Español > vulgarismo: 2 sentidos > nombre 1, communicationSentido | A colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech. |
Sinónimos | coloquialismo, expresión coloquial |
General | expresión | The style of expressing yourself |
Uso | a plomo, completamente | exactly |
abemoladamente, angelicalmente, dulcemente, gustosamente, ricamente, sabrosamente | In an affectionate or loving manner ('sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of 'sweetly') |
abrirse, esfumarse, largarse | Leave suddenly |
acabado, perdido | Destroyed or killed / killed |
agallas, cojones, coraje, discernimiento, huevos, moxie, nervio, sangre fría, valor | fortitude and determination |
agitado, perturbado | Thrown into a state of agitated confusion / confusion |
agotado, derrotado, hecho polvo | Very tired |
agresión, agresivo | (informal British usage) aggravation or aggression |
agua de fuego | Any strong spirits (such as strong whisky or rum) |
aguafiestas, cenizo, gafe | someone who spoils the pleasure of others |
aire cargado, aire viciado | (British informal) an airless smoky smelly atmosphere |
ajetreado | marked by excited activity |
alcornoque, atún, bobales, bobalicón, bobo, bodoque, borrico, cateto, cebollino, ceporro, cernícalo, ganso, gaznápiro, imbécil, lechuzo, lila, majadero, memo, mentecato, percebe, simple, tarado, tontaina, tontorrón, vaina, zopenco, zote | A stupid incompetent person |
algún | remarkable |
alucinado, colocado, flipado | Under the influence of narcotics |
ambulancia de locos | An ambulance used to transport / transport patients to a mental hospital |
andar a pie, ir a pie | walk |
ansioso, deseoso | eagerly desirous |
aparentemente, claramente, claro, evidentemente, manifiestamente, obviamente, patentemente | unmistakably ('plain' is often used informally for 'plainly') |
apestoso, asqueroso, podrido | Very bad |
apestoso | (British informal) malodorous |
aplastar, derrota, golpe bajo, golpe decisivo | A crushing remark |
apuesta | A risky and uncertain venture |
arenga | A speech of exhortation attempting to instill enthusiasm and determination in a team or staff |
arriesgado, azaroso | subject to accident or chance or change |
atascado | baffled |
atontado, aturdido, grogui | dazed from or as if from repeated blows |
atrevido, estrafalario, extravagante, original | informal terms |
avispado, espabilado | (British informal) not to be deceived / deceived or hoodwinked |
badana, flojo, holgazán, manta, perezoso | A lazy person |
baladí, fútil, insignificante, insustancial, intrascendente, nimio, pequeño, trivial | (informal) small and of little importance |
barato, caseoso, chungo, malo | Of very poor quality |
besuqueo | (British informal) cuddle and kiss |
bien, correcto | satisfactory or in satisfactory condition |
bien, satisfactoriamente | In a satisfactory / satisfactory or adequate manner |
bien, exhaustivamente, minuciosamente, profundamente | Completely and absolutely ('good' is sometimes used informally for 'thoroughly') |
bizco | (British informal) cross-eyed |
bobo, estúpido, ridículo, tonto | Having or revealing stupidity |
bofia, gris, guili, guindilla, guripa, madero, marrón, pasma, pitufo, policía, poli, polizonte, romano, tira, tombo | uncomplimentary terms for a policeman |
boquiabierto, pasmado, patidifuso, patitieso | With eyes or mouth open in surprise |
botín | Valuable goods |
brava, bravo, excelente, magnífico | Very good |
brillante, roca | diamonds |
bromista, chistoso | A witty amusing person who makes jokes |
buena prenda | An attractive outfit |
bárbaro, bestial, brutal, chachi, enorme, fenomenal, genial, gran, guay, súper | Very good |
cabezada, cabezadilla, pestañada, siesta liviana, siesta, sueñecito | Sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed) |
cabreado, enfadado, mosqueado | roused to anger |
caldo | An unfortunate / unfortunate situation |
cantarina | A female singer |
carcamal, carroza, fósil, vejestorio | someone whose style is out of fashion |
cargado | (British informal) poorly ventilated |
carne de cañón | soldiers who are regarded as expendable in the face of artillery fire |
cazacerebros, cazador de cabezas, cazaejecutivos, cazatalentos | A recruiter of personnel (especially for corporations) |
chalado, excéntrico | not behaving normally |
chalado, chiflado, ido, majara, majareta, pirado, tipo raro | someone deranged and possibly dangerous |
charla inconsistente | voluble conversation |
chico, chiquitín, pequeñito | (used informally) very small |
chungo | nonstandard |
ciertamente, con bastante seguridad, con certeza, con seguridad, seguramente, seguro, sin duda | definitely or positively ('sure' is sometimes used informally for 'surely') |
clase | elegance in dress or behavior |
cobarde, gallina, miedoso, temeroso | easily frightened |
colosal, enorme, gigante | (used informally) very large |
complejo, cuelgue, lío emocional, trauma | An emotional preoccupation / preoccupation |
comprender, entender, figurarse, representarse | understand |
conejito | (usually informal) especially a young rabbit |
correcto, de lleno, exactamente | exactly |
cuchitril | filthy run-down dilapidated housing |
cupón, vale | A source of income or livelihood |
cómodo, confortable | Providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief ('comfy' is informal) |
de cabeza, de lleno, directamente, directo | directly |
de lleno | heartily or earnestly |
de ninguna forma, de ninguna manera, en ningun caso | definitely not |
decente, visible | decently clothed |
derrotamiento | A state of extreme / extreme exhaustion |
desastre, inútil | someone who is unsuccessful |
descabellado, disparatado | foolish |
descarga | An informal expression for a mildly depressed state |
descomunal, enorme | (British informal) enormous |
divertidísimo, divertido | Very funny |
dondequiera, en cualquier parte | At or in or to any place |
dudoso, extraño, raro, sospechoso | not as expected |
económico, frugal | avoiding waste |
embarullo, jerigonza | An incomprehensible talk |
en alguna parte, en algún lugar | In or at or to some place |
en cualquier caso | definitely or certainly |
en todas partes, por todas partes | To or in any or all places |
endiablado, infernal | Very unpleasant |
enterado, listillo, marisabidilla, sabelotodo, sabidillo, sabihondo | someone who thinks he knows everything and refuses to accept advice or information from others |
enésimo | last in an indefinitely numerous series |
estafador, falsificador | someone who passes bad checks or counterfeit paper money |
estirado, persona estirada, pureta, virote | A bore who is extremely formal, pompous, and old-fashioned |
estrafalario, tonto | Ludicrous, foolish |
estropeado | Out of working order ('busted' is an informal substitute for 'broken') |
exagerado | pretentious (especially with regard to language or ideals) |
excelente, gran, grande, magnífico | Of the highest quality |
facilmente, fácilmente, fácil | With ease / ease / ease / ease ('easy' is sometimes used informally for 'easily') |
favorito, protegido | favorite |
faz, fisiognomía, fisionomía, fisonomía, rostro, semblante | The human face ('kisser' and 'smiler' and 'mug' are informal terms for 'face' and 'phiz' is British) |
filmado | recorded / recorded for broadcast / broadcast |
fútil, insignificante | (British informal) trivial |
gafe | (usually used colloquially) causing or accompanied by misfortune |
ganancioso, sustancioso | lucrative |
gancho | An attention-getting opening presented at the start of a television show |
gandul, holgazán, indolente, perezoso, vago | constitutionally lazy or idle |
gran, grande | significant / significant / significant / significant |
guapo | (informal British) sexually attractive |
guay, tope, total | (British informal) very chic |
hombre | A male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman |
in | currently fashionable |
informal | not homosexual |
intelectual | Highly cultured or educated |
intento | A chance to do something |
johnny | 'Johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War |
jurásico, prehistórico | no longer fashionable |
lata | Something tedious and boring |
lata, palo | A conservative who is old-fashioned or dull in attitude or appearance |
lavado de dinero, operación ficticia | Any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out |
lentamente | Without speed ('slow' is sometimes used informally for 'slowly') |
liquidación | A very large profit |
lleno | crammed with food |
lleno, repleto | Filled to capacity |
loco | possessed by inordinate excitement |
luego | (old-fashioned or informal) in a little while |
lunático | insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon |
lívido | furiously angry |
mafia | Any tightly knit group of trusted associates / associates |
magnitud, realidad, tamaño | The actual state of affairs |
mal | Feeling physical discomfort or pain ('tough' is occasionally used colloquially for 'bad') |
manojo | A bunch |
molido | (British informal) exhausted or worn out |
mono | (British informal) pretty and neat |
máxima aceleración | (colloquial) the application of maximum thrust |
negocio | Your occupation or line of work |
oculus, ojo | The organ of sight |
orden de arresto | A warrant to take someone into custody |
pajarito | small bird |
perista | A dealer in stolen property |
pez gordo | An important influential person |
plaga | An annoyance |
plop | With a short hollow thud |
portavoz, representante | A spokesperson (as a lawyer) |
preciso | accurate and to the point |
radiocaset | A portable stereo |
ratonera | A small dirty uncomfortable room |
sabueso | someone who is a detective |
salir | happen or take place |
suave | not burdensome or demanding |
tajo | An excavation |
temible | impressively difficult |
terriblemente | Used as intensifiers |
trabajo sucio | Difficult work |
trompa | The human nose (especially when it is large) |
vía | A situation offering opportunities |
ásperamente, belicosamente, bruscamente, brusquedad, toscamente | With roughness or violence ('rough' is an informal variant for 'roughly') |
Inglés | colloquialism |
Catalán | expressió col·loquial |
Español > vulgarismo: 2 sentidos > nombre 2, communicationSentido | An offensive or indecent word or phrase. |
Sinónimos | obscenidad, vulgaridad |
Específico | escatología | A preoccupation / preoccupation with obscenity (especially that dealing with excrement or excretory functions) |
General | grosería, lenguaje soez, vulgaridad | Vulgar or irreverent speech or action |
Uso | achuchón, caliqueño, cardar, casquete, chinga, clavo, culo, echar un polvo, follada, follar, fornicar, joder, kiki, mantecao, polvete, polvo, puñetero, revolcón | slang for sexual intercourse |
bastardo, cabrón, capullo, cerdo, gilipollas, hideputa, hijo de puta, hijoputa, hijueputa, huevón, pendejo | insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous |
bicho, cipote, huevo, nabo, paloma, picha, pichi, pichula, pico, pilila, pinga, pipe, pito, polla, poste, reata, turca, verga | obscene / obscene terms for penis |
bojote, caca, cagarria, cerote, mierda, mojón, ñorda, turd, zurullo | obscene / obscene terms for feces |
huevada, mierda | obscene / obscene words for unacceptable behavior |
pipí, pis | informal terms for urination |
Inglés | obscenity, smut, vulgarism, filth, dirty word |
Catalán | obscenitat, vulgarisme, vulgaritat |
Adjetivo | aborrecible, asquerosa, asqueroso, detestable, intolerable, repugnante, repulsivo | Offensive to the mind |
grosero, lascivo, libidinoso, luxurioso, obsceno, verde, vicioso | Characterized by obscenity |