NOUN | location | position, place | the particular portion of space occupied by something |
location | position, military position | a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons | |
cognition | position, view, perspective | a way of regarding situations or topics etc. | |
attribute | position, posture, attitude | the arrangement of the body and its limbs | |
state | position, status | the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society | |
act | position, post, berth, office, spot, billet, place, situation | a job in an organization | |
attribute | position, spatial relation | the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated | |
location | position | the appropriate or customary location | |
act | position | (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player | |
act | position, placement, location, locating, positioning, emplacement | the act of putting something in a certain place | |
state | position, situation | a condition or position in which you find yourself | |
cognition | position, stance, posture | a rationalized mental attitude | |
communication | position, side | an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute | |
communication | position, place | an item on a list or in a sequence | |
act | position, stead, place, lieu | the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another | |
act | position | the act of positing | |
VERB | motion | position | cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation |
contact | position, put, set, place, pose, lay | put into a certain place or abstract location |
Sounds | pahzih'shahn | |
Rhymes | Aachen ... Zukerman: 2572 rhymes with ahn... |
Meaning | The particular portion of space occupied by something. | |
Synonym | place | |
Attributes | left | Being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north |
right | Being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north | |
Narrower | anomaly | (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun) |
back, rear | The part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer | |
front | The part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer | |
half-mast, half-staff | A position some distance below the top of a mast / mast to which a flag is lowered in mourning or to signal distress | |
juxtaposition | A side-by-side position | |
landmark | The position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape | |
lead | (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base | |
left | location near or direction toward the left side | |
lie | Position or manner in which something is situated | |
pitch | A vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk) | |
pole position | The most favorable position at the start of a race | |
polls | The place where people vote | |
post, station | The position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand | |
pride of place | The first or highest or most important or most ostentatious place | |
right | location near or direction toward the right side | |
setting | The physical position of something | |
site, situation | Physical position in relation to the surroundings | |
stand | The position where a thing or person stands | |
station | (nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty | |
vantage | place or situation affording some advantage (especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspective) | |
wing | (in flight formation) a position to the side and just to the rear of another aircraft | |
Broader | point | The precise location of something |
Spanish | lugar, posición, puesto, sitio | |
Catalan | lloc, posició | |
Adjectives | positional | of or relating to or determined by position |
Verbs | position | cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation |
Meaning | A point occupied by troops for tactical reasons. | |
Synonym | military position | |
Category | military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine | The military forces of a nation |
Narrower | ground | A position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle) |
line | A fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops) | |
Broader | point | The precise location of something |
Spanish | posición estratégica, posición militar, posición | |
Catalan | posició militar, posició |
Meaning | A way of regarding situations or topics etc.. | |
Synonyms | view, perspective | |
Narrower | Weltanschauung, world view | A comprehensive view of the world and human life |
bird's eye view, panoramic view | A situation or topic as if viewed from an altitude or distance | |
futurism | The position that the meaning of life should be sought in the future | |
light | A particular perspective or aspect of a situation | |
paradigm | The generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time | |
sight | A range of mental vision | |
straddle | A noncommittal or equivocal position | |
vanguard, forefront, cutting edge | The position of greatest importance or advancement | |
Broader | orientation | An integrated set of attitudes and beliefs |
Spanish | perspectiva, visión, vista | |
Catalan | perspectiva, visió, vista |
Meaning | The relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society. | |
Example | "atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life" | |
Synonym | status | |
Attributes | dominant | Exercising influence or control |
lower-class, low-class | Occupying the lowest socioeconomic position in a society | |
middle-class | Occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower classes and the wealthy | |
subordinate, low-level | Lower in rank or importance | |
upper-class | Occupying the highest socioeconomic position in a society | |
Narrower | Holy Order, Order | (usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy |
bastardy, illegitimacy, bar sinister | The status of being born to parents who were not married | |
caste | social status or position conferred by a system based on class | |
command | A position of highest authority | |
dignity | High office or rank or station | |
echelon | Status in a society or organization | |
election | The status or fact of being elected | |
equality, equivalence, equation, par | A state of being essentially equal or equivalent | |
face | status in the eyes of others | |
footing, terms | status with respect to the relations / relations between people or groups | |
high ground | A position of superiority over opponents / opponents or competitors | |
high profile | A position attracting much attention and publicity | |
high status | A position of superior / superior status | |
leadership | The status of a leader | |
left-handedness | The status of being born of a morganatic marriage | |
legal status | A status defined by law | |
low status, lowness, lowliness | A position of inferior status | |
nationality | The status of belonging to a particular nation by birth or naturalization | |
nobility, noblesse | The state of being of noble birth | |
ordination | The status of being ordained to a sacred office | |
pedestal | A position of great esteem (and supposed superiority) | |
rank | relative status | |
retirement | The state of being retired from one's business or occupation | |
slot | A position in a hierarchy or organization | |
social station, social status, social rank, rank | Position in a social hierarchy | |
standing | social or financial or professional status or reputation | |
toehold | A relatively insignificant position from which future progress might be made | |
Broader | state | The way something is with respect to its main attributes |
Spanish | distinción, estado, estatus, lugar, posición, prestigio, rango, status | |
Catalan | estatus, posició, rang, status |
Meaning | The spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated. | |
Example | "the position of the hands on the clock" | |
Synonym | spatial relation | |
Attributes | anterior | Of or near the head end or toward the front plane of a body |
exterior | situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building | |
external | happening / happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface | |
inner | Located or occurring within or closer to a center | |
interior | situated within or suitable for inside a building | |
internal | happening / happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface | |
outer | On the outside or further from a center | |
posterior | Located at or near or behind a part or near the end of a structure | |
Narrower | angular position | relation by which any position with respect to any other position is established |
anteriority | The quality of being in front or (in lower animals) toward the head | |
centrality | The property of being central | |
coincidence | The quality of occupying the same position or area in space | |
dead center, dead centre | The position of a crank when it is in line with the connecting rod and not exerting torque | |
direction | The spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves | |
gradient, slope | The property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the horizontal | |
horizontality | The quality of being parallel to the horizon | |
inwardness | The quality or state of being inward or internal | |
malposition, misplacement | Faulty position | |
marginality | The property of being marginal or on the fringes / fringes | |
northernness | The property of being to the north | |
occlusion | (dentistry) the normal spatial relation of the teeth when the jaws are closed | |
outwardness, externality | The quality or state of being outside or directed toward or relating to the outside or exterior | |
placement, arrangement | The spatial property of the way in which something is placed | |
point of view | The spatial property of the position from which something is observed | |
posteriority | The quality of being toward the back / back or toward the rear end | |
room, way, elbow room | Space for movement | |
slot | A position in a grammatical linguistic / linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable | |
southernness | The property of being to the south | |
tilt, list, inclination, lean, leaning | The property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical | |
verticality, verticalness, erectness, uprightness | Position at right angles to the horizon | |
Broader | relation | An abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together |
Spanish | colocación, emplazamiento, localización, lugar, posición, radicación, relación espacial, sitio, situación, ubicación | |
Catalan | col·locació, emplaçament, localització, posició, radicació, relació espaial, situació, ubicació | |
Verbs | position | cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation |
Meaning | The appropriate or customary location. | |
Example | "the cars were in position" | |
Broader | point | The precise location of something |
Spanish | lugar, posición | |
Catalan | lloc, posició | |
Verbs | position | cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation |
Meaning | (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player. | |
Example | "what position does he play?" | |
Category | sport, athletics | An active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition |
Narrower | back | (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage |
catcher | The position on a baseball team of the player who is stationed behind home plate and who catches the balls that the pitcher throws | |
center | A position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the jump that starts the game | |
center | The position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game | |
center field, centerfield | The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the central third of the outfield | |
cleanup, cleanup position, cleanup spot | (baseball) the fourth position in the batting order (usually filled by the best batter on the team) | |
first base, first | The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed at first of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate) | |
forward | A position on a basketball, soccer, or hockey team | |
goalkeeper, goalie, goaltender, netkeeper | The defensive position on an ice hockey or soccer or lacrosse team who stands in front of the goal and tries to prevent opposing players from scoring | |
guard | A position on a basketball team | |
left field, leftfield | The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the left third of the outfield (looking from home plate) | |
lineman | (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed on the line of scrimmage | |
mid-off | The fielding position in cricket closest to the bowler on the off side | |
mid-on | The fielding position in cricket closest to the bowler on the on side | |
pitcher, mound | The position on a baseball team of the player who throws the ball for a batter to try to hit | |
right field, rightfield | The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the right third of the outfield (looking from home plate) | |
second base, second | The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the second of the bases in the infield | |
shortstop, short | The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base | |
third base, third | The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the third of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate) | |
Broader | role | normal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting |
Spanish | posición | |
Catalan | posició |
Meaning | A condition or position in which you find yourself. | |
Example | "the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils" | |
Synonym | situation | |
Narrower | place, shoes | A particular situation |
poverty trap | A situation in which an increase / increase / increase in income results in a loss of benefits so that you are no better off | |
soup | An unfortunate / unfortunate situation | |
stymie, stymy | A situation in golf where an opponent's ball blocks the line between your ball and the hole | |
Broader | condition, status | A state at a particular time |
Spanish | coyuntura, situación, trance | |
Catalan | conjuntura |
Meaning | A rationalized mental attitude. | |
Synonyms | stance, posture | |
Narrower | hard line | A firm and uncompromising stance or position |
point of view, viewpoint, stand, standpoint | A mental position from which things are viewed | |
Broader | attitude, mental attitude | A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways / ways |
Spanish | actitud, posición, postura | |
Catalan | actitud, posició, postura |
Meaning | An opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute. | |
Synonym | side | |
Broader | opinion, view | A message expressing a belief about something |
Spanish | posición, postura | |
Catalan | posició, postura |
Meaning | An item on a list or in a sequence. | |
Example | "moved from third to fifth position" | |
Synonym | place | |
Narrower | postposition | (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element after another (as placing a modifier after the word that it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix after the base to which it is attached) |
preposition | (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached) | |
Broader | item, point | A distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list |
Spanish | lugar, posición, puesto |
Meaning | The post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another. | |
Synonyms | stead, place, lieu | |
Narrower | behalf | As the agent of or on someone's part (usually expressed as "on behalf of"rather than "in behalf of") |
Broader | function, office, part, role | The actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group |
Spanish | lugar, posición, puesto, sitio | |
Catalan | lloc, posició |
Meaning | The act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom. | |
Broader | assumption | The act of assuming or taking for granted |
Verbs | posit | take as a given |
Meaning | Cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation. | |
Pattern | Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody PP; Somebody ----s something PP | |
Narrower | aim, take, train, take aim, direct | Point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards |
deploy | place troops / troops or weapons in battle formation | |
dress, line up | Arrange in ranks | |
orient | Cause to point | |
square | position so as to be square | |
Broader | put, set, place, pose, position, lay | Put into a certain place or abstract location |
Spanish | colocar, posicionar, situar | |
Catalan | col·locar, posicionar, situar | |
Nouns | position | the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated |
position | the particular portion of space occupied by something | |
position | the appropriate or customary location | |
positioner | (computer science) the actuator that moves a read/write head to the proper data track | |
positioning | the act of putting something in a certain place |
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