HyperDic: fiel

Español > 11 sentidos de la palabra fiel:
ADJETIVOallfiel, confidente, fiable, fidedigno, lealworthy of trust / trust or belief
allfielsteadfast in affection or allegiance
allfielnot having sexual relations with anyone except your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend
allfiel, auténtico, fehaciente, fiable, fidedignoconforming to fact and therefore / therefore worthy of belief
allfiel, firme, incondicional, inquebrantable, lealfirm and dependable especially in loyalty
allfieldevoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth
allfiel, leal(of persons) worthy of trust / trust or confidence
allfiel, fidedignomarked by fidelity to an original
allfiel, constante, firme, lealunwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
NOMBREartifactfiel, aguja indicadoraan indicator as on a dial
groupfielany loyal and steadfast following
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidoworthy of trust / trust or belief.
Sinónimosconfidente, fiable, fidedigno, leal
Específicoauténtico, fehaciente, fiable, fidedigno, fielconforming to fact and therefore / therefore worthy of belief
confiable, fiable, honestoworthy of being depended on
fiducialBased on trust / trust
fiel, leal(of persons) worthy of trust / trust or confidence
solventeHaving an acceptable credit rating
Tambiéncumplidor, de confianza, fiable, fidedignoworthy of reliance or trust
fielsteadfast in affection or allegiance
honesto, honorable, sinceronot disposed to cheat or defraud
responsableworthy of or requiring responsibility or trust
Ingléstrustworthy, trusty
Nombrescertidumbre, confianza, The trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others
confiabilidad, credibilidad, fiabilidad, formalidad, integridad, solvenciaThe trait of deserving trust and confidence
confianza, fecomplete confidence in a person or plan etc
confianza, feA trustful relationship
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidosteadfast in affection or allegiance.
Cualidad defidelidadThe quality of being faithful
Específicoconstante, fiel, firme, lealunwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
fieldevoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth
Tambiéncierto, verdaderoconsistent with fact or reality
confidente, fiable, fidedigno, fiel, lealworthy of trust / trust or belief
constantesteadfast in purpose or devotion or affection
Contrariodesleal, infielnot true to duty or obligation or promises
NombresfidelidadThe quality of being faithful
fielAny loyal and steadfast following
AdverbiosfielmenteIn a faithful manner
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidonot having sexual relations with anyone except your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend.
NombresfidelidadThe quality of being faithful
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > adjetivo 5
Sentidoconforming to fact and therefore / therefore worthy of belief.
Sinónimosauténtico, fehaciente, fiable, fidedigno
Generalconfidente, fiable, fidedigno, fiel, lealworthy of trust / trust or belief
Inglésauthentic, reliable
Catalánautèntic, fefaent, fiable, fidedigne, fidel
Nombresautenticidad, casticidad, legitimidadundisputed credibility
fiabilidadThe quality of being dependable / dependable or reliable / reliable
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > adjetivo 6
SentidoFirm and dependable especially in loyalty.
Sinónimosfirme, incondicional, inquebrantable, leal
Generalconstantesteadfast in purpose or devotion or affection
Ingléssteadfast, staunch, unswerving
Catalánacèrrim, ferm, fidel, incondicional, lleial
Nombresconstancialoyalty in the face of trouble and difficulty
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > adjetivo 7
Sentidodevoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth.
Generalfielsteadfast in affection or allegiance
NombreslealtadThe quality of being loyal
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > adjetivo 8
Sentido(of persons) worthy of trust / trust or confidence.
Generalconfidente, fiable, fidedigno, fiel, lealworthy of trust / trust or belief
Ingléssure, trusted
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > adjetivo 9
Sentidomarked by fidelity to an original.
Generalexacto, justo, precisoconforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy
Inglésclose, faithful
Catalánfidedigne, fidel
NombresfidelidadThe quality of being faithful
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > adjetivo 10
Sentidounwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause.
Sinónimosconstante, firme, leal
Generalfielsteadfast in affection or allegiance
Inglésfirm, loyal, truehearted, fast
Catalánconstant, ferm, fidel, lleial
Nombresdeterminación, firmeza, resoluciónThe trait of being resolute
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > nombre 1, artifact
SentidoAn indicator as on a dial.
Sinónimoaguja indicadora
Específicoaguja, índice, manecillaA rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece
agujaA slender pointer for indicating the reading on the scale of a measuring instrument
lápiz óptico(computer science) a pointer that when pointed at a computer display senses whether or not the spot is illuminated
GeneralindicadorA device for showing the operating condition of some system
Verbosapuntar, demostrar, designar, enseñar, indicar, mostrar, presentar, probar, revelar, señalarIndicate a place, direction, person, or thing
Español > fiel: 11 sentidos > nombre 2, group
SentidoAny loyal and steadfast following.
GeneralseguidoresA group of followers or enthusiasts
Adjetivofielsteadfast in affection or allegiance

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