Sentido | steadiness of mind under stress. | |
Sinónimos | autodominio, calma, calmosidad, compostura, ecuanimidad, serenidad | |
Específico | aplomo, sangre fría | Great coolness and composure under strain / strain |
calma, placidez, serenidad, sosiego, tranquilidad | A disposition free from stress or emotion | |
General | carácter, disposición, manera de ser, talante, temperamento | Your usual / usual mood |
Contrario | alteración, descompostura, turbación | A temperament that is perturbed and lacking in composure |
Inglés | composure, calm, calmness, equanimity | |
Catalán | asserenament, assossec, calma, equanimitat, serenitat, tranquil·litat | |
Adjetivo | calmado, sereno, sosegado, tranquilo | not agitated |
equilibrado, sereno, tranquilo | In full control of your faculties | |
Verbos | aplacar, componerse, integrar, serenar, sosegar | calm (someone, especially oneself) |
calmarse | Become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation | |
sedar | Cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to |
Sentido | The act of reassuring; restoring someone's confidence. | |
Sinónimo | consuelo | |
Cualidades | inquietante, intranquilizador, preocupante | not reassuring |
reconfortante, tranquilizador | restoring confidence / confidence and relieving anxiety | |
General | apoyo, ayuda | Aiding the cause or policy or interests of |
Inglés | reassurance | |
Catalán | alleujament, tranquil·litat | |
Verbos | dar confianza, tranquilizar | Cause to feel sure |
tranquilizar | Give or restore confidence in |
Sentido | The condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress). | |
Sinónimos | alivio, desahogo | |
Específico | alivio, calma temporal, respiro, tregua | A (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort |
General | bienestar, confort | A state of being relaxed and feeling no pain |
Inglés | relief, ease | |
Catalán | alleujament, allugeriment, tranquil·litat | |
Verbos | aliviar, apaciguar, aquietar, calmar, disipar, laxar, salvar, tranquilizar | lessen the intensity of or calm |
Sentido | A state of peace and quiet. | |
Sinónimos | quietud, silencio | |
Específico | ataraxia, ataraxis, paz, reposo, serenidad, sosiego, tranquilidad de espíritu, tranquilidad | The absence of mental stress or anxiety |
relajación | A feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry | |
General | calma, sosiego, tranquilidad | A feeling of calm |
Inglés | tranquillity, tranquility, quietness, quietude | |
Catalán | quietud, silenci | |
Adjetivo | apacible, calmado, calmo, plácido, quieto, sereno, sosegado, tranquilo | (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves |
tranquilo | Characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation / agitation / agitation or activity |
Sentido | A feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment. | |
Específico | alivio, desahogo, descanso, respiro, sosiego, tranquilidad | The feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced |
consuelo, solaz | The comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment | |
General | goce, placer | A fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience |
Inglés | comfort | |
Catalán | tranquil·litat |
Sentido | The absence of mental stress or anxiety. | |
Sinónimos | ataraxia, ataraxis, paz, reposo, serenidad, sosiego, tranquilidad de espíritu | |
General | quietud, silencio, tranquilidad | A state of peace and quiet |
Inglés | peace, peacefulness, peace of mind, repose, serenity, heartsease, ataraxis | |
Catalán | ataraxis, pau, repòs, serenitat | |
Verbos | aliviar, apaciguar, aplacar, calmar, pacificar, sosegar, suavizar | Cause to be more favorably inclined |
Sentido | (poetic) tranquil silence. | |
Sinónimos | calma, quietud, silencio | |
Categoría | poema, poesía, verso | literature in metrical form |
General | silencio | The absence of sound |
Inglés | hush, stillness, still | |
Catalán | calma, quietud, tranquil·litat | |
Adjetivo | silencioso | marked by absence of sound |
Verbos | acallar, callar, calmar, silenciar | Cause to be quiet or not talk / talk |
aliviar, apaciguar, aquietar, calmar, disipar, laxar, salvar, tranquilizar | lessen the intensity of or calm | |
apaciguarse, callarse, callar, calmar, serenarse, sosegar, tranquilizarse | Become quiet or quieter | |
aquietar, callar, calmar, serenar, tranquilizar | make calm or still | |
callarse, callar | Become quiet or still |
Sentido | A feeling of calm; an absence of agitation or excitement. | |
Sinónimos | calma, sosiego | |
Específico | cachaza, flema, frialdad, imperturbabilidad, sangre fría | calm and unruffled self-assurance |
placidez | A feeling of calmness | |
quietud, silencio, tranquilidad | A state of peace and quiet | |
General | sensación, sentimiento | The experiencing of affective and emotional states |
Contrario | agitación | The feeling of being agitated |
Inglés | calmness | |
Catalán | asserenament, assossec, calma, tranquil·litat | |
Adjetivo | calmado, sereno, sosegado, tranquilo | not agitated |
Sentido | The act of making less strict / strict. | |
Sinónimos | alivio, desahogo, descanso, liberalización, relajación, sosiego | |
General | alivio, aplacamiento, atenuación, mitigación | The act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance) |
Inglés | liberalization, liberalisation, relaxation | |
Catalán | alleugeriment, alleujament, assossec, descans, liberalització, relaxació, tranquil·litat | |
Verbos | liberalizar | make liberal or more liberal, of laws and rules |
liberalizar | Become more liberal |
Sentido | An untroubled state; free from disturbances. | |
Sinónimo | paz | |
General | orden | Established customary state (especially of society) |
Inglés | tranquillity, tranquility, quiet | |
Catalán | tranquil·litat | |
Adjetivo | apacible, calmado, calmo, plácido, quieto, sereno, sosegado, tranquilo | (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves |
Sentido | A disposition free from stress or emotion. | |
Sinónimos | calma, placidez, serenidad, sosiego | |
Específico | ataraxia | peace of mind |
General | autodominio, calma, calmosidad, compostura, ecuanimidad, serenidad, tranquilidad | steadiness of mind under stress |
Inglés | repose, quiet, placidity, serenity, tranquillity, tranquility | |
Catalán | assossec, calma, serenitat, tranquil·litat | |
Adjetivo | apacible, calmo, placido | not easily irritated |
Verbos | aquietar, callar, calmar, serenar, tranquilizar | make calm or still |
Sentido | The property of making no sound. | |
Sinónimos | calma, quietud | |
General | silencio | The absence of sound |
Inglés | quietness, soundlessness | |
Catalán | calma, quietud, tranquil·litat | |
Adjetivo | calmo, pacífico, quieto, silencioso, silente, suave, tranquilo | Free of noise or uproar |
silencioso | marked by absence of sound |
Sentido | A state that is calm and tranquil. | |
Sinónimos | calma, paz, sosiego | |
General | amistad | A state of friendship and cordiality |
Inglés | peaceableness, peacefulness | |
Catalán | assossec, calma, pau, tranquil·litat | |
Adjetivo | pacífico, pasivo | peacefully resistant in response to injustice |
pacífico | disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature |
Sentido | The feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced. | |
Sinónimos | alivio, desahogo, descanso, respiro, sosiego | |
General | tranquilidad | A feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment |
Inglés | relief, alleviation, assuagement | |
Catalán | alleugeriment, alleujament, assossec, relaxació, tranquil·litat | |
Verbos | aliviar, apaciguar, mitigar, paliar, salvar, suavizar | Provide physical relief, as from pain |
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