HyperDic: tomar

Español > 25 sentidos de la palabra tomar:
VERBOchangetomar, apartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimirremove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
cognitiontomar, coger, decantar, elegir, escoger, optar, seleccionar, triarpick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
possessiontomar, adquirir, conseguir, lograr, obtener, sacarcome into the possession of something concrete or abstract
contacttomar, agarrar, aguantar, ostentar, sostener, sujetar, sustentar, tenerhave or hold in one's hands or grip
consumptiontomar, bebertake in liquids / liquids
consumptiontomar, comer, consumir, ingerirserve oneself to, or consume regularly
possessiontomar, apoderarse, apoderar, captar, capturar, confiscar, conquistar, dominar, embargar, incautar, invadir, ocupartake possession of by force, as after an invasion
consumptiontomar, beber, emborracharse, soplar, tomar unas copasconsume alcohol
socialtomar, adoptar, adquirir, asumirtake on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities
possessiontomar, aceptar, quererreceive willingly something given or offered
motiontomar, acarrear, copar, llevar, portar, traer, transportartake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
motiontomar, adquiriroccupy or take on
possessiontomar, apropiarse, copar, llevarse, quitartake into one's possession
contacttomar, apoderarse, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prendertake or capture by force
cognitiontomar, asumir, entender, leerinterpret something in a certain way
possessiontomar, adoptar, seguirchoose and follow
contacttomar, agarrar, asir, cogerget into one's hands, take physically
possessiontomar, apoderar, copar, llevar, ocuparrequire (time or space)
possessiontomar, apropiarse, coger, confiscar, copar, quitartake by force
motiontomar, aspirar, esperar, pillar, saltar, subirsetravel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc.
socialtomar, asumir, ocuparassume, as of positions or roles
consumptiontomar, darle, trincardrink moderately but regularly
consumptiontomar, consumir, tocarconsume
motiontomar, cogertravel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route
socialtomarcarry out
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 1, change
SentidoRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract.
Sinónimosapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, llevar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir
Implicado porahondar, cavar, excavarcreate by digging
desempolvarRemove the dust from
EspecíficoachicarRemove (water) from a boat by dipping and throwing over the side
aclarar, clarificar, despejar, retirar, solucionarFree (the throat) by making a rasping sound
ahecharBlow away or off with a current of air
amputarRemove surgically
anular, borrar, eliminar, suprimir, tacharRemove or make invisible
apartarRemove with or as if with a brush
arrancar a tiras, raerTake off or remove
arrojar, dejar caer, despojarse, librarse de, mudar, quitarse de encima, quitarse, sacudirse algo, tirar, vaciarGet rid of
cargar, repartirRemove with or as if with a ladle
cavar, excavarTurn up, loosen, or remove earth
cavar, excavarRemove the inner part or the core of
circumcidar, circuncidarcut the foreskin off male babies or teenage boys
claramente, clarificar, unánimenteRemove
condensarRemove water from
cucharearscoop up or take up with a spoon
depilarRemove body hair
deprivarremove a constituent from a liquid
desactivarRemove the triggering device from
desalojarRemove or force out from a position
desbrozar, desherbar, escardar, herbarClear of weeds
descalcificarRemove calcium or lime / lime from
descargarTake the burden off
descargarRemove the charge from
descascarar, descascarillarRemove the hulls from
descascarillar, desvainarRemove the husks from
descascarillar, limpiar, pelar, sacarRemove shells or husks from
descordar, desencordarRemove the strings from
descubrirRemove the cover from
desempaquetarRemove from its packing
desensillarRemove the saddle from
desentrañar, destriparRemove the entrails of
desenvainarRemove from its shell or outer covering
desfibrarRemove the stringy parts of
desgastar, erosionar, gastardiminish, as by friction
desgonzar, desgoznar, desquiciarRemove the hinges from
deshuesarRemove the bones from
deshuesar, despepitarremove the pits from
desintoxicarRemove poison from
desmantelar, desmontar, desnudar, limpiar, quitar, sacarRemove all contents or possession from, or empty completely
desnatar, espumarRemove from the surface
despejar, quitar los estorbos, sacarremove from sight
despejar, expectorar, sacarclear out the chest and lungs
despojarRemove the surface from
destriparRemove the guts of
desvestirRemove (someone's or one's own) clothes
dibujar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
dragarRemove with a power shovel, usually from a bottom of a body of water
enjugarRemove by wiping
escamarRemove the scales from
exprimir, extraertake liquid out of a container or well
extirparsurgically remove (an organ)
extraer, sacarRemove, usually with some force or effort
granarRemove the seeds from
hipofisectomizarRemove the pituitary glands
lavarRemove by the application of water or other liquid / liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent
lavar, limpiarRemove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits
lavar, limpiar, quitar, sacarRemove while making clean
limpiar, purificarRemove unwanted substances from
llevarseRemove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
picotear, roerRemove in small bits
quitartake away
retirar, sacartake out or remove
sacarRemove substances from by a percolating liquid / liquid
sacartake away or remove
sacarRemove from a seedbed or from a nursery
sacarTake off or away by decreasing
sacarBring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover
sacar del amarraderotake (a ship) out of a dock
Tambiéndeducir, descontar, desgravar, extraer, quitar, restar, substraer, sustraermake a subtraction
Inglésremove, take, take away, withdraw
Catalánapartar, copar, eliminar, emportar-se, extirpar, llevar, retirar, suprimir, treure
Nombreseliminación, remociónThe act of removing
retiradaThe act of withdrawing
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 2, cognition
Sentidopick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives.
Sinónimoscoger, decantar, elegir, escoger, optar, seleccionar, triar
Implicado poradquirir, comprar, mercarObtain by purchase
Específicoadoptar, seguir, tomarchoose and follow
asignar, designar, destinar, diferenciar, especificarselect something or someone for a specific purpose
citar, extractar, extraer, sacartake out of a literary work in order to cite / cite or copy
colar, cribardistinguish and separate out
concertar, determinar, especificar, fijar, precisardecide upon or fix definitely
cribar, tamizarseparate or remove
cribar, ordenar, tamizarExamine in order to test suitability
designar, elegirselect by a vote for an office or membership
designar, nominar, postular, proponerPut forward
elegir, nombrarselect from a list
elegir, escogerchoose
elegir, votarExpress one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution
escogerselect carefully from a group
pensar enchoose in one's mind
seleccionarselect from a group
seleccionarselect desirable parts from a group or list
votarelect in a voting process
Generalconcluir, decidirse, decidir, determinar, resolverreach, make, or come to a decision about something
Ingléschoose, take, select, pick out
Catalándecantar, elegir, escollir, optar, seleccionar, triar
Adjetivoexclusivo, selectivotending to select
Nombreselección, selecciónThe act of choosing or selecting
selectorA person who chooses or selects out
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 3, possession
SentidoCome into the possession of something concrete or abstract.
Sinónimosadquirir, conseguir, lograr, obtener, sacar
Específicoaceptar, querer, tomarReceive willingly something given or offered
adelantarseacquire for oneself before others can do so
adelantarseGain possession of by prior right or opportunity, especially so as to obtain the right to buy (land)
adoptar, emprestar, tomar prestadoGet temporarily
adquirir, comprar, mercarObtain by purchase
adquirir, ganarse, ganar, triunfar, vencerwin something through one's efforts
adquirir, advertir, clarificar, cobrar, ganar, hacerearn on some commercial or business transaction
adquirir, aprovecharse, aprovechar, beneficiarse, beneficiar, ganar, obtener frutos, sacar provecho, sacar ventajaderive a benefit from
adquirir, conseguir, lograr, obtenerCome into possession of
adquiriracquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange
adueñarse, encontrarseTake possession of
aislarObtain in pure form
alquilar, arrendar, contratarEngage for service under a term of contract
buscar, recoger, recopilarGather or collect
capturarCapture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping
compartir, participar en, tomar parte enHave, give, or receive a share of
conseguir, encontrar, hacerse conGet something or somebody for a specific purpose
conseguirObtain, especially accidentally
encontrar, recobrar, recuperarcome upon after searching
ganar, granjear, mereceracquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions
heredarObtain from someone after their death
recibirGet something
recobrar, reconquistar, recuperarget or find back
recobrar, recuperarclaim back
recuperarRecover something or somebody that appeared to be lost
recuperarse, recuperarregain or make up for
robarseize upon or latch onto something
Similaradquirir, encontrar, obtener, recibirReceive a specified treatment (abstract)
Inglésget, acquire
Catalánaconseguir, adquirir, obtenir, prendre
Adjetivoacaparador, adquisitivo, codiciosa, codicioso, los maniáticoseager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas
adquiriblecapable of being acquired
NombresadquisiciónThe act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something
adquisición, consecuciónThe act of acquiring something
adquisición, aprendizajeThe cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge
banco comercial, banco de negocios, banco financiero, banco mercantilA credit card processing bank
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 4, contact
SentidoHave or hold in one's hands or grip.
Sinónimosagarrar, aguantar, ostentar, sostener, sujetar, sustentar, tener
Implicado poragitar, balancear, blandir, esgrimir, ondear, ondular, prosperarMove or swing back and forth
Específicoacunarhold gently and carefully
aferrar, agarrar, asirhold firmly
agarrarsehold firmly, usually with one's hands
atraparhold or catch / catch as if in a trap
entrelazarhold in a locking position
Contrariodejar ir, liberar, renunciar, soltarRelease, as from one's grip
Ingléshold, take hold
Catalánaguantar, ostentar, sostenir, subjectar, sustentar
Nombresagarre, agarro, agarrónThe act of grasping
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 5, consumption
Sentidotake in liquids / liquids.
Implicado pormamarsuck milk from the mother's breasts
Específicoacabarse, beberse, meterse, servirse, terminarsedrink down entirely
beber a tragos, beber demasiado, beber, engullir, libar, tragarTo swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught
chuparse, chuparDraw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth
enjuagarsedrink large quantities of (liquid / liquid, especially alcoholic drink)
gorgoteardrink from a flask with a gurgling sound
lamer, sobertake up with the tongue
sorberdrink in sips
tragardrink greedily or as if with great thirst
Generalcomer, consumir, ingerir, tomarServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Tambiénacabarse, beberse, meterse, servirse, terminarsedrink down entirely
Inglésdrink, imbibe
Catalánbeure, prendre's, prendre
NombresbebedorA person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)
bebedorA person who drinks liquids / liquids
beber, bebida, bebidas, potable, tragoAny liquid / liquid suitable for drinking
bebidaThe act of consuming liquids / liquids
bebida, copaA single serving of a beverage
degluciónThe act of swallowing
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 6, consumption
SentidoServe oneself to, or consume regularly.
Sinónimoscomer, consumir, ingerir
Implicado poraliviar, apaciguar, apagar, aplacar, calmar, remojar, saciar, suavizarsatisfy (thirst)
alojarse, embarcar, hospedarlodge and take meals (at)
digerirconvert food into absorbable substances
Específicoabsorber, chupar, sorbertake up as if with a sponge
alimentarse, alimentar, comer, consumirtake in food
beber, tomartake in liquids / liquids
beber, emborracharse, soplar, tomar unas copas, tomarconsume alcohol
canibalizarEat human flesh
catar, degustar, gustar, paladear, probarTake a sample of
comer, consumir, jamarEat a meal
comerse, comer, consumir, jamarse, jamartake in solid food
consumir, tocar, tomarconsume
hartarse, saciarse, saciarFill to satisfaction
usar, utilizarTake or consume (regularly or habitually)
Tambiénabsorber, chupar, sorbertake up as if with a sponge
Contrarioabstenerse, dejar, desistir, inhibirsechoose not to consume
Inglésconsume, ingest, take in, take, have
Catalánconsumir, ingerir, prendre
Adjetivoconsuntivotending to consume or use often wastefully
NombresconsumidorA person who uses goods or services
consumo, ingesta, ingestiónThe process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 7, possession
SentidoTake possession of by force, as after an invasion.
Sinónimosapoderarse, apoderar, captar, capturar, confiscar, conquistar, dominar, embargar, incautar, invadir, ocupar
Generalanexar, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, usurparseize and take control without authority and possibly with force
Inglésappropriate, capture, seize, conquer
Catalánapoderar-se, apoderar, captar, capturar, confiscar, conquerir, embargar, incautar, prendre
AdjetivoapropiativoOf or relating to or given to the act of taking for yourself
Nombresconfiscación, decomiso, incautaciónThe act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
conquista, sometimientoThe act of conquering / conquering
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 8, consumption
Sentidoconsume alcohol.
Sinónimosbeber, emborracharse, soplar, tomar unas copas
Implicado poratiborrarse, atracarseEat sumptuously
beber, brindar, prometer, saludarPropose a toast to
desemborrachar, desintoxicarse, espabilarBecome sober after excessive alcohol consumption
Específicoagarrar un tablón, emborracharse, embriagarse, ponerse pedoBecome drunk or drink excessively
aguantardrink alcohol without showing ill effects
darle, tomar, trincardrink moderately but regularly
ir de copasGo from one pub to the next and get progressively more drunk
pimplardrink wine
Generalcomer, consumir, ingerir, tomarServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Similarbeberdrink excessive amounts of alcohol
Ingléshit the bottle, drink, booze, fuddle
Catalánbeure, prendre
Nombresaguardiente, alcohol, bebida fuerte, licor, tragoAn alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented
alcohólico, borracho, catavinos, dipsomaníaco, dipsómano, privota, zaqueA person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
bebedorA person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)
beber, bebidaThe act of drinking / drinking alcoholic beverages to excess
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 9, social
Sentidotake on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities.
Sinónimosadoptar, adquirir, asumir
Específicoreactivar, reanudar, reasumir, reiniciar, renovarassume anew
Inglésassume, adopt, take on, take over
Catalánadoptar, adquirir, assumir, prendre
Nombresasunción, tomaThe act of taking possession of or power over something
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 10, possession
SentidoReceive willingly something given or offered.
Sinónimosaceptar, querer
Específicoaceptar, admitir, recibirAdmit into a group or community
acogerAccept gladly
adoptar, apropiarsetake up and practice as one's own
honrar, pagarAccept as pay
Generaladquirir, conseguir, lograr, obtener, sacar, tomarCome into the possession of something concrete or abstract
Tambiénabsorber, asumir, hacerse cargotake up, as of debts or payments
aceptar, admitir, adquirir, asumirtake on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person
acoger, asilar, dar albergue, recibirProvide with shelter
adoptar, apropiarsetake up and practice as one's own
Contrariodeclinar, denegar, desestimar, negar, rechazar, rehusarRefuse to accept
SimilarrecibirGet something
Inglésaccept, take, have
Catalánacceptar, voler
Nombresaceptación, adopciónThe act of accepting with approval
aceptaciónThe act of taking something that is offered
tomadorOne who accepts an offer
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 11, motion
SentidoTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere.
Sinónimosacarrear, copar, llevar, portar, traer, transportar
Implicaacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Específicocanalizar, conducir, dirigir, encauzar, llevar, transmitir, transportarTransmit or serve as the medium for transmission
desembarcarBring ashore
devolver, llevar de regreso, regresar, traer de regresobring back to the point of departure
entubar, enviar por metroconvey in a tube
transbordartransport / transport from one place to another
Generalcargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportarMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
TambiénadelantarseCause to move forward
alzar, aumentar, elevar, levantar, subir, traerRaise from a lower to a higher position
arriar, bajarse, bajarMove something or somebody to a lower position
aterrizarCause to come to the ground
lanzar, producir, sacarBring onto the market or release
Similaracercar, coger, llevar, portar, traergo or come after and bring or take back
llevar, traerBe accompanied by
Inglésbring, convey, take
Cataláncopar, dur, portar, traginar, transportar
Nombresbanda transportadora, cinta transportadora, transportador, trasportadorA moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)
portador, transportadorA person who conveys (carries / carries or transmits)
transferencia, transporteThe act of moving something from one location to another
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 12, motion
SentidoOccupy or take on.
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Similarasumir, ocupar, tomarassume, as of positions or roles
Inglésassume, take, strike, take up
Catalánadquirir, assumir
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 13, possession
SentidoTake into one's possession.
Sinónimosapropiarse, copar, llevarse, quitar
Específicoaceptar, admitir, adquirir, asumirtake on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person
acumular, juntar, recoger, recopilar, reunircall for and obtain payment of
adoptar, ahijarTake into one's family
apoderar, capturar, confiscar, decomisar, embargar, incautarse, incautar, intervenir, secuestrarTake temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
arrebatar, cogerget hold of or seize quickly and easily
deprivar, desnudar, despojar, desposeer, privartake away possessions from someone
embolsar, empaquetarput in one's pocket
recuperar, redisponerregain possession of something
retirar, suprimirCause to be returned
Tambiéndibujar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
recuperar, redisponerregain possession of something
Contrariodar, dispensar, donar, entregar, otorgar, propinar, regalartransfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody
Catalánapropiar-se, copar, portar-se, prendre, treure
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 14, contact
SentidoTake or capture by force.
Sinónimosapoderarse, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prender
Específicoabducir, coger, pescar, raptar, secuestrartake away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom
arrebatar, usurparObtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically
expropiar, incautar, piratear, requisarTake arbitrarily or by force
rapiñarObtain or seize by violence
Generalagarrar, asir, coger, tomarGet into one's hands, take physically
Catalánapoderar-se, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prendre
Nombresapresamiento, captura, prendimientoThe act of taking of a person by force
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 15, cognition
Sentidointerpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning / meaning or impression.
Sinónimosasumir, entender, leer
Específicomalinterpretarinterpret wrongly
Generalconstruir, entender, interpretar, vermake sense of
Similarinterpretar, leerinterpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky
leerTo hear and understand
Ingléstake, read
Catalánentendre, llegir
NombreslecturaA particular interpretation or performance
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 16, possession
Sentidochoose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans.
Sinónimosadoptar, seguir
Generalcoger, decantar, elegir, escoger, optar, seleccionar, tomar, triarpick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
Similaracatar, acceder, cumplir, obedecer, seguirAct in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes
Inglésadopt, follow, espouse
Catalánadoptar, prendre
Nombresaceptación, adopciónThe act of accepting with approval
seguidoresA group of followers or enthusiasts
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 17, contact
SentidoGet into one's hands, take physically.
Sinónimosagarrar, asir, coger
Específicoaferrar, agarrar, apoderar, apresar, asir, capturar, coger, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prender, sobrecogertake hold of
apoderarse, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prender, tomarTake or capture by force
Tambiénabordar, emprender, encarar, placarAccept as a challenge
desmembrardivide into pieces
doblar, guardar, recogerfold up
llevarseRemove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
Ingléstake, get hold of
Catalánagafar, prendre
NombrestomaThe act of someone who picks up or takes something
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 18, possession
Sentidorequire (time or space).
Sinónimosapoderar, copar, llevar, ocupar
Generalacabar, agotar, esgrimir, usar, utilizaruse up, consume fully
Similaragotar, comer, consumir, disminuir, ingerir, mermar, reduciruse up (resources or materials)
Ingléstake, occupy, use up
Catalánagafar, apoderar, copar, ocupar, prendre
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 19, possession
SentidoTake by force.
Sinónimosapropiarse, coger, confiscar, copar, quitar
Específicoafanar, hurtar, mangar, quitar, rapiñar, robar, sustraerTake without the owner's consent
aliviar, quitar, salvarTake by stealing
anexar, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, usurparseize and take control without authority and possibly with force
despojar, desvalijar, expoliar, pillar, saquearsteal goods
escalarTake by attacking with scaling ladders
extorsionarObtain through intimidation
liberar, libertar, rescatarTake forcibly from legal custody
pillar, saquearplunder (a town) after capture
reconquistartake back by force, as after a battle
Catalánagafar, apropiar-se, confiscar, copar, prendre, traure, treure
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 20, motion
Sentidotravel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc..
Sinónimosaspirar, esperar, pillar, saltar, subirse
GeneralviajarUndergo transportation as in a vehicle
Similarbrincar, saltarMove quickly from one place to another
Catalánagafar, aspirar, esperar, saltar
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 21, social
Sentidoassume, as of positions or roles.
Sinónimosasumir, ocupar
Generalelaborar, trabajarBe employed
Similaradquirir, tomarOccupy or take on
Inglésfill, take, occupy
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 22, consumption
Sentidodrink moderately but regularly.
Sinónimosdarle, trincar
Generalbeber, emborracharse, soplar, tomar unas copas, tomarconsume alcohol
Ingléstipple, bib
Nombresbebedor, borrachínsomeone who drinks liquor repeatedly in small quantities
tragoA serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 23, consumption
Sinónimosconsumir, tocar
Específicorecibirpartake of the Holy Eucharist sacrament
Generalcomer, consumir, ingerir, tomarServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Ingléspartake, touch
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 24, motion
Sentidotravel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route.
Generalaplicar, aprovechar, emplear, esgrimir, usar, utilizarput into service
Español > tomar: 25 sentidos > verbo 25, social
Sentidocarry out.
Generalactuar, hacer, llevar a cabo, obrarPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)

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