HyperDic: suavizar

Español > 12 sentidos de la palabra suavizar:
VERBObodysuavizar, aliviar, apaciguar, mitigar, paliar, salvarprovide physical relief, as from pain
emotionsuavizar, aliviar, apaciguar, aplacar, calmar, pacificar, sosegarcause to be more favorably inclined
changesuavizar, ablandar, dulcificar, enternecer, reblandecer, temperarmake soft or softer
contactsuavizar, alisarmake smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing
changesuavizar, ablandar, dulcificarse, dulcificar, enternecer, reblandecerse, reblandecerbecome soft or softer
perceptionsuavizarmake (images or sounds) soft or softer
contactsuavizar, amortiguar, paliarprotect from impact
changesuavizar, atenuar, debilitar, enrarecerweaken the consistency of (a chemical substance)
changesuavizar, azucarar, confitar, edulcorar, endulzarmake sweeter, more pleasant, or more agreeable / agreeable
changesuavizar, ablandarse, envejecer, sazonar, suavizarsesoften, make mellow
consumptionsuavizar, aliviar, apaciguar, apagar, aplacar, calmar, remojar, saciarsatisfy (thirst)
communicationsuavizar, ablandarplay down or obscure / obscure
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 1, body
SentidoProvide physical relief, as from pain.
Sinónimosaliviar, apaciguar, mitigar, paliar, salvar
Específicoaligerarse, aliviar, dar alivio, laxar, mitigar, reconfortar, relajarselessen pain or discomfort
aliviar, calmar, tranquilizarCause to feel better
Generalameliorar, arreglar, corregir, enriquecer, mejorar, perfeccionarTo make better
Inglésrelieve, alleviate, palliate, assuage
Catalánalleugerir, alleujar, apaivagar, mitigar, salvar, suavitzar
Adjetivoaliviado, atenuación de impactos, lenitivo, paliativomoderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear
Nombresalivio, aplacamiento, atenuación, mitigaciónThe act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance)
alivio, desahogo, descanso, respiro, sosiego, tranquilidadThe feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced
alleviant, paliativo, tratamiento paliativoremedy that alleviates pain without curing
paliacióneasing the severity of a pain or a disease without removing the cause
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 2, emotion
SentidoCause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of.
Sinónimosaliviar, apaciguar, aplacar, calmar, pacificar, sosegar
Generalaquietar, callar, calmar, serenar, tranquilizarmake calm or still
Ingléspacify, lenify, conciliate, assuage, appease, mollify, placate, gentle, gruntle
Catalánalleujar, apaivagar, aplacar, assossegar, conciliar, pacificar, suavitzar
Adjetivoapaciguablecapable of being pacified
apaciguadorIntended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions
Nombresacallamiento, pacificaciónThe act of appeasing someone or causing someone to be more favorably inclined
aplacamiento, conciliación, propiciaciónThe act of placating and overcoming distrust and animosity
ataraxia, ataraxis, paz, reposo, serenidad, sosiego, tranquilidad de espíritu, tranquilidadThe absence of mental stress or anxiety
chupete, chupo, chupón, tetinadevice used for an infant to suck or bite on
conciliadora, conciliador, negociadora, negociador, pacificadorsomeone who tries to bring peace
pazharmonious relations / relations
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 3, change
Sentidomake soft or softer.
Sinónimosablandar, dulcificar, enternecer, reblandecer, temperar
Causa deablandar, dulcificarse, dulcificar, enternecer, reblandecerse, reblandecer, suavizarBecome soft or softer
Específicoablandarse, envejecer, sazonar, suavizarse, suavizarsoften, make mellow
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Contrarioendurecerse, endurecermake hard or harder
Catalánablanir, amorosir, assuavir, entendrir, estovar, reblanir, suavitzar, temperar
Nombresablandamiento, reblandecimiento, suavizaciónThe process of becoming softer
suavizador, suavizanteA substance added to another to make it less hard
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 4, contact
Sentidomake smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing.
Implicaacariciar, friccionar, frotarse, frotar, restregarse, restregarMove over something with pressure
Específicocepillarmake even or smooth, with or as with a carpenter's plane
lijarrub with sandpaper
limarSmooth with a file
rastrillarLevel or smooth with a rake
Generalalterar una superficieUndergo or cause to undergo a change in the surface
Contrarioponerse ásperomake rough or rougher
Ingléssmooth, smoothen
Catalánassuaujar, assuavir, polir, suavitzar
NombreslijadoraA power tool used for sanding wood
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 5, change
SentidoBecome soft or softer.
Sinónimosablandar, dulcificarse, dulcificar, enternecer, reblandecerse, reblandecer
Causado porablandar, dulcificar, enternecer, reblandecer, suavizar, temperarmake soft or softer
Específicoablandarse, dulcificar, endulzarsemake or grow (more) mellow
macerarBecome soft or separate and disintegrate as a result of excessive soaking
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Contrarioendurecerse, endurecerBecome hard or harder
Catalánablanir, amorosir, assuaujar, assuavir, endolcir, entendrir, estovar, reblanir, suavitzar
Nombresablandamiento, reblandecimiento, suavizaciónThe process of becoming softer
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 6, perception
Sentidomake (images or sounds) soft or softer.
Específicoamortiguar, arromar, despuntardeaden (a sound or noise) , especially by wrapping
Generalcambiar la intensidadincrease / increase or decrease in intensity
Contrariodefinirmake (images or sounds) sharp or sharper / sharper
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 7, contact
Sentidoprotect from impact.
Sinónimosamortiguar, paliar
Generalalterar, modificarmake less severe or harsh or extreme / extreme
Ingléscushion, buffer, soften
Nombresacolchamiento, rellenoartifact consisting of soft or resilient material used to fill or give shape or protect or add comfort
amortiguadorA mechanical damper
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 8, change
Sentidoweaken the consistency of (a chemical substance) .
Sinónimosatenuar, debilitar, enrarecer
CategoríaquímicaThe science of matter
Generalablandar, atenuar, debilitar, flaquear, reblandecerlessen the strength of
Inglésrarefy, attenuate
NombresatenuaciónThe property of something that has been weakened or reduced in thickness or density
enrarecimiento, rarefacciónA decrease in the density / density of something
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 9, change
Sentidomake sweeter, more pleasant, or more agreeable / agreeable.
Sinónimosazucarar, confitar, edulcorar, endulzar
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Catalánconfitar, edulcorar, endolcir-se, endolcir, ensucrar
Nombresanzuelo, cebo, gancho, señueloAnything that serves as an enticement / enticement
mejora, mejoría, realceAn improvement that makes something more agreeable
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 10, change
Sentidosoften, make mellow.
Sinónimosablandarse, envejecer, sazonar, suavizarse
Causa deablandarse, dulcificar, endulzarsemake or grow (more) mellow
Generalablandar, dulcificar, enternecer, reblandecer, suavizar, temperarmake soft or softer
Catalánablanir-se, envellir, reblanir-se
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 11, consumption
Sentidosatisfy (thirst).
Sinónimosaliviar, apaciguar, apagar, aplacar, calmar, remojar, saciar
Implicacomer, consumir, ingerir, tomarServe oneself to, or consume regularly
Generalajustar, copar, corresponder, encajar, satisfacerFill or meet a want or need
Inglésquench, slake, allay, assuage
Catalánalleujar, apaivagar, calmar, sadollar, suavitzar
Español > suavizar: 12 sentidos > verbo 12, communication
Sentidoplay down or obscure / obscure.
Generalacomodar, mimetizar, minimizarunderstate the importance or quality of

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