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English 37 senses of the word close:
VERBcontactclose, shutmove so that an opening or passage is obstructed
contactclose, shutbecome closed
socialclose, close up, fold, shut down, close downcease to operate or cause to cease operating
socialclosefinish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.)
stativeclose, concludecome to a close
communicationclosecomplete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement
stativeclosebe priced or listed when trading stops
socialcloseengage at close quarters
perceptionclosecause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop
motionclosechange one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact
motionclose, come togethercome together, as if in an embrace
motionclosedraw near
contactclosebring together all the elements or parts of
contactclosebar access to
contactclose, fill upfill or stop up
contactclose, close upunite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of
changeclosefinish a game in baseball by protecting a lead
ADJECTIVEallcloseat or within a short / short distance in space or time or having elements near each other
allcloseclose in relevance or relationship
allclose, near, nighnot far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances
allcloserigorously attentive
allclose, faithfulmarked by fidelity to an original
allclose, tight(of a contest or contestants) evenly matched
allclose, confiningcrowded
allclose, airless, stuffy, unairedlacking fresh air
allclose, tightof textiles
allclosestrictly confined or guarded
allcloseconfined to specific persons
allclose, snug, close-fittingfitting closely but comfortably
allcloseused of hair or haircuts
allclose, cheeseparing, near, penny-pinching, skinnygiving or spending with reluctance
allclose, closelipped, closemouthed, secretive, tightlippedinclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information
ADVERBallclose, near, nighnear in time or place or relationship
allclose, closely, tightin an attentive manner
NOUNtimeclose, stopping point, finale, finis, finish, last, conclusionthe temporal end
communicationclose, conclusion, end, closing, endingthe last section of a communication
actclose, finale, closing curtain, finisthe concluding part of any performance
close pronunciation
Soundsklow's; klow'z
Rhymesadios ... sucrose: 36 rhymes with ows...
Ambrose ... Windows: 49 rhymes with owz...
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 1
MeaningAt or within a short / short distance in space or time or having elements near each other.
  • "close to noon"
  • "how close are we to town?"
  • "a close formation of ships"
Attribute ofdistanceThe property created by the space between two objects or points
Narroweradjacent, next, side by sidenearest in space or position
ambientCompletely enveloping
appressed, adpressedPressed close to or lying flat against something
approximate, close togetherLocated close together
at hand, close at hand, imminent, impendent, impendingclose in time
at hand, close at handclose in space
close-hauledHaving the sails trimmed for sailing as close to the wind as possible
close-set, close setSet close together
contiguous, immediateVery close or connected in space or time
encompassing, surrounding, circumferentClosely encircling
envelopingsurrounding and closing in on or hemming in
hand-to-handAt close quarters
juxtaposedplaced side by side often for comparison
nestled, snuggleddrawn or pressed close to someone or something for or as if for affection or protection
proximateVery close in space or time
scalelikeReduced to a small appressed thing that resembles a scale
walk-to, walkingClose enough to be walked to
Oppositedistantseparated in space or coming from or going to a distance
Nounsclosenessthe spatial property resulting from a relatively small distance
Adverbscloselyin a close relation or position in time or space
shoulder-to-shoulderside by side and close together
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 2
MeaningClose in relevance or relationship.
  • "a close family"
  • "we are all...in close sympathy with..."
  • "close kin"
  • "a close resemblance"
Narrowerapproximate, nearVery close in resemblance
boonVery close and convivial
chummy, buddy-buddy, thick(used informally) associated on close terms
close-knit, closely knitheld together as by social or cultural / cultural ties
confidentialDenoting confidence or intimacy
cozySuggesting connivance
dear, good, nearWith or in a close or intimate relationship / relationship
familiar, intimateHaving mutual interests or affections
intimatemarked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity
Oppositedistant, remoteFar apart in relevance or relationship or kinship
Spanishcercano, íntimo
Catalaníntim, proper
Nounsclosenessa feeling of being intimate and belonging together
Adverbscloselyin a close manner
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 3
Meaningnot far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances.
  • "she was close to tears"
  • "had a close call"
Synonymsnear, nigh
Attribute ofdistanceThe property created by the space between two objects or points
Narroweradjacentnear or close to but not necessarily touching
hotOf a seeker
nearbyclose at hand
warmOf a seeker
OppositefarLocated at a great distance in time or space or degree / degree
Spanishcercano, próximo
Nounsclosenessthe spatial property resulting from a relatively small distance
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 4
Meaningrigorously attentive; strict and thorough.
  • "close supervision"
  • "paid close attention"
  • "a close study"
  • "kept a close watch on expenditures"
BroadercarefulExercising caution or showing care or attention
Adverbscloselyin an attentive manner
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 5
Meaningmarked by fidelity to an original.
Example"a close translation"
Broaderaccurateconforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy
Spanishfidedigno, fiel
Catalanfidedigne, fidel
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 6
Meaning(of a contest or contestants) evenly matched.
  • "a close contest"
  • "a close election"
BroaderequalHaving the same quantity, value, or measure as another
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 7
Example"close quarters"
Broaderconfinednot free to move about
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 8
Meaninglacking fresh air.
Example "the dreadfully close atmosphere"
Synonymsairless, stuffy, unaired
Broaderunventilatednot ventilated
Spanishcargado, cerrado
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 9
MeaningOf textiles.
Example"a close weave"
BroaderfineOf textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 10
Meaningstrictly confined or guarded.
Example"kept under close custody"
BroaderrestrainedUnder restraint
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 11
MeaningConfined to specific persons.
Example"a close secret"
BroaderprivateConfined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 12
Meaningfitting closely but comfortably.
Example"a close fit"
Synonymssnug, close-fitting
BroadertightClosely constrained or constricted or constricting
Spanishajustado, ceñido
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 13
MeaningUsed of hair or haircuts.
Example"a close military haircut"
Broadershort(primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 14
MeaningGiving or spending with reluctance.
Example "very close (or near) with his money"
Synonymscheeseparing, near, penny-pinching, skinny
Broaderstingy, ungenerousUnwilling to spend
Nounsclosenessextreme / extreme stinginess
Englishclose: 37 senses adjective 15
MeaningInclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information.
Example"although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it"
Synonymscloselipped, closemouthed, secretive, tightlipped
Broaderuncommunicative, incommunicativenot inclined to talk / talk / talk or give information or express opinions
Spanishcallado, reservado
Nounsclosenesscharacterized by a lack of openness (especially about one's actions or purposes)
Englishclose: 37 senses noun 1, time
MeaningThe temporal end; the concluding time.
Example "they were playing better at the close of the season"
Synonymsstopping point, finale, finis, finish, last, conclusion
Broaderend, endingThe point in time at which something ends
Spanishcierre, conclusión, final, finis, fin, meta, terminación, término
Catalanconclusió, fi, final, finis, meta, terme
Verbsclosecease to operate or cause to cease operating
closefinish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.)
closecome to a close
Englishclose: 37 senses noun 2, communication
MeaningThe last section of a communication.
Synonymsconclusion, end, closing, ending
Part ofaddress, speechThe act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience
narration, recital, yarnThe act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events
Narroweranticlimax, bathosA change from a serious subject / subject to a disappointing one
epilogue, epilogA short / short passage added at the end of a literary work
epilogue, epilogA short / short speech (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience by an actor at the end of a play
finale, codaThe closing section of a musical composition
peroration(rhetoric) the concluding section of an oration
Broadersection, subdivisionA self-contained part of a larger / larger composition / composition (written or musical)
Spanishcierre, conclusión, finalización, final, terminación
Catalancloenda, conclusió, tancament
Englishclose: 37 senses noun 3, act
MeaningThe concluding part of any performance.
Synonymsfinale, closing curtain, finis
Broaderfinish, finishingThe act of finishing
Spanishcierre del telón, cierre, conclusión, final
Verbsclosecome to a close
Englishclose: 37 senses adverb 1
Meaningnear in time or place or relationship.
  • "the bullet didn't come close"
  • "don't get too close to the fire"
Synonymsnear, nigh
Englishclose: 37 senses adverb 2
MeaningIn an attentive manner.
Example"he remained close on his guard"
Synonymsclosely, tight
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 1, contact
MeaningMove so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
ModelThey want to close the doors
Example"Close the door"
Cause toclose, shutBecome closed
NarrowerbungClose with a cork or stopper
drawMove or pull so as to cover or uncover something
roll upClose (a car window) by causing it to move up, as with a handle
seal, seal offmake tight
shutterClose with shutters
slam, bangClose violently
slatClose the slats of (windows)
snapClose with a snapping motion
Oppositeopen, open upCause to open or to become open
Similar toclose, shutBecome closed
Spanishcerrar, clausurar, tapar
Catalanclausurar, cloure, tancar
Nounsclosingthe act of closing something
closurethe act of blocking
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 2, contact
MeaningBecome closed.
PatternSomething ----s
ModelThe doors close
Example"The windows closed with a loud bang"
Caused byclose, shutMove so that an opening or passage is obstructed
Broaderchange state, turnUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
Oppositeopen, open upBecome open
Similar toclose, shutMove so that an opening or passage is obstructed
Spanishcerrar, clausurar, concluir, terminar
Catalanclausurar, cloure, finir, tancar
Nounsclosingthe act of closing something
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 3, social
MeaningCease to operate or cause to cease operating.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s something
ModelThe business is going to close
  • "The owners decided to move and to close the factory"
  • "My business closes every night at 8 P.M."
  • "close up the shop"
Synonymsclose up, fold, shut down, close down
Narroweradjourn, withdraw, retirebreak from a meeting or gathering
Oppositeopen, open upstart to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning
Spanishcerrar, clausurar
Catalanclausurar, plegar, tancar
Nounsclosethe temporal end
closera person who closes something
closure, closingtermination of operations
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 4, social
MeaningFinish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.).
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board"
Broaderend, terminateBring to an end or halt
OppositeopenBegin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals / recitals / recitals / recitals / recitals, etc.
Spanishacabar, concluir, terminar
Nounsclosethe temporal end
closinga concluding action
closuretermination of operations
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 5, stative
MeaningCome to a close.
PatternSomething ----s; Something is ----ing PP
Example"The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin"
Broaderend, stop, finish, terminate, ceaseHave an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense
Spanishacabar, concluir, terminar
Nounsclosethe concluding part of any performance
closethe temporal end
closinga concluding action
closingthe last section of a communication
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 6, communication
Meaningcomplete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s something
  • "We closed on the house on Friday"
  • "They closed the deal on the building"
Broaderend, terminateBring to an end or halt
Spanishcerrar, terminar
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 7, stative
MeaningBe priced or listed when trading stops.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
  • "The stock market closed high this Friday"
  • "My new stocks closed at $59 last night"
BroadertradeBe traded at a certain price or under certain conditions
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 8, social
MeaningEngage at close quarters.
PatternSomebody ----s PP
Example"close with the enemy"
Broaderprosecute, engage, pursuecarry out or participate in an activity
Nounsclosingapproaching a particular destination
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 9, perception
MeaningCause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Broaderend, terminateBe the end of
OppositeopenDisplay the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer
Nounsclosingthe act of closing something
closuretermination of operations
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 10, motion
Meaningchange one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact.
PatternSomebody ----s
Categoryball game, ballgameA field game played with a ball (especially baseball)
BroadermoveMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 11, motion
Meaningcome together, as if in an embrace.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"Her arms closed around her long lost relative"
Synonymcome together
BroadermoveMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Spanishcubrir, juntarse
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 12, motion
Meaningdraw near.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
Example"The probe closed with the space station"
Broaderapproach, near, come on, go up, draw near, draw close, come nearMove towards
Nounsclosing, closureapproaching a particular destination
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 13, contact
Meaningbring together all the elements or parts of.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
Example"Management closed ranks"
BroaderjoinCause to become joined / joined or linked
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 14, contact
Meaningbar access to.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours"
Broaderbarricade, block, blockade, stop, block off, block up, barRender unsuitable for passage
Nounsclosingthe act of closing something
closurethe act of blocking
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 15, contact
MeaningFill or stop up.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"Can you close the cracks with caulking?"
Synonymfill up
Narrowercoapt, conglutinateCause to adhere
plug, stop up, secureFill or close tightly with or as if with a plug
sealClose with or as if with a seal
Broaderfillplug with a substance
Nounsclosingthe act of closing something
closurethe act of blocking
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 16, contact
MeaningUnite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of.
PatternSomebody ----s something
  • "close the circuit"
  • "close a wound"
  • "close a book"
  • "close up an umbrella"
Synonymclose up
BroaderjoinCause to become joined / joined or linked
Nounsclosingapproaching a particular destination
Englishclose: 37 senses verb 17, change
MeaningFinish a game in baseball by protecting a lead.
PatternSomebody ----s
Example"The relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning"
Broadercomplete, finishCome or bring to a finish or an end / end

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