HyperDic: deducir

Español > 8 sentidos de la palabra deducir:
VERBOcognitiondeducir, averigüar, calcular, codificar, computarmake a mathematical calculation or computation
cognitiondeducir, resolver, solucionar, solverfind the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning / meaning of
cognitiondeducir, derivar, descontar, desgravar, inferir, provenirreason by deduction
communicationdeducir, inferirconclude by reasoning
possessiondeducir, descontar, desgravar, recobrar, retenerretain and refrain from disbursing
cognitiondeducir, descontar, desgravar, extraer, quitar, restar, substraer, sustraermake a subtraction
cognitiondeducir, colegir, comprender, entender, inferirbelieve to be the case
communicationdeducir, inferirconclude from evidence
Español > deducir: 8 sentidos > verbo 1, cognition
Sentidomake a mathematical calculation or computation.
Sinónimosaverigüar, calcular, codificar, computar
Categoríaciencias exactas, matemática, matemáticas, matemático, matesA science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic / logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
Implicado porobtenerreach by calculation
Específicoadicionar, agregar, sumarmake an addition by combining numbers
calcular, echar, estimar, tasarjudge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)
calcular la media, promediarcompute the average of
calcular mal, subestimarcalculate / calculate incorrectly
capitalizarcompute the present value of a business or an income
contabilizar, descomponer en factores, factorizarresolve into factors
deducir, descontar, desgravar, extraer, quitar, restar, substraer, sustraermake a subtraction
diferenciarcalculate a derivative
dividir, fraccionarPerform a division
extrapolar, interpolarEstimate the value of
integrarcalculate the integral of
manejar, tratarPerform mathematical and logical operations on (data) according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the required information
multiplicarse, multiplicarcombine by multiplication
presupuestarmake a budget
prorrateardivide or assess proportionally
recalcularcalculate anew
resolver, solucionarFind the solution
GeneralrazonarThink logically
Tambiénapostar, calcular, confiar, contar, depender, fiarse, fiarHave confidence or faith in
deducir, resolver, solucionar, solverFind the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning / meaning of
Ingléscalculate, cipher, cypher, compute, work out, reckon, figure
Cataláncalcular, computar
Adjetivocalculablecapable of being calculated or estimated
Nombres0, cero, cifraA mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number
calculadora, calculador, computadora, computador, ordenador, procesador de datos, procesadorA machine for performing calculations automatically
calculadora, calculadorA small machine that is used for mathematical calculations
calculista, computador, estimadora, estimador, figurer, tasadoraAn expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)
calculo, cálculo, cómputoThe procedure of calculating
calculo, cálculo, cómputoproblem solving that involves numbers or quantities
cifraAn amount of money expressed numerically
cálculo infinitesimal, cálculoThe branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions
númeroThe property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals
Español > deducir: 8 sentidos > verbo 2, cognition
SentidoFind the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning / meaning of.
Sinónimosresolver, solucionar, solver
ImplicarazonarThink logically
Específicoadivinar, atinar, conjeturar, inferir, suponerguess correctly
comprender, resolverseunderstand the meaning / meaning of
contestar, responderGive the correct answer or solution to
dar con, encontrararrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing
descifrarFind the solution or key to
resolver un acertijoexplain a riddle
Generalcoger, comprender, entenderknow and comprehend the nature or meaning / meaning of
Tambiénasombrar, confundir, desconcertar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, sorprenderBe a mystery or bewildering to
averigüar, calcular, codificar, computar, deducirmake a mathematical calculation or computation
Ingléssolve, work out, figure out, puzzle out, lick, work
Catalánresoldre, solucionar
Adjetivoalcanzable, factible, practicable, realizable, viablecapable of being done with means / means at hand and circumstances as they are
Nombresresolución, soluciónFinding a solution / solution to a problem
resolución, respuesta, resultado, solución, solventeA statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem
solucionadora, solucionador, solverA thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution
Español > deducir: 8 sentidos > verbo 3, cognition
Sentidoreason by deduction; establish by deduction.
Sinónimosderivar, descontar, desgravar, inferir, provenir
CategoríalógicaA system of reasoning
Específicoconjeturar, suponerinfer / infer from incomplete evidence
derivar, obtener, suscitarderive by reason
extrapolargain knowledge of (an area not known or experienced) by extrapolating
Generalconcluir, inferir, razonardecide by reasoning
Inglésdeduce, infer, deduct, derive
Catalándeduir, desgravar, inferir, provenir
AdjetivodeductivoInvolving inferences from general principles
deductivorelating to logical deduction
Nombresdeducción, ilación, inferenciaThe reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation
deducción, razonamiento deductivoreasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect)
derivaciónA line of reasoning that shows how a conclusion follows logically from accepted propositions
Español > deducir: 8 sentidos > verbo 4, communication
Sentidoconclude by reasoning; in logic.
Generalconcluir, inferir, razonardecide by reasoning
Inglésdeduce, infer
AdjetivodeductivoInvolving inferences from general principles
deductivorelating to logical deduction
Nombresdeducción, ilación, inferenciaThe reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation
deducción, razonamiento deductivoreasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect)
Español > deducir: 8 sentidos > verbo 5, possession
SentidoRetain and refrain from disbursing; of payments.
Sinónimosdescontar, desgravar, recobrar, retener
EspecíficorecortarDeduct from someone's wages
Generalconservar, guardar, mantener, quedar, sostenerRetain possession of
Ingléswithhold, deduct, recoup
Adjetivodeducible, deductibleacceptable as a deduction (especially as a tax deduction)
Nombresimpuesto anticipado, retención fiscalincome tax withheld from employees' wages and paid directly to the government by the employer
retenciónThe act of deducting from an employee's salary
Español > deducir: 8 sentidos > verbo 6, cognition
Sentidomake a subtraction.
Sinónimosdescontar, desgravar, extraer, quitar, restar, substraer, sustraer
CategoríaaritméticaThe branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations
Generalaverigüar, calcular, codificar, computar, deducirmake a mathematical calculation or computation
Tambiénapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
Contrarioadicionar, agregar, sumarmake an addition by combining numbers
Ingléssubtract, deduct, take off
Catalándesgravar, extraure, extreure, restar, sostraure, sostreure, treure
Adjetivosubstractivo, subtractivo, sustractivoconstituting / constituting or involving subtraction
Nombresmenos, resta, sustracciónAn arithmetic operation in which the difference between two numbers is calculated
resta, substracción, sustracciónThe act of subtracting (removing a part from the whole)
Español > deducir: 8 sentidos > verbo 7, cognition
SentidoBelieve to be the case.
Sinónimoscolegir, comprender, entender, inferir
Generalconfiar, considerar, creerAccept as true
Inglésunderstand, infer
Cataláncol·legir, comprendre, deduir, inferir
Español > deducir: 8 sentidos > verbo 8, communication
Sentidoconclude from evidence.
Generalconcluir, inferir, razonardecide by reasoning

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