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English 5 senses of the word mistake:
NOUNactmistake, error, faulta wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention
cognitionmistake, misunderstanding, misapprehensionan understanding of something that is not correct
communicationmistake, errorpart of a statement that is not correct
VERBcognitionmistake, misidentifyidentify incorrectly
cognitionmistake, err, slipto make a mistake or be incorrect
mistake pronunciation
Rhymesache ... wake / Wake: 58 rhymes with eyk...
Englishmistake: 5 senses noun 1, act
MeaningA wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention.
Example"he made a bad mistake"
Synonymserror, fault
Narrowerballup, balls-up, cockup, mess-upSomething badly botched or muddled
blot, smear, smirch, spot, stainAn act that brings discredit to the person who does it
blunder, blooper, bloomer, bungle, pratfall, foul-up, fuckup, flub, botch, boner, boo-booAn embarrassing mistake
confusion, mix-upA mistake that results from taking one thing to be another
distortionThe mistake of misrepresenting the facts
incursionThe mistake of incurring liability or blame
miscalculation, misreckoning, misestimationA mistake in calculating / calculating
offside(sport) the mistake of occupying an illegal position on the playing field (in football, soccer, ice hockey, field hockey, etc.)
omission, skipA mistake resulting from neglect
oversight, lapseA mistake resulting from inattention
revoke, renegeThe mistake of not following suit when able to do so
slip, slip-up, miscue, parapraxisA minor inadvertent mistake usually observed in speech / speech / speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses etc.
stupidity, betise, folly, foolishness, imbecilityA stupid mistake
Broadernonaccomplishment, nonachievementAn act that does not achieve its intended goal
Spanishequivocación, error, fallo, falta, yerro
Catalanequivocació, error, falla, falta
Verbsmistaketo make a mistake or be incorrect
Englishmistake: 5 senses noun 2, cognition
MeaningAn understanding of something that is not correct.
  • "he wasn't going to admit his mistake"
  • "make no mistake about his intentions"
Synonymsmisunderstanding, misapprehension
BroadermisconceptionAn incorrect conception
Spanishconfusión, equivocación, malentendido
Catalanequivocació, error, malentès
Verbsmistaketo make a mistake or be incorrect
Englishmistake: 5 senses noun 3, communication
MeaningPart of a statement that is not correct.
NarrowercorrigendumA printer's / printer's / printer's error
misprint, erratum, typographical error, typo, literal error, literalA mistake in printed matter resulting from mechanical failures of some kind
BroadermisstatementA statement that contains a mistake
Spanishdesacierto, equivocación, equívoco, error, yerro
Catalandesencert, equivocació, equívoc, errada, error
Verbsmistaketo make a mistake or be incorrect
Englishmistake: 5 senses verb 1, cognition
Meaningidentify incorrectly.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
Example"Don't mistake her for her twin sister"
Narrowerconfuse, confoundmistake one thing for another
BroaderidentifyConsider to be equal or the same
Spanishconfundir, errar
Nounsmistakingputting the wrong interpretation on
Englishmistake: 5 senses verb 2, cognition
MeaningTo make a mistake or be incorrect.
PatternSomebody ----s
Synonymserr, slip
Narrowerfall forBe deceived / deceived, duped, or entrapped by
misjudgejudge / judge incorrectly
misrememberRemember incorrectly
stumble, slip up, trip upmake an error
Spanishconfundirse, entender mal, equivocarse, equivocar, errar, fallir, resbalar
Catalanconfondre's, equivocar-se, errar
Nounsmistakea wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention
mistakean understanding of something that is not correct
mistakepart of a statement that is not correct

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