences
Nombresciencias exactas, matemática, matemáticas, matemático, matesA science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement

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