HyperDic: romper

Español > 28 sentidos de la palabra romper:
VERBOchangeromper, dañar, estropearinflict damage / damage upon
communicationromper, cortar, interrumpir, parar, suspendermake a break / break in
changeromper, fracturar, partir, quebrantar, quebrar, rajardestroy the integrity of
contactromper, arrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destrozar, destruirdestroy completely
changeromper, averiarse, estropearse, fallar, morir, pararse, perecerstop operating or functioning
stativeromper, quebrantar, violar, vulnerarfail to agree with
contactromper, quebrarbreak a piece from a whole
changeromper, comprobar, fracturarse, rajarse, resquebrajar, rompersebecome fractured
contactromper, estropearse, romperseruin completely
changeromper, abandonar, discontinuar, interrumpir, parar, suspenderprevent completion
changeromper, interrumpirterminate
changeromperbring the association / association / association of to an end or cause to break up
contactromper, cortar, podar, separarcut off from a whole
changeromper, lanzarse, quebrarbreak into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
motionrompercurl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves
bodyromper, fracturarbreak (a bone)
contactromperpierce or penetrate
changeromper, atravesar, penetrar, traspasarpass through (a barrier)
contactromper, cortar, separarse, separar, terminarset or keep apart
communicationromper, reñirhave a breach in relations / relations
changeromperbreak suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow
emotionromperforce out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up
changeromper, desfondarbreak in the staves (of)
competitionromper, acabar con, derribar, destruirmake ineffective
changeromperchange pace
changerompercome into being
stativerompergive up
changerompercome to an end
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 1, change
Sentidoinflict damage / damage upon.
Sinónimosdañar, estropear
Específicoabrasarse, abrasar, incendiar, quemarse, quemarBurn with heat, fire, or radiation
afligirCause physical pain or suffering in
aherrumbrar, corroer, desgastar, herrumbrar, oxidarCause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid
arruinar, desflorar, deteriorar, estropear, macular, manchar, viciarmake imperfect
añadir una imperfección, desmejorar, estropearadd a flaw or blemish to
corroer, desgastar, erosionarRemove soil or rock
desfigurar, desgarrar, destrozar, mutilarDestroy or injure severely
destrozar, hacer pedazos, quebrardamage or destroy as if by violence
disturbar, moverdamage as if by shaking or jarring
escarcharse, escarcharDamage by frost
lesionar, perjudicarCause damage / damage or affect negatively
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Catalánavariar, danyar, trencar
Nombresdaño, destrozo, mal, perjuicioThe act of damaging something or someone
daño, deterioro, perjuicioThe occurrence of a change for the worse
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 2, communication
Sentidomake a break / break in.
Sinónimoscortar, interrumpir, parar, suspender
Específicoabandonar, dejar, guardar, reservarturn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily
acosar, hostigarchallenge aggressively
bloquear, interceptar, interferirinterfere with or prevent the reception of signals
cortarCease, stop / stop
cortar, entrometerse, incorporarse, interrumpir, meterse, tomar parte, unirsebreak into a conversation
detenerse, hacer una pausaCease an action temporarily
detenerse, pararse, pararinterrupt a trip
intercalar, interponerTo insert / insert between other elements
irrumpirspring suddenly
puntuarinterrupt periodically
Generalabandonar, discontinuar, interrumpir, parar, romper, suspenderprevent completion
TambiéncortarCease, stop / stop
Inglésinterrupt, disrupt, break up, cut off
Catalánaturar, interrompre
Nombresinterrumpidor, interruptorA device for automatically interrupting an electric current
interrupción, paréntesis, pausaAn act of delaying or interrupting the continuity
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 3, change
SentidoDestroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments.
Sinónimosfracturar, partir, quebrantar, quebrar, rajar
Específicofracturarbreak into pieces
lanzarse, quebrar, romperbreak into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
Generaldividir, separarmake a division or separation
Similarpartirse, romperseBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Catalánpartir, rompre, trencar
Adjetivorompiblecapable of being broken or damaged
Nombresfractura, quebrantamiento, quiebra, rupturaThe act of breaking something
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 4, contact
SentidoDestroy completely; damage irreparably.
Sinónimosarrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destrozar, destruir
Implicado porpillar, saquearplunder (a town) after capture
Específicoarder, incendiar, quemarse, quemarDestroy by fire
arrasar, asolar, desgastar, desolar, destrozar, destruir, devastar, gastarCause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
arruinar, desbaratar, desintegrar, destrozar, destruir, estropearsmash / smash / smash / smash or break / break forcefully
dar una patadaopen violently
despojar, saquearDestroy and strip of its possession
destruirFind a flaw in
estropearse, romperse, romperruin completely
explosionar, explotar, reventarDestroy by exploding
vandalizarDestroy wantonly, as through acts of vandalism
Inglésdestroy, ruin
Catalánarrasar, arruïnar, destrossar, destruir
Adjetivodestructibleeasily destroyed
Nombresarrasamiento, arruinamiento, desgracia, destrozo, ruinaDestruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
demolición, derribo, derrumbamiento, destrucciónAn event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
destrucción, devastaciónThe termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
destructor, destruidorA small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship
destructor, destruidor, ruinerA person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to
perdición, ruinaAn event that results in destruction
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 5, change
Sentidostop operating or functioning.
Sinónimosaveriarse, estropearse, fallar, morir, pararse, perecer
Específicodejar de funcionar, estropearsestop operating
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Similaracudir, asfixiarse, asfixiar, caducar, caer muerto, colgar los guayos, croar, dejar de existir, diñar, entregar el alma, espichar, estirar la pata, estrangular, exhalar el último suspiro, expirar, fallecer, fenecer, finar, irse al otro barrio, ir, morir, palmar, pasar a mejor vida, pasar, perder la vida, perecer, salir de este mundo, salir, sucumbir, vencerPass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life
Inglésfail, go bad, give way, die, give out, conk out, go, break, break down
Catalánavariar-se, espatllar-se, fallar, parar-se
Adjetivorompiblecapable of being broken or damaged
Nombresavería del equipo, avería, falloA cessation of normal operation
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 6, stative
Sentidofail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns.
Sinónimosquebrantar, violar, vulnerar
Específicodesafiargo against
Inglésviolate, go against, break
Catalántrencar, violar, vulnerar
AdjetivoviolableCapable of being violated / violated / violated / violated / violated
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 7, contact
Sentidobreak a piece from a whole.
Generaldesacoplar, despegar, desvincular, separarCause to become detached or separated
Inglésbreak, break off, snap off
Adjetivorompiblecapable of being broken or damaged
Nombresfractura, quebrantamiento, quiebra, rupturaThe act of breaking something
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 8, change
SentidoBecome fractured; break or crack on the surface only.
Sinónimoscomprobar, fracturarse, rajarse, resquebrajar, romperse
Específicoagrietarse, agrietar, cuartearse, cuartear, resquebrajarbreak partially but keep its integrity
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Similaragrietar, resquebrajarmake cracks or chinks in
Ingléscrack, check, break
Catalánesberlar-se, esquerdar-se, esquerdar, esquerdissar, fracturar-se, rompre's, rompre, trencar-se, trencar
Adjetivorompiblecapable of being broken or damaged
Nombresfractura, roturabreaking of hard tissue such as bone
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 9, contact
Sentidoruin completely.
Sinónimosestropearse, romperse
Causa dedescomponerse, desmoronarsego to pieces
Generalarrasar, arruinar, deshacer, destrozar, destruir, romperDestroy completely
Tambiénanalizarmake a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of
arruinar, desbaratar, desintegrar, destrozar, destruir, estropearsmash / smash / smash / smash or break / break forcefully
astillarbreak a small piece off from
cortar, romper, separarse, separar, terminarset or keep apart
desarmar, desarticular, desmantelar, desmontartake apart into its constituent pieces
Contrarioarreglar, atender, componer, recomponer, reparar, restaurar, restituirrestore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn / torn or broken
Similardescomponerse, desmoronarsego to pieces
Inglésbreak, bust
Catalánespatllar-se, trencar-se, trencar
Adjetivorompiblecapable of being broken or damaged
NombresamigoA person (or thing) that breaks up or overpowers something
descalabro, fiascoA complete failure
fractura, quebrantamiento, quiebra, rupturaThe act of breaking something
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 10, change
Sentidoprevent completion.
Sinónimosabandonar, discontinuar, interrumpir, parar, suspender
Específicoatascarse, encallarseget stuck while doing something
cortar, interrumpir, parar, romper, suspendermake a break / break in
fracturarBecome fractured / fractured
Generalacabar, concluir, finalizar, rescindir, terminarBring to an end or halt
Inglésbreak, break off, discontinue, stop
Cataláninterrompre, parar, suspendre
Nombrescesación, descontinuación, interrupción, suspensiónThe act of discontinuing / discontinuing or breaking off
detención, paradaThe act of stopping something
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 11, change
Específicocongelar, suspenderstop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it
suspenderinterrupt before its natural or planned end / end
Generalacabar, concluir, finalizar, rescindir, terminarBring to an end or halt
Inglésinterrupt, break
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 12, change
SentidoBring the association / association / association of to an end or cause to break up.
Generalacabar, concluir, finalizar, rescindir, terminarBring to an end or halt
Similardisolver, proscribirdeclare void
Inglésdissolve, break up
Catalándissoldre, trencar
Nombresdesintegración, disoluciónseparation into component parts
disolución, ruptura, separaciónThe termination or disintegration of a relationship / relationship (between persons or nations)
disolución, suspensiónThe termination of a meeting
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 13, contact
Sentidocut off from a whole.
Sinónimoscortar, podar, separar
Generalcortar, perforar, seccionarseparate with or as if with an instrument
Similarcortar, romper, separarse, separar, terminarset or keep apart
Inglésdiscerp, sever, lop
Catalánesporgar, podar
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 14, change
Sentidobreak into pieces, as by striking or knocking over.
Sinónimoslanzarse, quebrar
Generalfracturar, partir, quebrantar, quebrar, rajar, romperDestroy the integrity of
Similarromperbreak suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow
Ingléssmash, dash
Catalánrompre, trencar
Nombrescinturón, derribo, golpe fuerte, golpe, hostia, lechazo, leche, mamporro, piña, tortazo, zambombazoA vigorous blow
destrozo, estropicio, rompimientoThe act of breaking something into small pieces
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 15, motion
Sentidocurl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves.
Generalcaer, ceder, colapsar, derrumbarse, desplomarse, desplomar, irse a pique, rompersebreak down, literally or metaphorically
Nombrescachón, ola grande, oleaje, rompiente, rompienteswaves breaking on the shore
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 16, body
Sentidobreak (a bone).
Similarfracturarfracture a bone of
fracturarBecome fractured / fractured
Catalánfracturar, trencar
Nombresfractura, quebrantadura, roturaThe act of cracking something
fractura, roturabreaking of hard tissue such as bone
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 17, contact
Sentidopierce or penetrate.
Generaladentrarse, penetrar, profundizarPass into or through, often by overcoming resistance
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 18, change
Sentidopass through (a barrier).
Sinónimosatravesar, penetrar, traspasar
Generalpasargo across or through
Inglésbreak through, crack
Catalánpenetrar, travessar, trencar
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 19, contact
Sentidoset or keep apart.
Sinónimoscortar, separarse, separar, terminar
Generaldividir, separarForce, take, or pull apart
Tambiénestropearse, romperse, romperruin completely
Similarcortar, podar, romper, separarcut off from a whole
Ingléssever, break up
Catalándesunir, esporgar, podar, separar-se, separar
NombresrupturaA personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 20, communication
SentidoHave a breach in relations / relations.
Generalaltercar, discutirse, disputar, pelearseHave a disagreement over something
Inglésfall out
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 21, change
Sentidobreak suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow.
Generalpartirse, romperseBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
Similarlanzarse, quebrar, romperbreak into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 22, emotion
SentidoForce out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up.
GeneralemocionarseGive verbal / verbal / verbal or other expression to one's feelings
Inglésbreak, burst, erupt
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 23, change
Sentidobreak in the staves (of).
Inglésstave in
Catalánesberlar, estavellar
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 24, competition
Sentidomake ineffective.
Sinónimosacabar con, derribar, destruir
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Inglésbreak down, crush
Catalánderrocar, rompre, trencar
Nombresalteración, dislocaciónThe act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 25, change
Sentidochange pace.
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Inglésbreak into
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 26, change
Sentidocome into being.
Generalconstituir, devenir, iniciar, llegar a ser, ponerse, tornar, volverseEnter or assume a certain state or condition
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 27, stative
SentidoGive up.
Causado pordejarCause to give up a habit
Generalacabar, cesar, dejar, descatalogar, descontinuar, discontinuar, parar, terminarput an end to a state or an activity
SimilardejarCause to give up a habit
Español > romper: 28 sentidos > verbo 28, change
SentidoCome to an end.
Generalacabar, concluir, finalizar, rescindir, terminarBring to an end or halt
Inglésdissolve, break up
Catalándissoldre, trencar

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