HyperDic: mutilar

Español > 8 sentidos de la palabra mutilar:
VERBOchangemutilar, incapacitar, inutilizar, invalidar, lisiar, tullirdeprive of strength or efficiency
bodymutilar, lisiarinjure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation
bodymutilardestroy or injure severely
bodymutilar, capar, castrar, emascular, esterilizarmake infertile
changemutilar, desfigurar, desgarrar, destrozardestroy or injure severely
contactmutilar, destrozar, magullar, maltratarinjure badly by beating
changemutilar, castrar, debilitar, emasculardeprive of strength or vigor
changemutilar, asesinaralter so as to make unrecognizable
Español > mutilar: 8 sentidos > verbo 1, change
Sentidodeprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless.
Sinónimosincapacitar, inutilizar, invalidar, lisiar, tullir
Generalablandar, atenuar, debilitar, flaquear, reblandecerlessen the strength of
Ingléscripple, stultify
Catalánesgarriar, esguerrar, incapacitar
Español > mutilar: 8 sentidos > verbo 2, body
Sentidoinjure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation.
Específicoincapacitar, tullirdeprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg
mutilarDestroy or injure severely
Generalherir, lastimar, lesionarCause injuries or bodily harm to
Catalánesguerrar, mutilar
Español > mutilar: 8 sentidos > verbo 3, body
SentidoDestroy or injure severely.
Implicado pordestrozar, magullar, maltratar, mutilarinjure badly by beating
Específicoarrancar, sacarForce with the thumb
Generallisiar, mutilarinjure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation
Inglésmutilate, mar
NombresmutilaciónAn injury that causes disfigurement or that deprives you of a limb or other important body part
Español > mutilar: 8 sentidos > verbo 4, body
Sentidomake infertile.
Sinónimoscapar, castrar, emascular, esterilizar
Específicocapar, castrar, emascularRemove the testicles of a male animal
castrar, esterilizarRemove the ovaries of
vasectomizarRemove the vas deferens
Generalintervenir, operarPerform surgery on
Ingléssterilize, sterilise, desex, unsex, desexualize, desexualise, fix
NombresesterilizaciónThe act of making an organism barren or infertile (unable to reproduce)
Español > mutilar: 8 sentidos > verbo 5, change
SentidoDestroy or injure severely.
Sinónimosdesfigurar, desgarrar, destrozar
Generaldañar, estropear, romperinflict damage / damage upon
Inglésmutilate, mangle, cut up
Cataláncapolar, destrossar, esquinçar, estripar, mutilar
NombresmutilaciónAn injury that causes disfigurement or that deprives you of a limb or other important body part
Español > mutilar: 8 sentidos > verbo 6, contact
Sentidoinjure badly by beating.
Sinónimosdestrozar, magullar, maltratar
Implicaherir, lastimar, lesionarCause injuries or bodily harm to
mutilarDestroy or injure severely
Generalafear, deformar, desfigurar, manchar, perjudicarmar or spoil the appearance of
Inglésmaul, mangle
Cataláncapolar, destrossar, macar, masegar, mutilar
NombresnoqueadorA fighter who batters the opponent / opponent
Español > mutilar: 8 sentidos > verbo 7, change
Sentidodeprive of strength or vigor.
Sinónimoscastrar, debilitar, emascular
Generalablandar, atenuar, debilitar, flaquear, reblandecerlessen the strength of
Inglésemasculate, castrate
Catalánemascular, mutilar
Español > mutilar: 8 sentidos > verbo 8, change
Sentidoalter so as to make unrecognizable.
Generalalterar, confundir, distorsionar, falsear, tergiversarmake false by mutilation or addition
Inglésmangle, mutilate, murder

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