Sentido | make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen / happen. | |
Sinónimo | permitir | |
Contrario | entrabar, evitar, impedir, prevenir | Stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state |
Inglés | let, allow, permit | |
Catalán | deixar, permetre |
Sentido | Move out of or depart from. | |
Sinónimos | irse, largarse, marcharse, marchar, partir, retirarse, salir | |
Específico | acudir, ir, partir | Move away from a place into another direction |
arrojar, expeler, expulsar | Leave an aircraft rapidly, using an ejection seat or capsule | |
bajarse, saltar fuera | get out of quickly | |
despegar, marcharse | Leave a vehicle, aircraft, etc. | |
salir | Exit a computer | |
salir en fila | march out, in a file | |
General | moverse, mover, trasladar | Move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion |
Contrario | entrar, ingresar, moverse adentro | To come or go into |
Similar | dejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salir | go away from a place |
Inglés | exit, go out, get out, leave | |
Catalán | abandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, fugir, marxar, partir, retirar-se, sortir | |
Nombres | adiós, despedida | The act of departing politely |
desahogo, salida | An opening that permits escape or release | |
partida, salida | The act of going out |
Sentido | Leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch. | |
Sinónimos | abandonar, desamparar, desasistir, desertar | |
Específico | dejar plantado, plantar | forsake |
varar | Leave stranded or isolated / isolated with little hope of rescue | |
General | abandonar, dejar, olvidar | Go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness |
Inglés | abandon, forsake, desolate, desert | |
Catalán | abandonar, deixar, desemparar, desertar | |
Nombres | abandono, deserción, elusión | Withdrawing support / support / support or help despite allegiance or responsibility |
abandono, renuncia | The act of forsaking | |
abandono, desamparo, descuido, desolación | sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned | |
apóstata, desertor, renegado, tránsfuga | A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. | |
desertor, tránsfuga, tránsfugo, trásfuga, trásfugo | A person who abandons their duty (as on a military post) |
Sentido | Give temporarily; let have for a limited time. | |
Sinónimo | prestar | |
Específico | adelantar, anticipar, avanzar | pay in advance |
alquilar, arrendar | grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee | |
fiar | Extend credit / credit to | |
General | dar, dispensar, donar, entregar, otorgar, propinar, regalar | transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody |
Contrario | adoptar, emprestar, tomar prestado | Get temporarily |
Inglés | lend, loan | |
Catalán | deixar, prestar | |
Nombres | crédito, empréstito, préstamo | The temporary provision of money (usually at interest) |
prestador, prestamista | someone who lends money or gives credit in business matters |
Sentido | choose not to consume. | |
Sinónimos | abstenerse, desistir, inhibirse | |
Implicado por | contener, dominar | hold within limits and control |
Específico | ayunar | abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons |
ayunar | abstain from eating | |
eludir, evitar | Refrain from certain foods or beverages | |
Contrario | comer, consumir, ingerir, tomar | Serve oneself to, or consume regularly |
Inglés | abstain, refrain, desist | |
Catalán | abstenir-se, deixar, desistir | |
Adjetivo | abstinente | self-restraining |
Nombres | abstención, abstinencia, prescindencia | The trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) |
abstinente | A person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages | |
asceta | someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline / discipline |
Sentido | Leave or give by will after one's death. | |
Sinónimos | abandonar, dar, entregar, heredar, legar | |
Específico | acordarse de, recordar | show appreciation to |
legar | Give by will, especially real property | |
pasar, transferir, transmitir | Give to or transfer possession of | |
General | dar, dispensar, donar, entregar, obsequiar, presentar, propinar, regalar | Give as a present |
Contrario | desheredar, desposeer | prevent deliberately (as by making a will) from inheriting |
Similar | comunicar, dar, impartir, transmitir, trasmitir | Transmit (knowledge or skills) |
dejar | Be survived by after one's death | |
Inglés | bequeath, will, leave | |
Catalán | abandonar, deixar, entregar, llegar, lliurar | |
Nombres | testamento, voluntad | A legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die |
Sentido | Leave or unload. | |
Sinónimo | descargar | |
General | despachar, entregar, librar | Bring to a destination, make a delivery |
También | colocar, dejar, depositar, poner, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicar | Put into a certain place or abstract location |
Inglés | drop, drop off, set down, put down, unload, discharge | |
Catalán | deixar, descarregar |
Sentido | put into the care or protection of someone. | |
Sinónimos | confiar, entregar | |
General | acercar, alcanzar, ceder, dar, dispensar, entregar, pasar, propinar, traspasar | place into the hands or custody of |
Inglés | entrust, leave | |
Catalán | confiar, deixar, lliurar |
Sentido | Give up or retire from a position. | |
Sinónimos | dimitir, renunciar, resignar | |
Específico | caer | Lose office or power |
dimitir, renegar, renunciar, resignar | Leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily | |
jubilarse, jubilar | go into retirement | |
General | abandonar, dejar, irse, largarse, marcharse, partir, retirarse | Remove oneself from an association with or participation in |
Inglés | leave office, quit, step down, resign | |
Catalán | dimitir | |
Nombres | dimisión | The act of giving up (a claim or office or possession etc.) |
dimisión | A formal document giving notice of your intention to resign |
Sentido | Do without or cease to hold or adhere to. | |
Sinónimos | renunciar, renunicar, sacrificar | |
Específico | abandonar, dejar | stop consuming |
También | dispensar, eximir, perdonar | grant a dispensation |
Inglés | waive, relinquish, forgo, forego, foreswear, dispense with | |
Catalán | deixar, renunciar, sacrificar | |
Nombres | abdicación, despido, renuncia | A formal written statement of relinquishment |
Sentido | make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain. | |
Sinónimo | permitir | |
General | ceder, dar, proporcionar | Be the cause or source of |
Similar | admitir, permitir | afford possibility |
Inglés | leave, allow for, allow, provide | |
Catalán | deixar, permetre |
Sentido | Remove oneself from an association with or participation in. | |
Sinónimos | abandonar, irse, largarse, marcharse, partir, retirarse | |
Específico | dejar, dimitir, renunciar, resignar | Give up or retire from a position |
dejar colgado | Leave school or an educational program prematurely | |
General | alterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variar | Undergo a change |
Similar | dejar, irse, ir, marchar, partir, salir | go away from a place |
Inglés | leave, depart, pull up stakes | |
Catalán | abandonar, anar-se'n, deixar, marxar, retirar-se |
Sentido | Go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness. | |
Sinónimos | abandonar, olvidar | |
Específico | abandonar, dejar, desamparar, desasistir, desertar | Leave someone who needs or counts on you |
cortar, dejar plantado | cast aside capriciously or unfeelingly | |
Similar | dejarse, dejar, olvidarse, olvidar | leave behind unintentionally |
Inglés | leave | |
Catalán | abandonar, deixar, oblidar | |
Nombres | adiós, despedida | The act of departing politely |
Sentido | Leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking. | |
Específico | abandonar, dejar | Leave unchanged |
General | abstenerse, refrenarse | Resist doing something |
Inglés | leave, leave alone, leave behind, let alone | |
Catalán | deixar |
Sentido | Have as a result or residue. | |
General | causar, crear, ocasionar, producir, provocar | Cause to happen, occur or exist |
Similar | dejar | Act or be so as to become in a specified state |
Inglés | leave, result, lead | |
Adjetivo | concomitante, consecuente, consiguiente, resultante | Following or accompanying as a consequence |
Nombres | consecuencia, resultado | Something that results |
consecuencia, efecto, resultado | A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon |
Sentido | turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily. | |
Sinónimos | abandonar, guardar, reservar | |
General | cortar, interrumpir, parar, romper, suspender | make a break / break in |
Inglés | put away, put aside |
Sentido | Be survived by after one's death. | |
Implica | acudir, asfixiarse, asfixiar, caducar, caer muerto, colgar los guayos, croar, dejar de existir, diñar, entregar el alma, espichar, estirar la pata, estrangular, exhalar el último suspiro, expirar, fallecer, fenecer, finar, irse al otro barrio, ir, morir, palmar, pasar a mejor vida, pasar, perder la vida, perecer, salir de este mundo, salir, sucumbir, vencer | Pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life |
Específico | dejar viuda | Cause to be without a spouse |
Similar | abandonar, dar, dejar, entregar, heredar, legar | Leave or give by will after one's death |
dejar atrás | depart / depart and not take along | |
Inglés | leave, leave behind | |
Catalán | deixar |
Sentido | Give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat. | |
Sinónimos | abandonar, arrojar la toalla, desistir, rendirse, retirarse, tirar la toalla | |
Contrario | entrar, intervenir, participar | Become a participant |
Inglés | drop out, give up, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, chuck up the sponge | |
Catalán | abandonar, deixar, desistir, llençar la tovallola, rendir-se, retirar-se | |
Nombres | rajado | A person who gives up too easily |
Sentido | Passed on, as by inheritance / inheritance / inheritance. | |
Sinónimos | heredar, legar, transmitir | |
General | pasar, transferir, transmitir | Give to or transfer possession of |
También | acercar, alcanzar, ceder, dar, dispensar, entregar, pasar, propinar, traspasar | place into the hands or custody of |
Inglés | hand down |
Sentido | Used in the imperative (get away, or stop it). | |
General | acabar, cesar, dejar, descatalogar, descontinuar, discontinuar, parar, terminar | put an end to a state or an activity |
Inglés | cheese |
Sentido | stop pursuing or acting. | |
Sinónimo | abandonar | |
General | acabar, cesar, dejar, descatalogar, descontinuar, discontinuar, parar, terminar | put an end to a state or an activity |
Inglés | drop, knock off | |
Catalán | abandonar, deixar |
Sentido | leave behind unintentionally. | |
Sinónimos | dejarse, olvidarse, olvidar | |
General | perder | miss from one's possessions |
Similar | abandonar, dejar, olvidar | Go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness |
Inglés | forget, leave | |
Catalán | deixar-se, deixar, descuidar-se, oblidar-se |
Sentido | store or keep customarily. | |
Sinónimos | conservar, guardar, mantener, quedar | |
General | almacenar, conservar | Find a place for and put away for storage |
Similar | conservar, guardar, quedar | Have as a supply |
Inglés | keep | |
Catalán | conservar, guardar, quedar |
Sentido | Act or be so as to become in a specified state. | |
General | convertir, volver | Give certain properties to something |
Similar | dejar | Have as a result or residue |
Inglés | leave |
Sentido | stop consuming. | |
Sinónimo | abandonar | |
General | dejar, renunciar, renunicar, sacrificar | Do without or cease to hold or adhere to |
Inglés | kick, give up |
Sentido | Get rid of something abstract. | |
Sinónimos | alejarse, alejar, quitar | |
Específico | eliminar, quitar | Eliminate |
Inglés | remove, take away | |
Catalán | allunyar-se, deixar |
Sentido | Cause to give up a habit. | |
Causa de | romper | Give up |
Similar | romper | Give up |
Inglés | break | |
Catalán | deixar |
Sentido | Leave unchanged. | |
Sinónimo | abandonar | |
General | dejar | Leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking |
Inglés | let | |
Catalán | abandonar, deixar |
Sentido | Leave with; give temporarily. | |
Sinónimos | dar, dispensar, entregar, propinar | |
General | acercar, alcanzar, ceder, dar, dispensar, entregar, pasar, propinar, traspasar | place into the hands or custody of |
Inglés | give | |
Catalán | deixar, dispensar, entregar, propinar |
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