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English 9 senses of the word repose:
NOUNactrepose, rest, ease, relaxationfreedom from activity (work or strain / strain or responsibility)
feelingrepose, peace, peacefulness, peace of mind, serenity, heartsease, ataraxisthe absence of mental stress or anxiety
attributerepose, quiet, placidity, serenity, tranquillity, tranquilitya disposition free from stress or emotion
VERBconsumptionreposeput or confide something in a person or thing
stativerepose, rest, residebe inherent or innate in
contactreposelie when dead
contactrepose, recumb, reclinelean in a comfortable resting position
contactrepose, lay, put downput in a horizontal position
contactreposeto put something (eg trust) in something
repose pronunciation
RhymesAmbrose ... Windows: 49 rhymes with owz...
Englishrepose: 9 senses noun 1, act
Meaningfreedom from activity (work or strain / strain or responsibility).
Example"took his repose by the swimming pool"
Synonymsrest, ease, relaxation
Narrowerbedrest, bed restconfinement to bed continuously (as in the case of some sick or injured persons)
lazinessRelaxed and easy activity
leisurefreedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity
lie-inA long stay in bed in the morning
quiescence, quiescency, dormancy, sleepingquiet and inactive restfulness
Spanishrelajamiento, relax, reposo
Verbsreposelean in a comfortable resting position
Englishrepose: 9 senses noun 2, feeling
MeaningThe absence of mental stress or anxiety.
Synonymspeace, peacefulness, peace of mind, serenity, heartsease, ataraxis
Broadertranquillity, tranquility, quietness, quietudeA state of peace and quiet
Spanishataraxia, ataraxis, paz, reposo, serenidad, sosiego, tranquilidad de espíritu, tranquilidad
Catalanataraxis, pau, repòs, serenitat
Englishrepose: 9 senses noun 3, attribute
MeaningA disposition free from stress or emotion.
Synonymsquiet, placidity, serenity, tranquillity, tranquility
Narrowerataraxiapeace of mind
Broadercomposure, calm, calmness, equanimitysteadiness of mind under stress
Spanishcalma, placidez, serenidad, sosiego, tranquilidad
Catalanassossec, calma, serenitat, tranquil·litat
Englishrepose: 9 senses verb 1, consumption
Meaningput or confide something in a person or thing.
PatternSomebody ----s something PP
Example"These philosophers reposed the law in the people"
Broaderput, assignAttribute or give
Englishrepose: 9 senses verb 2, stative
MeaningBe inherent or innate in.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Synonymsrest, reside
Broaderinhere in, attach toBe part of
Spanishdescansar, reposar, residir
Catalandescansar, reposar, residir
Englishrepose: 9 senses verb 3, contact
Meaninglie when dead.
PatternSomebody ----s PP
Example"Mao reposes in his mausoleum"
BroaderlieBe lying, be prostrate
Spanishdescansar, reposar
Englishrepose: 9 senses verb 4, contact
MeaningLean in a comfortable resting position.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
ModelThe children repose in the rocking chair; There repose some children in the rocking chair
Synonymsrecumb, recline
NarrowerrestBe at rest
BroaderlieBe lying, be prostrate
Similar toreclineCause to recline
Nounsreposefreedom from activity (work or strain / strain or responsibility)
Englishrepose: 9 senses verb 5, contact
Meaningput in a horizontal position.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody PP; Somebody ----s something PP
Synonymslay, put down
Cause tolieBe lying, be prostrate
Narrowerblowlay eggs
bury, entomb, inhume, inter, lay to restplace in a grave or tomb
laylay eggs
raillay with rails
reburybury again
Broaderput, set, place, pose, position, layPut into a certain place or abstract location
See alsorepose onbe based on
Spanishacostar, colocar, poner, tumbar
Englishrepose: 9 senses verb 6, contact
MeaningTo put something (eg trust) in something.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"The nation reposed its confidence in the King"
Broaderput, set, place, pose, position, layPut into a certain place or abstract location

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