Sentido | Sexual allure. |
Sinónimos | atracción, atractivo |
Cualidades | atractivo | pleasing to the eye / eye or mind especially through beauty or charm |
Específico | adorabilidad | extreme / extreme attractiveness |
atracción sexual, salero, sex-appeal | Attractiveness to the opposite sex |
atractivo, encanto, gancho, seducción | Attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates |
carisma, pegue | A personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others |
General | belleza, guapa, guapo | The qualities that give pleasure to the senses |
Contrario | falta de atractivo | An ugliness of appearance that is not appealing to viewers |
Inglés | attractiveness |
Catalán | atracció, atractiu, atractivitat |
Adjetivo | atractivo | pleasing to the eye / eye or mind especially through beauty or charm |