Español > engañifa: 2 sentidos > nombre 1, actSentido | Something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage. |
Sinónimos | bulo, camelo, engaño, filfa, fraude, mistificación, pastrana, patraña, trampa |
General | ardid, argucia, arte, artería, astucia, embaucamiento, engaño, estratagema, farfolla, fullería, picaresca, sofisma, treta | The use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them) |
Inglés | fraud, fraudulence, dupery, hoax, humbug, put-on |
Catalán | fraudulència, innocentada, jugada, mistificació, trampa, truc |
Adjetivo | engañoso, falso, fraudulento | Intended to deceive |
Verbos | confundir, defraudar, embabucar, embaír, embaucar, encandilar, engañar, engatusar, enredar, falsear, timar | fool or hoax |
embaucar | trick or deceive |
gastar una broma | subject to a playful hoax or joke |
Español > engañifa: 2 sentidos > nombre 2, actSentido | The act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme. |
Sinónimos | aletazo, arana, embaimiento, embaucamiento, engaño, estafa, fraude, mangancia, petardo, pufo, superchería, timo, tocomocho, trapacería |
Específico | bunco, bunko, camelo, engatusamiento, estafa, fraude, timo | A swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property |
bunco, bunko, camelo, engatusamiento, estafa, fraude, timo | (sometimes offensive) an act of swindling or cheating |
cozenage, estafa, scam | A fraudulent business scheme |
swiz | British slang for a swindle |
trile, trilero | A swindling sleight-of-hand game |
General | fraude | Intentional deception resulting in injury to another person |
Inglés | swindle, cheat, rig |
Catalán | enganyifa, engany, ensarronada, estafada, estafa, martingala, tripijoc |
Verbos | amañar, manipular | manipulate in a fraudulent manner |
amañar | Arrange the outcome of by means of deceit |
atornillar, hacer trampa, los chichos | defeat someone through trickery or deceit |
dar gato por liebre, defraudar, embaucar, engañar, estafar, petardear, timar, victimizar | deprive of by deceit |