HyperDic: confundir

Español > 17 sentidos de la palabra confundir:
VERBOcommunicationconfundir, engañarcause someone to believe an untruth
cognitionconfundir, asombrar, desconcertar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, sorprenderbe a mystery or bewildering to
communicationconfundir, alterar, distorsionar, falsear, tergiversarmake false by mutilation or addition
emotionconfundir, desconcertar, molestar, perturbar, turbarcause to lose one's composure
cognitionconfundir, aturdir, dejar perplejo, desorientar, tirarbe confusing / confusing or perplexing to
communicationconfundir, defraudar, embabucar, embaír, embaucar, encandilar, engañar, engatusar, enredar, falsear, timarfool or hoax
cognitionconfundirmistake one thing for another
cognitionconfundir, desdibujar, entenebrecer, enturbiar, hacer confuso, mezclarmake unclear, indistinct, or blurred
emotionconfundir, avergonzarcause to be embarrassed
stativeconfundir, embrollar, enredarentrap
cognitionconfundir, entender mal, equivocar, juzgar mal, malentender, mal interpretar, malinterpretarinterpret in the wrong way
creationconfundir, desconcertar, mezclarassemble without order or sense
emotionconfundir, aturdir, consternar, conturbar, desconcertar, desorientarcause to feel embarrassment
communicationconfundir, engañar, tomar el peloconceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end
cognitionconfundir, erraridentify incorrectly
cognitionconfundir, desconcertar, embarullar, enredar, mezclarmix up or confuse
socialconfundiract stealthily or secretively
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 1, communication
SentidoCause someone to believe an untruth.
Específicoconfundir, defraudar, embabucar, embaír, embaucar, encandilar, engañar, engatusar, enredar, falsear, timarfool or hoax
confundir, engañar, tomar el peloconceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end
hacerse pasar porpretend to be someone you are not
Generaldesinformar, despistarGive false / false or misleading information to
Inglésdeceive, betray, lead astray
Adjetivoengañoso, ilusorioCausing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true
engañoso, ilusorioDesigned to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently
Nombresdisimulación, engaño, fingimiento, fraudeThe act of deceiving / deceiving
estafador, trampososomeone who leads you to believe something that is not true
traidorA person who says one thing and does another
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 2, cognition
SentidoBe a mystery or bewildering to.
Sinónimosasombrar, desconcertar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, sorprender
EspecíficoescaparseBe incomprehensible to
Generalaturdir, confundir, dejar perplejo, desorientar, tirarBe confusing / confusing or perplexing to
Tambiéndeducir, resolver, solucionar, solverFind the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning / meaning of
Inglésperplex, vex, stick, get, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, gravel, amaze, dumbfound
Catalándesconcertar, incomodar, irritar, molestar
Nombresabobamiento, alelamiento, atolondramiento, atontamiento, atontolinamiento, desconcierto, ofuscación, perplejidadconfusion resulting from failure to understand
acertijo, enigmaA particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution
enigma, misterioSomething that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
estupefacciónA feeling of stupefied astonishment
pregunta difícil, problema difícilA particularly difficult or baffling question or problem
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 3, communication
Sentidomake false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story.
Sinónimosalterar, distorsionar, falsear, tergiversar
Específicoasesinar, mutilaralter so as to make unrecognizable
Generalcontradecir, desfigurar, desvirtuar, falsificar, tergiversarrepresent falsely
Inglésfalsify, distort, garble, warp
Catalánalterar, distorsionar, tergiversar
NombresalabeoA moral or mental distortion
bola, embuste, falsedad, infundio, mentira, patraña, trolaA false statement
deformación, distorsión, torcimiento, torsiónThe act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean
desfiguración, falsedad, falsificaciónA willful perversion of facts
distorsión, tergiversaciónThe mistake of misrepresenting the facts
falsedad, mentiraThe state of being false / false or untrue
falsificadorsomeone who falsifies / falsifies / falsifies / falsifies
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 4, emotion
SentidoCause to lose one's composure.
Sinónimosdesconcertar, molestar, perturbar, turbar
Específicoafligir, angustiar, atormentar, dolerCause emotional anguish / anguish or make miserable
afligirCause great unhappiness for
avergonzar, confundirCause to be embarrassed
desconcertarCause to be confused / confused emotionally
desconcertar, desquiciar, enervar, molestar, trastornar, turbardisturb the composure of
Generalcausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitarCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
Inglésupset, discompose, untune, disconcert, discomfit
Catalánamoïnar, confondre, desconcertar, molestar, pertorbar, preocupar, torbar
Nombresalteración, descompostura, turbaciónA temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure
alteración, perturbación, trastorno, turbaciónAn unhappy and worried mental state
descompostura, desconcierto, embarazo, turbaciónanxious embarrassment
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 5, cognition
SentidoBe confusing / confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly.
Sinónimosaturdir, dejar perplejo, desorientar, tirar
Específicoasombrar, confundir, desconcertar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, sorprenderBe a mystery or bewildering to
desmoralizarconfuse or put into disorder
desorientarCause to be lost or disoriented
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Similaraturdir, confundir, consternar, conturbar, desconcertar, desorientarCause to feel embarrassment
Inglésconfuse, throw, fox, befuddle, fuddle, bedevil, confound, discombobulate
Catalánconfondre, deixar perplex, desconcertar, desorientar, embolicar, embrollar, ofuscar, tirar, torbar
Nombresabobamiento, alelamiento, atolondramiento, atontamiento, atontolinamiento, desconcierto, ofuscación, perplejidadconfusion resulting from failure to understand
confusión, desordenA mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior
confusión, desconciertoA feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused / confused / confused
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
Sentidofool or hoax.
Sinónimosdefraudar, embabucar, embaír, embaucar, encandilar, engañar, engatusar, enredar, falsear, timar
Específicotomar el pelotell false / false / false information to for fun
Generalconfundir, engañarCause someone to believe an untruth
Inglésgull, dupe, slang, befool, cod, fool, put on, take in, put one over, put one across
Catalánenredar, entabanar
Nombresberzotas, bobo, cabeza de turco, cipote, estúpido, gaviota, idiota, imbécil, mameluco, panoli, primo, tontoA person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
bobo, corto, imbécil, necio, tontoA person who lacks good judgment
bulo, camelo, engañifa, engaño, filfa, fraude, mistificación, pastrana, patraña, trampaSomething intended to deceive
engrupido, incauta, incauto, inocentón, prima, primo, víctimaA person who is tricked or swindled
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 7, cognition
Sentidomistake one thing for another.
Generalconfundir, erraridentify incorrectly
Similarconfundir, desdibujar, entenebrecer, enturbiar, hacer confuso, mezclarmake unclear, indistinct, or blurred
confundir, desconcertar, mezclarAssemble without order or sense
Inglésconfuse, confound
NombresconfusiónA mistake that results from taking one thing to be another
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 8, cognition
Sentidomake unclear, indistinct, or blurred.
Sinónimosdesdibujar, entenebrecer, enturbiar, hacer confuso, mezclar
EspecíficoenlodarCause to become muddy
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Similarconfundirmistake one thing for another
Inglésconfuse, blur, obscure, obnubilate
Catalánconfondre, desdibuixar
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 9, emotion
SentidoCause to be embarrassed; cause to feel self-conscious.
Específicoaturdir, confundir, consternar, conturbar, desconcertar, desorientarCause to feel embarrassment
Generalconfundir, desconcertar, molestar, perturbar, turbarCause to lose one's composure
Inglésembarrass, abash
Catalánapenar, avergonyir, confondre, torbar
Nombrescortedad, encogimiento, ñoñería, ruborFeeling embarrassed due to modesty
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 10, stative
Sinónimosembrollar, enredar
Generalenredarse, implicar, involucrarse, involucrar, pringarseEngage as a participant
Inglésentangle, mire
Nombresenredo, redAn intricate trap that entangles or ensnares its victim
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 11, cognition
Sentidointerpret in the wrong way.
Sinónimosentender mal, equivocar, juzgar mal, malentender, mal interpretar, malinterpretar
Generalconstruir, entender, interpretar, vermake sense of
Inglésmisconstrue, misinterpret, misconceive, misunderstand, misapprehend, be amiss
Catalánconfondre, entendre malament, interpretar malament, malentendre, malinterpretar
Nombresconcepto erróneo, equivocación, error, malentendidoAn incorrect conception
confusión, equivocación, malentendidoAn understanding of something that is not correct
equivocación, error de interpretación, mal entendido, malentendidoputting the wrong interpretation on
tergiversaciónA kind of misinterpretation resulting from putting a wrong construction on words or actions (often deliberately)
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 12, creation
SentidoAssemble without order or sense.
Sinónimosdesconcertar, mezclar
Específicoconfundir, desconcertar, embarullar, enredar, mezclarmix up or confuse
Generalarmar, concentrar, congregar, construir, ensamblar, juntar, montarCreate by putting components or members together
Similarconfundirmistake one thing for another
Inglésjumble, confuse, mix up
Catalánconfondre, desbaratar, desconcertar
Nombresconfusión, desorden, mezcolanza, revoltijoA confused / confused multitude of things
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 13, emotion
SentidoCause to feel embarrassment.
Sinónimosaturdir, consternar, conturbar, desconcertar, desorientar
Específicoapartar, desviar, distraerDraw someone's attention away from something
aturdir, aturrullar, aturullarCause to be nervous or upset
incomodar, irritar, molestarmake confused or perplexed or puzzled
Generalavergonzar, confundirCause to be embarrassed
Tambiéncolocar, poner, situarCause to be in a certain state
Similaraturdir, confundir, dejar perplejo, desorientar, tirarBe confusing / confusing or perplexing to
Inglésconfuse, flurry, disconcert, put off
Catalánatordir, confondre, desconcertar, desorientar, encegar, ofuscar, torbar
Nombresconfusión, desconciertoA feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused / confused / confused
descompostura, desconcierto, embarazo, turbaciónanxious embarrassment
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 14, communication
Sentidoconceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end.
Sinónimosengañar, tomar el pelo
Generalconfundir, engañarCause someone to believe an untruth
Inglésbamboozle, snow, hoodwink, pull the wool over someone's eyes, lead by the nose, play false
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 15, cognition
Sentidoidentify incorrectly.
Específicoconfundirmistake one thing for another
GeneralidentificarConsider to be equal or the same
Inglésmistake, misidentify
Nombresequivocación, error de interpretación, mal entendido, malentendidoputting the wrong interpretation on
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 16, cognition
Sentidomix up or confuse.
Sinónimosdesconcertar, embarullar, enredar, mezclar
Generalconfundir, desconcertar, mezclarAssemble without order or sense
Inglésaddle, muddle, puddle
Catalánconfondre, embolicar
Nombresconfusión, desorden, mezcolanza, revoltijoA confused / confused multitude of things
Español > confundir: 17 sentidos > verbo 17, social
SentidoAct stealthily or secretively.
Generalactuar, comportarse, comportar, comprtarse, hacer, obrar, portarse, portarBehave in a certain manner
Ingléshugger mugger
Nombresbatiborrillo, fárragoA state of confusion

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