HyperDic: gancho

Español > 14 sentidos de la palabra gancho:
NOMBREattributegancho, atractivo, encanto, seducciónattractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates
artifactgancho, garfioa curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something
actgancho, bofetada, paliza, pinchazo, punch, puñetazo, puñete, tortazo(boxing) a blow with the fist
artifactgancho, garfio, garraa mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something
shapeganchoa sharp curve or crook
shapegancho, espolónany sharply pointed projection
cognitiongancho, anzuelo, cebo, señueloanything that serves as an enticement / enticement
artifactganchoa catch for locking a door
artifactgancho, colgadero, perchaanything from which something can be hung
actganchoa swinging blow directed upward (especially at an opponent's chin)
person gancho, atracciónan entertainer who attracts large audiences
attributegancho, fuerza de atracciónthe capacity for attracting people (customers or supporters / supporters)
actganchoa basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket
communicationganchoan attention-getting opening presented at the start of a television show
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 1, attribute
SentidoAttractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates.
Sinónimosatractivo, encanto, seducción
Específicocanto de sirenaThe enticing appeal of something alluring but potentially dangerous
graciachildlike charm or appeal
Generalatracción, atractividad, atractivoSexual allure
Inglésappeal, appealingness, charm
Catalánencant, encís
Adjetivoatrayente, simpático(of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings
Verbosapelar, atraerBe attractive to
captar, capturar, cautivar, conquistar, deleitar, enamorar, encantar, fascinarattract
incitar, influenciar, influir, tentarinduce into action by using one's charm
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 2, artifact
SentidoA curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something.
Específicoabotonador, abrochadorA hook for pulling a button through a buttonhole
anzuelo, hamoA sharp barbed hook for catching fish
bicheropole-handled hook used to pull or push boats
gancho para tazashook (usually on the underside of a shelf) for hanging cups
Generalherramienta, implemento, instrumentoinstrumentation (a piece of equipment or tool) used to effect an end
Verbosechar el anzuelo, engancharcatch with a hook
hacer ganchillomake a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 3, act
Sentido(boxing) a blow with the fist.
Sinónimosbofetada, paliza, pinchazo, punch, puñetazo, puñete, tortazo
Categoríaboxeo, pugilismo, puñetazosfighting with the fists
Específicocogotazo, collejaA short chopping blow to the back of the neck
contraataque, contragolpe, quiteA return punch (especially by a boxer)
golpe bajoAn unexpected punch
Generalgolpe, golpetazo, impactoA powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon
Ingléspunch, clout, poke, lick, biff, slug
Catalánclatellot, mastegot, punyada
Verbosabofetear, agarrar a puñetazos, apuñear, apuñetear, dar puñetazosstrike, usually with the fist
aporrear, golpear, librar, martillear, moler a paloshit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument
cruzar el rostro, dar un tortazostrike hard, especially with the fist
currar, liarse a puñetazosstrike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat
dar un puñetazodeliver a quick blow to
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 4, artifact
SentidoA mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something.
Sinónimosgarfio, garra
Part dearpeo, garabato, garfioA tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding
colgador, perchaA hanger that is shaped like a person's shoulders and used to hang garments on
Específicoancla, áncoraA mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving
escarpiaOne of a series of hooks used to hold cloth on a tenter
garabatoAn S-shaped hook to suspend a pot over a fire
Generaldispositivo mecánicomechanism consisting of a device that works on mechanical principles
Ingléshook, claw
Catalánganxo, garfi, garra
VerbosengancharFasten with a hook
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 5, shape
SentidoA sharp curve or crook; a shape resembling a hook.
Específicocircunvolución uncinada, uncus(biology) any hook-shaped process or part
GeneralcurvaThe trace of a point whose direction of motion changes
Ingléshook, crotchet
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 6, shape
SentidoAny sharply pointed projection.
Generalresalto, salienteAny solid convex shape that juts out from something
Inglésspur, spine, acantha
Catalánesperó, ganxo
Adjetivoespinososhaped like a spine or thorn
Verbosespolearstrike with a spur
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 7, cognition
SentidoAnything that serves as an enticement / enticement.
Sinónimosanzuelo, cebo, señuelo
GeneraltentaciónSomething that seduces or has the quality to seduce
Inglésbait, come-on, hook, lure, sweetener
Catalánedulcorant, esquer
VerbosatosigarLure, entice, or entrap with bait
atraer, engancharentice and trap
azucarar, confitar, edulcorar, endulzar, suavizarmake sweeter, more pleasant, or more agreeable / agreeable
causar adicción en, engancharse, enganchar, volver adictoTo cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug)
incitar, tentarProvoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 8, artifact
SentidoA catch for locking a door.
Generalaldaba, pestilloA fastener that fastens or locks a door or window
VerbosengancharFasten with a hook
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 9, artifact
SentidoAnything from which something can be hung.
Sinónimoscolgadero, percha
Específicobarra de soportehanger consisting of a loop of leather suspended from the ceiling of a bus or train
colgador, perchaA hanger that is shaped like a person's shoulders and used to hang garments on
Generalapoyo, soporteAny device that bears the weight of another thing
Catalánganxo, penja-robes, perxa
VerboscolgarCause to be hanging or suspended
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 10, act
SentidoA swinging blow directed upward (especially at an opponent's chin).
Generalgolpe, golpetazo, impactoA powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 11, person
SentidoAn entertainer who attracts large audiences.
Generalanimador, artista, humoristaA person who tries to please or amuse
Inglésdrawing card, draw, attraction, attractor, attracter
Verbosatraerdirect toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 12, attribute
SentidoThe capacity for attracting people (customers or supporters / supporters).
Sinónimofuerza de atracción
Generalatracción, atractivoThe quality of arousing interest
Inglésdrawing power
Catalánestil, força atractiva
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 13, act
SentidoA basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket.
Ingléshook shot, hook
Español > gancho: 14 sentidos > nombre 14, communication
SentidoAn attention-getting opening presented at the start of a television show.
Generalabertura, apertura, comienzoThe initial part of the introduction
Uso decoloquialismo, expresión coloquial, vulgarismoA colloquial expression

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